Dicen que me andan buskando que me kieren agarrar, ruegenle a dios no enkontrarme porqe les puede pesar, mi gente se me enloqece kuando le ordeno matar.
They say they're looking for me, that they want to catch me, they beg God not to find me because it could weigh on them, my people go crazy when I order them to kill.
Ya mucho tiempo fui pobre, mucha gente me a humillado, empeze a ganar billetes, las kosas estan volteadas, ahora me llaman patron, tengo mi clave privada.
I was poor for a long time, many people humiliated me, I started earning money, things are turned upside down, now they call me boss, I have my private key.
Yo me paseo por tijuana en mi cheyene del año dos hobres en la cajuela con un cuerno en cada mano de vigilancia dos carros por si sucede algo extraño.
I walk around Tijuana in my two-year-old Cheyene, two men in the trunk with a horn in each hand, two cars on guard in case something strange happens.
Voy a seguir trabajando mientras tenga compradores en los estados unidos alla existen los mejores compran cien kilos de koka como comprar unas flores. ya kisieran
I'm going to keep working as long as I have buyers in the United States, there are the best, they buy a hundred kilos of coke as if they were buying some flowers, they would like that.
Los de agua blanka sonora
Those from Agua Blanca, Sonora
Un saludo am los de villa juarez
A greeting to those from Villa Juarez
Kiero mandar un saludo a toditos los presentes amigos que estan conmigo y tambien a los ausentes brindemos por las mujeres las llevo siempre en mi mente.
I want to send a greeting to all the friends present, who are with me and also to those who are absent, let's toast the women, I always carry them in my mind.
Mi orgullo es ser sinaloense lo digo donde yo quiero estado de muchos gallos que se encuentran prisioneros pero este gallo es mas gallo les kanta en su gallinero.
My pride is to be from Sinaloa, I say it where I want, a state of many roosters that are prisoners, but this rooster is more rooster, it sings to them in their henhouse.
Pongan cuidado señores que andan buscando la muerte el miedo no lo conosco para eso no tuve suerte soy del cerca de culiacan tierra de puros valientes
Pay attention, gentlemen, who are looking for death, I don't know fear, that's not my luck, I'm from near Culiacan, land of pure bravery.
Ahi les mandamos tmb el pedido
There we also send you the order.
Me esta sonando mi viper y tambien mi celular ha de ser otro pedido de mi marca original no se me aguite mi hugito yo se las he de entregar
My viper is ringing and also my cell phone, it must be another order of my original brand, don't worry, my hugito, I'll deliver them to you.
Primero rajo un pakete super fumo inundo el cuartto las piedritas bien molidas hacen atractivo el guato
First I split a super smoke package, I flood the room, the crushed stones make the guato attractive.
Luego las hecho en la bolsas me voii me tan esperando en el kamino la pruebo para poder kalibrar lo kaliente k esta el rancho
Then I put them in the bags, I leave, they are waiting for me on the way, I try them to calibrate how hot the ranch is.
Las kalles de esta ciudad
The streets of this city
Por eso no me preokupo malverde me ha de cuidar sig chambeando agustop oiga al kabo ai ta malverde
That's why I don't worry, Malverde will take care of me, keep working hard, listen at the end there is Malverde.
El molino k tenia io ia lo mande guardar xk a minnuevo mercado kiza no le va a gustar ke les entrege machaca oii
The mill I had, I have already sent it to store, because the new market will not like me to give them machaca.
Les vendo original
I sell you the original.
La reina bien lavadita tiene un sabor especial
The well-washed queen has a special flavor.
El escorpion ii la krakma
The scorpion and the crackma.
La lluvia d oro y la apollo saben el sueño kitarr
The golden rain and the apollo know the dream kitarr.
En puro salon d baile hay me van a encotrar tomando puro buchannas con morritas pa bailar
In a pure dance hall, there you will find me, drinking pure Buchanan's with girls to dance with.
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