Vali Vijelie - Viata Merge Inainte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vali Vijelie - Viata Merge Inainte

Viata Merge Inainte
Life Goes On
Si viata merge-nainte
And life goes on
Iti dai seama ca viata merge-nainte si n-ai cum sa te-ntorci,
You realize that life goes on and you cannot go back,
Ca vrei sa mergi catre bunicii tai dar cativa dintre ei sunt morti.
That you want to go to your grandparents but some of them are dead.
Ai grija cum te porti, stiu c-ai auzit-o des
Be careful how you behave, I know you have heard it often,
Dar educatia la noi, nu prea prezinta interes.
But education is of little interest in our country.
Si timpu' trece, in loc de suc, acum e berea la rece,
And time passes, instead of juice, now it is cold beer,
In loc de scoala munca, in loc de stat afara cauti petreceri
Instead of school work, instead of staying outside you look for parties.
Iar toti vor sa plece undeva, altundeva
And everyone wants to go somewhere else,
In trecut a-ti fost colegi, au trecut deja cativa
In the past you were classmates, some have already passed away.
Si toti au drumul lor, toti se gandesc la viitor,
And they all have their own way, they all think about the future,
Iar cei din ultimele banci inca privesc in gol.
And those in the last rows still stare into emptiness.
Stii ce zic - multi au treizeci de ani si n-au strans nimic
You know what I mean - many are thirty years old and have nothing,
Doar au privit cum s-a irosit fiecare ban pe care l-au muncit.
They just watched as every penny they worked for was wasted.
Sa fii fericit, ca oricum toate merg inainte,
Be happy, because everything goes on anyway,
Vezi cate stii pana-acum, masoara-ti viata-n cuvinte
See what you know so far, measure your life in words
Si-o sa vezi multe secunde ce se transforma-n amintiri
And you will see many seconds that become memories,
Se schimba zilnic pana si aerul pe care-l respiri.
Even the air you breathe changes every day.
Si zi asa - viata merge-nainte.
And say like this - life goes on.
Oricum ar fi, oricine-ai fi, cine-a trecut prin multe simte
Whatever happens, whoever you are, whoever has gone through a lot feels
Ca toate se schimba, si roata morii se-nvarteste,
That everything changes, and the wheel of life turns,
Iar cine nu si-a dat seama pana-acum se pacaleste.
And whoever has not realized it yet deceives himself.
Zi asa - viata merge-nainte.
Say like that - life goes on.
Oricum ar fi, oricine-ai fi, cine-a trecut prin multe simte
Whatever happens, whoever you are, whoever has gone through a lot feels
Ca toate se schimba, si roata morii se-nvarteste,
That everything changes, and the wheel of life turns,
Iar cine nu si-a dat seama pana-acum se pacaleste.
And whoever has not realized it yet deceives himself.
Si stiu ca cineva mai sta si se gandeste,
And I know someone's still sitting and thinking,
Acum la tot ce-a fost sau poate povesteste
Now about all that has been or maybe telling
Altor pustani la bloc tot ce-si aminteste
Other bums at the block everything he remembers
Si stiu ca cineva-l asculta si zambeste.
And I know someone's listening and smiling.
Pentru ca ma simt copil atunci cand trec pe langa scoala,
Because I feel like a child when I pass by the school,
Iar. ma bucur ca stiam ca toate clipele dispar,
And. I'm glad I knew that all the moments disappear,
Se-ntampla multe-n viata fiecarui om,
Much happens in the life of every person,
Iar in suflete purtam mereu inele ca un pom
And in souls we always carry rings like a tree
Si stiu ca, vei canta candva ce dulce cant acum,
And I know that you will one day sing what I am sweetly singing now,
Dupa nori de fum si peripetii pe drum
After puffs of smoke and adventures on the road
Vei, fredona din nou si n-o sa stii a cata oara,
You will, hum again and you will not know how many times,
Piesa preferata dintr-o vacanta dde vara.
Your favorite song from a summer vacation.
Si stiu ca-ti amintesti tot ce visai
And I know you remember everything you dreamed
Si stiu ca-ti amintesti tot ce credeai
And I know you remember everything you thought
Stiu ca te grabeai dar nu stiai
I know you were in a hurry but you didn't know
Stiu ca te gandeai cum o fi-n rai
I know you wondered what it would be like in heaven
Si nici tu nu mai esti cum erai...
And neither are you the way you used to be...
Si nici tu nu mai esti cum erai...
And neither are you the way you used to be...
Si nici tu nu mai esti cum erai...
And neither are you the way you used to be...
Si nici tu nu mai esti cum erai.
And neither are you the way you used to be.
I-auzi frate, ma duceam la baschet prin a sasea, si m-antreaba unu din baietii mai mari din liceu
Hey bro, I used to go to basketball in the sixth grade, and one of the older guys from high school asks me,
"Bai pustiuule joci? ".
"Hey, boy, do you play? ".
M-am bagat acolo "e hai sa jucam". Si ma duceam in fiecare zi, iar intr-una din zile
I got in there "hey let's play". And I went every day, and one of the days
Vin acolo pe teren numai pusti frate la baschet. Si unu dintre ei ma-ntreaba "Nenea jucati cu
I come there on the field only bums, brother, playing basketball. And one of them asks me "Uncle, will you play with
Noi? ".
We? ".
Si pustii aia sunt noi si pustii aia suntem tot noi...
And those bums are us and those bums are still us...
Si pustii aia sunt noi si pustii aia suntem tot noi...
And those bums are us and those bums are still us...
Si pustii aia sunt noi si pustii aia suntem tot noi...
And those bums are us and those bums are still us...
Si pustii aia sunt noi si pustii aia suntem tot noi...
And those bums are us and those bums are still us...
Si zi asa "Viata merge-nainte. "
And say like this "Life goes on."

Writer(s): vali vijelie

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