Various Artists feat. David Parsons, Michael Askill, Alan Dargin, Pham Van Ty, Duško Gojkovi?, The Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery, Musicians of the Royal Court of Phnom Penh, El Kacimi Mohamed, Ahmed Azlas, Nikolaus Lahusen, Lupu Group, Musicians of the Subulaku village, Perry Silverbird, H. Hafiz Hüseyin Erek, Daniel Binelli, Brian Keane, Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Patrick Ball, Marcio Montarroyos, Rafael Jimenez, Iman Ibrahim, Saleh Abdul Baqi, Liang Cheng-Gong & David Hykes - The Prayers of Forgiveness - Sosol paroles de chanson

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