Verba - Mogliśmy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Mogliśmy - Verbatraduction en anglais

We Could Have
Moglismy dojsc najdalej ze wszystkich.
We could have gone the furthest of them all.
A teraz kazde z nas szuka drugiego w snach.
And now each of us searches for the other in dreams.
To historia która nie znajdzie konca.
This is a story that will never find its end.
Opowiada o tych których zmazal czas.
It tells of those whom time has erased.
Moze spotkaja sie jeszcze w samotnym miescie.
Perhaps they will meet again in a lonely city.
Moze znajda dzien w którym zgubili szczescie.
Perhaps they will find the day they lost their happiness.
Moze mina sie i pójda w inna strone
Perhaps they will pass each other by and go in a different direction
Moze tak, moze nie...
Maybe so, maybe not...
Moge zostac jesli tylko chcesz.
I can stay if only you want me to.
Ale powiedz, ze potrzebujesz mnie zebym zostal z Toba tu i teraz.
But tell me that you need me to stay with you here and now.
Bo beze mnie, nie mozesz sie pozbierac.
Because without me, you can't pull yourself together.
Moge powstac milosc mnie prostuje.
I can rise, love straightens me.
Daje sile która nas buduje latwo wierzyc jesli
It gives strength that builds us, it's easy to believe if
Wciaz utwierdzasz ze nie znikne z Twego serca.
You keep assuring me that I won't disappear from your heart.
Moge marznac kiedy wiem ze wrócisz.
I can freeze when I know you'll return.
Bo ogrzejesz mnie, mocno tak przytulisz.
Because you'll warm me up, you'll hug me tightly.
Bedziesz zawsze, przy mnie, marze o tym.
You'll always be by my side, I dream of it.
Twoje cieplo wypala wszelkie klopoty.
Your warmth burns away all troubles.
Moge zasnac, jesli zasniesz obok.
I can fall asleep if you fall asleep next to me.
Slodka noc odplywam razem z Toba...
Sweet night, I drift away with you...
Jedna chwila która docenia kazdy.
One moment that everyone appreciates.
Kto w objeciach zegna biale gwiazdy...
Who in their embrace says goodbye to the white stars...
Moglismy dojsc najdalej ze wszystkich.
We could have gone the furthest of them all.
A teraz kazde z nas szuka drugiego w snach.
And now each of us searches for the other in dreams.
To historia która nie znajdzie konca.
This is a story that will never find its end.
Opowiada o tych których zmazal czas.
It tells of those whom time has erased.
Moze spotkaja sie jeszcze w samotnym miescie.
Perhaps they will meet again in a lonely city.
Moze znajda dzien w którym zgubili szczescie.
Perhaps they will find the day they lost their happiness.
Moze mina sie i pójda w inna strone
Perhaps they will pass each other by and go in a different direction
Moze tak, moze nie
Maybe so, maybe not
Cos sie stalo widze to wyraznie.
Something happened, I see it clearly.
Chyba najgorszy sen, opuscil wyobraznie.
Probably the worst dream has left the imagination.
Jeszcze milcze chociaz serce krzyczy.
I'm still silent even though my heart is screaming.
Zaraz zaczne, otwierac usta ciszy.
I'm about to start opening the mouth of silence.
Moze powiesz mi co sie dzieje z nami.
Maybe you'll tell me what's going on with us.
Nie zatrzymam lez karmilas mnie klamstwami.
I won't hold back tears, you fed me lies.
Jest ktos inny i w nocy byl tu.
There's someone else and he was here at night.
Masz w sobie tyle milosci ze rozdzielasz kilku?
Do you have so much love in you that you share it with several?
Niechce Cie juz znac i lepiej odejdz ode mnie.
I don't want to know you anymore, you better get away from me.
Zrujnowalas to co przeciez bylo piekne!
You ruined what was beautiful!
Staralem sie a teraz niema Ciebie.
I tried and now you're gone.
Samotnie zegnam przed snem biale gwiazdy na niebie.
Alone, I say goodbye to the white stars in the sky before sleep.
Mam nadzieje ze przysnisz mi sie lepsza.
I hope you'll dream of me better.
Gdy obudze sie nie bede nic pamietal.
When I wake up, I won't remember anything.
Zostalo zdjecie wspólnego jutra.
A picture of a shared tomorrow remains.
A teraz zjezdzaj i pozdrów tego krupla...
And now get out and say hello to that jerk...
Moglismy dojsc najdalej ze wszystkich.
We could have gone the furthest of them all.
A teraz kazde z nas szuka drugiego w snach.
And now each of us searches for the other in dreams.
To historia która nie znajdzie konca.
This is a story that will never find its end.
Opowiada o tych których zmazal czas.
It tells of those whom time has erased.
Moze spotkaja sie jeszcze w samotnym miescie.
Perhaps they will meet again in a lonely city.
Moze znajda dzien w którym zgubili szczescie.
Perhaps they will find the day they lost their happiness.
Moze mina sie i pójda w inna strone
Perhaps they will pass each other by and go in a different direction
Moze tak, moze nie...
Maybe so, maybe not...

Writer(s): Kielar Bartlomiej Maciej

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