Vanced - New Age (outro) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vanced - New Age (outro)

New Age (outro)
New Age (outro)
Pastilatii stau doar de sase
I've been staying in the same place for six days
Se mira ca nu au șanse
You're surprised that you don't have a chance
Ne întra dracu în case
We're getting into your houses
Plata cu rezervare
Pay with a reservation
Substanțe pe nas le trag
We're snorting substances
În viata sunt antrenat
I'm trained in life
Ma simt demonizat
I feel demonized
2 runde începe jocu
The game starts in two rounds
Eu tiam creat protocolu
I created the protocol
Vorbește în cap ecoul
The echo speaks in my head
Ma vezi îți cauți ocolul
You see me, you're looking for a way around
Sunt omu cu potopul
I'm the man with the flood
Intervin schimb jocu
I intervene, I change the game
Trisez nu e norocu
It's not luck, I cheat
Ma joc cu tine ca pe MS Dos
I'm playing with you like on MS Dos
Îmi fut o palma ca totul e pe dos
I slap myself because everything is upside down
Vorbe prăjite fără pic de sos
Burnt words without a drop of sauce
Stânga e drapata și susu e jos
The left is draped and the top is down
Vine cu mine pare cam stors
He comes with me, he seems exhausted
Îi fut femeia facand sport
I'm fucking his woman while working out
Ce pula mea de viitor?
What the hell is the future?
Când poate fi prezis ușor
When it can be predicted easily
In prea multe gânduri ma simt pierdut
I feel lost in too many thoughts
Mintea mea e axata pe ce am pierdut
My mind is focused on what I lost
Sa dau cu piciorul la ce am vrut?
To kick what I wanted?
Tot tu ma dai dispărut
You're the one who makes me disappear
Îmi calmez nervi cu fum
I calm my nerves with smoke
Vin rafale, e taifun
Gusts come, it's a typhoon
Ma joc cu tine ca pe MS Dos
I'm playing with you like on MS Dos
Îmi fut o palma ca totul e pe dos
I slap myself because everything is upside down
Vorbe prăjite fără pic de sos
Burnt words without a drop of sauce
Stânga e drapata și susu e jos
The left is draped and the top is down
Vine cu mine pare cam stors
He comes with me, he seems exhausted
Îi fut femeia facand sport
I'm fucking his woman while working out
Ce pula mea de viitor?
What the hell is the future?
Când poate fi prezis ușor
When it can be predicted easily
Welcome to the New Age
Welcome to the New Age
Stau rulam în backstage
We're sitting rolling in the backstage
Multă marfa, ce vrei?
A lot of goods, what do you want?
Ma iubește, far away
She loves me, far away
Multe prestații,presiuni în cap
Many performances, pressure in my head
În oglindă nu ma vad clar
I don't see myself clearly in the mirror
Se mișcă lent,are lag
It moves slowly, it has lag
E prea mic sa împiedicat
He is too small to stumble
Vorbește cam sacadat
He speaks kind of jerky
Afla cine la întrebat
Find out who asked him
Diploma, participant
Diploma, participant
A pierdut și nu a riscat
He lost and didn't risk it
A pierdut și nu a riscat
He lost and didn't risk it
Vorbe în vânt, nu-i talentat
Words in the wind, he's not talented
Pișcă ochii nare frați
He bites his eyes, he doesn't have brothers
Spune glume nu are haz
He tells jokes, he's not funny
Nu știe cât am tras
He doesn't know how much I pulled
E posibil și pe nas
It's also possible on the nose
Merg în față nu retrag
I go forward, I don't retreat
Chiar dacă o sa pic în cap
Even if I fall on my head
Ma joc cu tine ca pe MS Dos
I'm playing with you like on MS Dos
Îmi fut o palma ca totul e pe dos
I slap myself because everything is upside down
Stânga e drapata și susu e jos
The left is draped and the top is down

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