El pibe bufanda roja entró al bar, a viejas y a pendejas sacó a bailar, nadie lo entendía pero él sabía lo que hacía, la gente revivió y empezó a mirar...
Pibe Bufanda Roja entered the bar, he made the old ladies and young girls dance, nobody understood him but he knew what he was doing, people came back to life and started to watch...
No vino a robar,
He didn't come to steal,
Él no vino a hacerte mal,
He didn't come to harm you,
Sólo te quiere divertir...
He just wants to have fun...
A las almas sin luz él puso a brillar
He made the soulless shine
Y su corazón...
And his heart...
Dejó de latir
Stopped beating
Los de acá no dejamos de pensar
Those of us here never stop thinking
En el pibe que un dia se cansó de caminar,
About the guy who one day got tired of walking,
Flores le llevamos para que descanse en paz aunque todo comenzo...
We bring flowers for him to rest in peace although it all began...
Cuando el pibe bufanda roja entró al bar, a viejas y a pendejas sacó a bailar, nadie lo entendía pero él sabía lo que hacía, la gente revivió y empezó a mirar...
When Pibe Bufanda Roja entered the bar, he made the old ladies and young girls dance, nobody understood him but he knew what he was doing, people came back to life and started to watch...
Ay! No vino a robar,
Oh! He didn't come to steal,
Él no vino a hacerte mal,
He didn't come to harm you,
Sólo te quiere divertir...
He just wants to have fun...
A las almas sin luz él puso a brillar
He made the soulless shine
Y su corazón...
And his heart...
Dejó de latir.
Stopped beating.
El pibe bufanda roja entró al bar, a viejas y a pendejas sacó a bailar, nadie lo entendía pero él sabía lo que hacía, la gente revivió y empezó a mirar...
Pibe Bufanda Roja entered the bar, he made the old ladies and young girls dance, nobody understood him but he knew what he was doing, people came back to life and started to watch...
Ay! No vino a robar,
Oh! He didn't come to steal,
Él no vino a hacerte mal,
He didn't come to harm you,
Sólo te quiere divertir...
He just wants to have fun...
A las almas sin luz él puso a brillar
He made the soulless shine
Y su corazón...
And his heart...
Dejó de latir.
Stopped beating.
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