Vama - Scrisoare Catre Fat-Frumos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Vama - Scrisoare Catre Fat-Frumos

Scrisoare Catre Fat-Frumos
Letter to Prince Charming
Am crezut ca intr'o zi buzduganul va lovi in usa mea si am sa ies sa te imbratisez
I believed that one day your mace would strike my door and I would come out to embrace you
Vroiam sa'ti revad calul alb
I longed to see your white horse again
Mi'ai promis ca'l voi calari candva
You promised I would ride it someday
Si acum cand in sfarsit as fi putut
And now, when I finally could
Ne'ai lasat sa ratacim printre faruri de masini
You left us to wander among car headlights
Trebuia sa crestem mari si sa luptam cu toti zmeii din lume,
We were supposed to grow up and fight all the dragons in the world,
Nimeni nu mai vrea sa lupte, Fat-Frumos
Nobody wants to fight anymore, Prince Charming
Oamenii n'au timp sa fie viteji
People don't have time to be brave
Unii spun ca viata e o lupta dar foarte rar aud pe cineva care sa fie sigur ca a castigat sau a
Some say life is a struggle, but I rarely hear anyone who is sure they have won or
Mi'ai promis ca o sa ma inveti ce'ai onoarea Fat-Frumos
You promised to teach me what honor is, Prince Charming
Da' nimeni nu mai foloseste cuvantul asta
But nobody uses that word anymore
Nici in reclame nu l'am auzit, foarte rar in filme
I haven't even heard it in commercials, very rarely in movies
Da' mereu apare unu care spune ca esti prost daca ai onoare
But there's always someone who says you're stupid if you have honor
Ai plecat... si nu m'ai lamurit
You left... and you didn't explain it to me
In fiecare seara ajungem in acelasi loc, Fat-Frumos, niste case mici
Every evening we end up in the same place, Prince Charming, some small houses
Iar eu stiu sigur ca am fost in castelul tau
And I know for sure I've been to your castle
Mi'ai spus ca nu pot sa stau mult,
You told me I couldn't stay long,
Venea zmeul si trebuia va luptati
The dragon was coming and you had to fight
Si toti oamenii fac aceleasi lucruri
And all people do the same things
Cei singuri, inta'n casa, arunca niste chei pe masa, se duc la frigider, scot o sticla, beau, si
Those alone, inside the house, throw some keys on the table, go to the fridge, take out a bottle, drink, and
Privesc in gol
Stare into space
Apoi se trezesc ca din vis
Then they wake up as if from a dream
Se duc in alta camera, se aseaza pe canapea si dau drumul la televizor
They go to another room, sit on the couch and turn on the TV
In fiecare seara, mii de oameni fac aceleasi lucruri, in acelasi timp, in aceleasi case mici,
Every evening, thousands of people do the same things, at the same time, in the same small houses,
Prince Charming
Am fi putut fi singuri Fat-Frumos
We could have been alone, Prince Charming
Mi'ai promis ca n'o sa dormim doua nopti in acelasi loc Fat-Frumos
You promised we wouldn't sleep two nights in the same place, Prince Charming
C'o sa zburam peste munti calare pe'un caii nostri albi
That we would fly over mountains riding our white horses
Si'o sa calatorim in acelasi timp cu stelele,
And travel at the same time as the stars,
Si unde vom vedea o luminita cat de mica, acolo vom cobori, si vom innopta
And wherever we saw a tiny light, we would descend and spend the night
M'am gandit ca n'o sa pot zbura Fat-Frumos
I thought I wouldn't be able to fly, Prince Charming
Dar eram sigur ca voi calatori
But I was sure I would travel
Si luminite sunt peste tot Fat-Frumos, asta ma doare
And there are lights everywhere, Prince Charming, that's what hurts
Nici macar n'ar fi trebuit sa le cautam
We shouldn't even have had to look for them
E mult mai simplu decat pe vremea ta, si tu nu esti aici
It's much simpler than in your time, and you're not here
Spuneai sa inconjuram pamantul
You said to go around the world
Si sa raspandim binele in lume
And spread goodness
Dar nu mi'ai spus niciodata ce inseamna binele
But you never told me what goodness means
N'ai apucat!
You didn't have time!
De ce m'ai lasat Fat-Frumos, de ce?
Why did you leave me, Prince Charming, why?
