Valete - Pseudo MCs (feat. Bónus) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Valete - Pseudo MCs (feat. Bónus)

Pseudo MCs (feat. Bónus)
Pseudo MCs (feat. Bónus)
Wak mcs nao tem diploma mas sao doutorados,
Wak MCs ain't got diplomas, but they act like scholars,
Vem ja atrofiados e com o crnio inacabado,
Coming in all atrophied, their skulls still hollow,
Pensamento ta lesionado, o som vem intoxicado,
Thoughts are all infected, their sound, a toxic follow,
Reincarnaces de um pneu suplente furado.
Reincarnations of a flat spare tire, I'd say, "Yo, swallow."
Pseudos vao para camas de hospital com os versos em brasa
Pseudos head to hospital beds, their verses on fire,
E falam comigo agora reclamam por eutanasia,
Talking to me now, begging for euthanasia's pyre,
E rimas frias vazias, s teoria e pouca pratica,
Empty and cold rhymes, all theory, lacking the fire,
Voces estao abaixo de zero, representam a antarctica.
You're below zero, representing Antarctica's choir.
Waks vem com bla bla bla mas levam logo corte,
Waks come with bla bla bla, but quickly get cut short,
Nao tem o foco em dote, nao ha quem vos suporte
Focus ain't your forte, can't stand your support,
Wak mc, rap contigo nao condiz mas isso nao ves
Wak MC, rap doesn't suit you, can't you see the retort?
Lancas-te no mercado mas nem a tua krew compra os cds.
You launched yourself on the market, but even your crew won't buy your records, that's the report.
Orador infeliz, aprendiz de aprendiz
Unhappy orator, apprentice of an apprentice's plight,
Em guerra lirica pseudo mcs sao refugees
In lyrical warfare, pseudo MCs are refugees in the night,
Valete mc de raiz, hip-hop directriz,
Valete, MC from the roots, hip-hop's guiding light,
Na hora de te eliminar eu tenho o apoio do green peace.
When it's time to eliminate you, even Greenpeace will join the fight.
Valete e Bnus the kid agora neste (?)
Valete and Bónus the kid, in this joint we ignite,
Ja chega de ver fake mcs a mexer naquilo que meu
Enough of fake MCs messing with what is rightfully mine,
Voces nao estao prontos para andar aqui no underground
You're not ready to walk here, in the underground confine,
Puiu puiu baza puiu puiu!
Puiu puiu, get lost, puiu puiu, it's our time to shine!
Waks e byters nao tem espaco aqui no movimento
Waks and biters, no space for you in this movement's core,
Nao da pra ti modafucka tens que ser mais convincente
Can't do it, modafucka, you gotta be convincing, that's for sure,
Nunca vais tar pronto para andar aqui no underground
You'll never be ready to walk here, in the underground's allure,
Puiu puiu baza puiu puiu!
Puiu puiu, get lost, puiu puiu, the underground is secure!
Posso falar no singular mas a mensagem plural,
I speak in singular, but the message is for the crowd,
Tu e os teus pares sao o fim da decadencia verbal,
You and your peers are the end of verbal decay, so loud,
Esse teu mic handycap anormal e surreal,
Your mic skills are handicapped, abnormal and surreal, endow,
Concentras mais porcaria que um aterro universal.
You concentrate more garbage than a universal landfill, I vow.
Pseudo interpretaste ritmo e poesia na forma errnea,
Pseudo, you interpreted rhythm and poetry in the wrong way, astray,
Nunca soubeste rimar mas sabes curar insnias,
Never knew how to rhyme, but you can cure insomnia, they say,
Agora nao fazes cerimnias para rimar aquilo que nao teu,
Now you don't hesitate to rhyme what isn't yours, come what may,
Se queres ser liricista leva um neurnio meu.
If you wanna be a lyricist, take one of my neurons, and be on your way.
Tu s hip-hoppio, por favor mantm-te sbrio,
You're a hip-hoppio, please, stay sober, don't sway,
Dizer que rimas quereres-te enganar a ti prprio,
Saying you can rhyme, you're just fooling yourself, it's okay,
(?) comigo ilusao, gigantes nao vem micrbios,
(?) with me, illusion, giants don't see microbes, they pray,
S o pior rapper do ano, ja podes pisar o pdio.
You're the worst rapper of the year, you can step on the podium, hooray!
