Vama - Dumnezeu Nu Apare La Stiri - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Vama - Dumnezeu Nu Apare La Stiri

Dumnezeu Nu Apare La Stiri
God Doesn't Appear on the News
Dumnezeu nu apare la Stiri
God doesn't appear on the news,
Dumnezeu nu omoara Delfini
God doesn't kill dolphins,
Dumnezeu nu topeste Ghetari
God doesn't melt glaciers,
Dumnezeu n-are Vis Nuclear
God doesn't have nuclear dreams,
Dumnezeu nu voteaza-n Senat
God doesn't vote in the Senate,
Dumnezeu n-a luptat in Irak
God didn't fight in Iraq,
Prea ocupati cu distrugerea lumii oamenii sunt
People are too busy destroying the world,
Pe Dumnezeu nu-l ia nimeni in seama aici pe Pamant
Nobody pays attention to God here on Earth.
Ref: Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
Chorus: God left us...
Ne-a lasat sa ne facem de cap
He left us to our own devices,
Pe Iisus l-au facut Superstar
They made Jesus a Superstar,
Pe Dumnezeu l-au tiparit pe dolar
They printed God on the dollar,
Religia e marketing de razboi
Religion is war marketing,
Oamenii-si fac cruce dar privesc in gol
People cross themselves but look into the void.
Ref: Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
Chorus: God left us...
Ne-a lasat sa ne facem de cap
He left us to our own devices,
Fara Credinta corabia Umana rataceste prin spatiu se apropie furtuna,
Without Faith, the Human ship wanders through space, the storm approaches,
Se-ntuneca lumea
The world is getting dark,
Totul se vinde se cumpara totul banii sunt calea adevarul si viata Isus nu mai vine...
Everything is sold and bought, money is the way, the truth and the life, Jesus is not coming anymore...
Dumnezeu se mai uita o data spre lume nu e nimeni sa vada ca-ntinde o mana nu e nimeni s-auda ca
God looks at the world one more time, there is no one to see that He is reaching out a hand, there is no one to hear that
Soapta iubirii El ïnca ne-o spune?
He is still whispering the love to us?
Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
God left us...
Ne-a lasat sa ne facem de cap
He left us to our own devices,

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