M'ai lasat sa ratacesc printre faruri de masini
You left me to wander among car headlights
Nu stiu drumul spre castel
I don't know the way to the castle
Si acasa doare
And home hurts
De ce m'ai tradat Fat-Frumos, de ce?
Why did you betray me, Prince Charming, why?
Treci incoace sa lupti,
Come over here and fight,
Sa m'ajuti sa castig
Help me win
Nu mai stiu sa iubesc
I don't know how to love anymore
Fara tine mi'e frig
I'm cold without you
Stii cat se cearta oamenii pe chestia asta cu binele?
Do you know how much people argue about this goodness thing?
Ma enervezi Fat-Frumos ca esti iresponsabil
You annoy me, Prince Charming, because you're irresponsible
M'ai lasat cu ochii'n soare
You left me with my eyes in the sun
Vreau sa fac tot ce faceai tu,
I want to do everything you did,
Si sa traiesc cum traiai tu, Fat-Frumos
And live the way you lived, Prince Charming
Si sa'i invat si pe altii
And teach others too
Prietenii trebuia sa ma ajute, nu Fat-Frumos?
Friends were supposed to help me, weren't they, Prince Charming?
Trebuia sa plecam impreuna la drum
We were supposed to go on the road together
Trebuia sa stiu sa'i aleg, nu Fat-Frumos?
I was supposed to know how to choose them, wasn't I, Prince Charming?
Ei bine, afla ca sunt singur!
Well, guess what, I'm alone!
De ce m'ai lasat Fat-Frumos, de ce?
Why did you leave me, Prince Charming, why?
M'ai lasat sa ratacesc printre faruri de masini
You left me to wander among car headlights
Nu stiu drumul spre castel
I don't know the way to the castle
Si acasa doare
And home hurts
Sunt singur si tu nu esti aici
I'm alone and you're not here
Fomila, Setila, Pasari-Lati-Lungila
The dragon, the villain, the wide-winged birds
Sunt inconjurat de niste idioti in costume gri
I'm surrounded by idiots in gray suits
Cu care ma vad miercurea la mall
Whom I see on Wednesdays at the mall
Si care canta cantece despr bere
And who sing songs about beer
Si nici macar nu'si mai amintesc de tine
And don't even remember you anymore
Imi spun ca au cunoscut'o doar pe Ileana Cosanzeana
They tell me they only knew Ileana Cosanzeana
Dar ca de tine nu'si aduc aminte
But they don't remember you
Si rad Fat-Frumos, rad de tine, rad de mine
And they laugh, Prince Charming, they laugh at you, they laugh at me
Trebuia sa fii aici, lasule, sa ne'nveti sa luptam,
You should have been here, coward, to teach us to fight,
Sa ne vorbesti despre onoare si prietenie
To talk to us about honor and friendship
Sa ne spui despre sacrificiu
To tell us about sacrifice
Trebuia ramai aici, sa te aperi, Fat-Frumos
You should have stayed here, to defend yourself, Prince Charming
Pentru ca eu n'o pot face in locul tau
Because I can't do it in your place
Ca nu m'ai invatat Fat-Frumos
Because you didn't teach me, Prince Charming
Ai plecat ca un las, Fat-Frumos
You left like a coward, Prince Charming
Si nu ne'ai invatat nimic
And you didn't teach us anything
Ai fi putut macar sa'mi spui
You could have at least told me
Cum ai facut s'o iubesti doar pe ea Fat-Frumos,
How you managed to love only her, Prince Charming,
Pentru ca eu stiu ca ea te'a ajutat mult
Because I know she helped you a lot
Cum ai reusit sa iubesti o singura fata?
How did you manage to love just one girl?
Te urasc Fat-Frumos,
I hate you, Prince Charming,
Te urasc in numele tuturor calculatoarelor din lume
I hate you in the name of all the computers in the world
Tastez numele tau, si mii de pagini imi vorbesc despre tine
I type your name, and thousands of pages tell me about you
Si tu nu esti nicaieri Fat-Frumos
And you're nowhere, Prince Charming
Si nici zmeul nu mai e printre noi
And the dragon is no longer among us either
Asa as fi fost sigur ca ai existat
That way I would have been sure you existed
Ai plecat Fat-Frumos, si ai luat cu tine si binele rau
You left, Prince Charming, and you took good and evil with you
Te urasc, Fat-Frumos
I hate you, Prince Charming
Te urasc!!!!!!
I hate you!!!!!!

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