VAVA - Life's a struggle - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction VAVA - Life's a struggle

Life's a struggle
Life's a struggle
In 1995, I came into this world
在此我想給我的母親, 最真誠的致謝
Here I want to give my mother, my most sincere thanks
為了把我養大, 放棄了他的事業
To raise me, gave up his career
可是我卻讓他痛苦, 在每個日夜
But I let him suffer, in every day and night
外婆他告訴我, 我的父親早已死去
My grandmother told me, my father had already died
當時的情形我還記得, 房間一片死寂
The situation at that time I can still remember, the room was silent
此情此景, 我已經不想再去回憶
This situation, I don't want to remember it again
還有我那些素未謀面, 哥哥姐姐弟弟
And those brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters who I have never met before
Back to school, 我不聽話
Back to school, I was disobedient
讓老師同學害怕, 他們互相說悄悄話
Make the teacher classmates afraid, they whisper to each other
我把罪惡都犯下, 這畫面一霎那乍現
I committed all the sins, this scene flashed for a moment
像一隻大雁, 我怕見到曾經犯下錯的那面
Like a goose, I am afraid to see the face of the mistake I made
把戾氣帶進學校, 逃學我找到訣竅
Bring hostility into the school, I found the knack of truancy
警察把我找到, 媽媽哭著說我還年少
The police found me, my mother cried and said I was still young
那時我覺得, 所有人都跟我作對
At that time I felt, everyone was against me
我在我自己的世界, 盡情的落墜
I am in my own world, falling freely
離家出走的我, 那時還是未滿15
I ran away from home, that time I was still under 15 years old
我打架逃學, 成為了全家人的恥辱
I fought and skipped school, and became the shame of my family
我討厭約束, 討厭被禁錮
I hate constraints, hate being imprisoned
用最極端的方法, 讓傷害過我的人記住
Use the most extreme methods, so that those who have hurt me will remember
你是否有時覺得, 命運它對你不公
Do you sometimes feel, fate is unfair to you
但有時又會學著, 在沉重裡找輕鬆
But sometimes I will learn, to find relaxation in heaviness
我仰望星空, 把過去冰封
I look up at the starry sky, freezing the past
我發誓絕不會像他們一樣, 過得那麼平庸
I swear that I will never be like them, living so mediocre
Life′s a struggle, 日子還要過
Life′s a struggle, life goes on
平常喜怒哀樂之後, 又是數不清的troubles
After the usual joys and sorrows, there are countless troubles
Everyday, 有多少問題要去面對
Everyday, how many problems need to be faced
有多少夜, 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
How many nights, pain and worries keep you from falling asleep
Life's a struggle, 日子還要過
Life's a struggle, life goes on
平常喜怒哀樂之後, 又是數不清的troubles
After the usual joys and sorrows, there are countless troubles
Everyday, 有多少問題要去面對
Everyday, how many problems need to be faced
有多少夜, 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
How many nights, pain and worries keep you from falling asleep
誰都一樣, 會生老病死
Everyone is the same, they will be born, grow old, sick and die
真相被遺忘, 被藏進信紙
The truth is forgotten, hidden in the letter
樹葉在流浪, 風還沒靜止
The leaves are wandering, the wind has not stopped
You and I want to be famous forever
從小我就知道, 腳要踩地天在頭頂
I have known since I was a child, that my feet must be on the ground and the sky above my head
佛在上方俯瞰, 眾生就像螻蟻
Buddha is looking down from above, all beings are like ants
不用害怕, 黑暗戰勝不了光
Don't be afraid, the darkness will not defeat the light
你保持真實, 就會得到愛的表彰
You keep it real, you will be recognized for your love
我想要什麼, 我會通過努力獨立去爭
What I want, I will strive to achieve it on my own
不是像個孩子, 在我身後狂噴
Not like a child, spraying behind me
想要夢想的路, 永遠亮著綠燈
The path to the dream, always green light
就算跪著, 也要朝著目標狂奔
Even if I kneel, I will rush towards the goal
I don't care what you think
當我需要精神救贖, 你又在哪
When I need spiritual salvation, where are you
太多必要交際, 在不停交替著
Too many necessary social interactions, constantly alternating
提醒我, 這虛偽面具下的臉都太假
Remind me, the faces under this hypocritical mask are all too fake
夢中小路, 我不會停下腳步
The path in the dream, I will not stop
都想成功, 可成功畢竟占少數
All want to succeed, but few succeed
I slowly changed from reckless to solid
I find treasures in the dirty mud
How can life be without suffering
At every fork in the road, I carefully consider
Now I'm standing here
The sun rises as usual
不管遇到什麼, 笑著面對才是真理
No matter what, smiling is the truth
Life′s a struggle, 日子還要過
Life′s a struggle, life goes on
平常喜怒哀樂之後, 又是數不清的troubles
After the usual joys and sorrows, there are countless troubles
Everyday, 有多少問題要去面對
Everyday, how many problems need to be faced
有多少夜, 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
How many nights, pain and worries keep you from falling asleep
Life's a struggle, 日子還要過
Life's a struggle, life goes on
平常喜怒哀樂之後, 又是數不清的troubles
After the usual joys and sorrows, there are countless troubles
Everyday, 有多少問題要去面對
Everyday, how many problems need to be faced
有多少夜, 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
How many nights, pain and worries keep you from falling asleep
Life's a struggle, 日子還要過
Life's a struggle, life goes on
平常喜怒哀樂之後, 又是數不清的troubles
After the usual joys and sorrows, there are countless troubles
Everyday, 有多少問題要去面對
Everyday, how many problems need to be faced
有多少夜, 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
How many nights, pain and worries keep you from falling asleep
Life′s a struggle, 日子還要過
Life′s a struggle, life goes on
平常喜怒哀樂之後, 又是數不清的troubles
After the usual joys and sorrows, there are countless troubles
Everyday, 有多少問題要去面對
Everyday, how many problems need to be faced
有多少夜, 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡
How many nights, pain and worries keep you from falling asleep

Writer(s): Double G, Shawn Sung

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