Causas tdio, mau cheiro vem por teu intermdio,
You cause boredom, bad smell comes through your interlude, it's true,
Tu nao tens fas, s as moscas que te fazem assdio,
You don't have fans, only flies that harass you, boo hoo,
Praga sem remdio, estagnado no primeiro milnio,
A plague with no remedy, stuck in the first millennium, it's you,
Tu s um plagiador e fazes de mim o teu oxignio.
You're a plagiarist, and you make me your oxygen, it's askew.
Valete e Bnus the kid agora neste (?)
Valete and Bónus the kid, in this joint we ignite,
Ja chega de ver fake mcs a mexer naquilo que meu
Enough of fake MCs messing with what is rightfully mine,
Voces nao estao prontos para andar aqui no underground
You're not ready to walk here, in the underground confine,
Puiu puiu baza puiu puiu!
Puiu puiu, get lost, puiu puiu, it's our time to shine!
Waks e byters nao tem espaco aqui no movimento
Waks and biters, no space for you in this movement's core,
Nao da pra ti modafucka tens que ser mais convincente
Can't do it, modafucka, you gotta be convincing, that's for sure,
Nunca vais tar pronto para andar aqui no underground
You'll never be ready to walk here, in the underground's allure,
Puiu puiu baza puiu puiu!
Puiu puiu, get lost, puiu puiu, the underground is secure!
Yo deixa o mau gnio, para que tanta teimosia,
Yo, leave the bad temper, why so much stubbornness, it's a plea,
Ja mais que sabido que nao existe a lenda porcaria,
It's more than known that the legend of crap doesn't exist, you see,
Navegante da pia, lirico-hemorragia,
Sink navigator, lyrical hemorrhage, eternally,
Se um dia o rap vivesse de ti o movimento falecia.
If rap ever depended on you, the movement would cease to be.
Ficaste fora do prazo, gasto, agora rap holocausto,
You're past your prime, worn out, now it's rap holocaust, that's the key,
A voz uma arma, voces nunca vao ter cadastro,
Voice as a weapon, you'll never have the registration, believe me,
Rimador de rastos, musiclogo nefasto,
Rhymer of scraps, music logo so nefarious, can't you see?
S pai dos teus beats, mas eles chamam-te padrasto.
You're the father of your beats, but they call you stepfather, ironically.
Yo voces multiplicam-se para fazer cair a cultura,
Yo, you multiply to bring down the culture, it's a shame,
Mas ela duradora e nao aceita a vossa assinatura,
But it's enduring and doesn't accept your signature, it's the game,
Tou farto dos teus absurdos, tenta aprender com os graudos,
I'm tired of your absurdities, try to learn from the greats, acclaim,
Senao continuaras wak mc at no meio de surdos.
Otherwise you'll remain a wak MC, even among the deaf, it's a shame.
Na tua zona a lentidao de pensamento a unica verdade,
In your zone, slow thinking is the only truth, it's insane,
At as loiras sao apanhadas em excesso de velocidade,
Even blondes get caught speeding, it's a pain,
Rap nao para ti chaval s para pensadores enrgicos,
Rap is not for you, kid, it's for energetic thinkers, maintain,
Isto maratona verbal, voces sao paraplgicos!
This is a verbal marathon, and you're all paraplegic, it's plain!
(Agora esses manos tem uma esferografica e um papel e ja pensam que sao mcs...
(Now these dudes have a pen and paper and think they're MCs...
Man, onde que esta o Q.I.? o crebro que escreve, huh.)
Man, where's the IQ? The brain that writes, huh.)
Valete e Bnus the kid agora neste (?)
Valete and Bónus the kid, in this joint we ignite,
Ja chega de ver fake mcs a mexer naquilo que meu
Enough of fake MCs messing with what is rightfully mine,
Voces nao estao prontos para andar aqui no underground
You're not ready to walk here, in the underground confine,
Puiu puiu baza puiu puiu!
Puiu puiu, get lost, puiu puiu, it's our time to shine!
Waks e byters nao tem espaco aqui no movimento
Waks and biters, no space for you in this movement's core,
Nao da pra ti modafucka tens que ser mais convincente
Can't do it, modafucka, you gotta be convincing, that's for sure,
Nunca vais tar pronto para andar aqui no underground
You'll never be ready to walk here, in the underground's allure,
Puiu puiu baza puiu puiu!
Puiu puiu, get lost, puiu puiu, the underground is secure!

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