Vico C feat. DJ Negro - La Recta Final - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vico C feat. DJ Negro - La Recta Final

La Recta Final
The Final Stretch
Abro los ojos, me levanto leo el Vocero
I open my eyes, I get up I read the Spokesman
Y el porciento de la paz es cero
And the percent of peace is zero
Crimenes violaciones, mucha malicia
Crimes rapes, a lot of malice
Y no me entero de las buenas noticias
And I don't hear the good news
La culpa es de nosotros el bajo mundo
It's our fault, the underworld.
El paraiso el señor vagabundo
El paraiso el señor vagabundo
Que sueña sin trabajar con mucha ambicion
Who dreams without working with a lot of ambition
Pero le falta mucha proteccion
But he lacks a lot of protection
La clase alta tambien tiene culpa de los actos,? por que?
The upper class is also to blame for the acts,? why why?
Por la corruption, excacto
By the corruption, excacto
Matan la gente sin pena, esa es su mision
They kill people without pity, that's their mission
Asi es que viven ganando dinero a monton
So they live earning a lot of money
No lo interrogue fiscal no busque pista
Don't interrogate him prosecutor don't look for a clue
Ponte a pensar hay que ser realista
Get to thinking you have to be realistic
El rico invierte dinero de inmediato
The rich man invests money immediately
Despues el pobre se da el arrebato
Then the poor man takes the rapture
Siempre es lo mismo, es como un drama
It's always the same, it's like a drama
Es como una pelicula de fama
It's like a famous movie
Siempre lo mismo y entre comillas
Always the same and in quotes
Es como una planta pero sin semillas
It's like a plant but without seeds
Dinero puede controlar hasta la corte
Money can control up to the court
Tanto en el sur como alla en el norte
Both in the south and there in the north
Creen que lo lujoso es la salvacion
They believe that luxury is salvation
Y ahi es que el corrupto entra en accion
And that's where the corrupt comes into action
Aplastando, abusando, asesinando
Crushing, abusing, murdering
Con el dinero poniendose al mando
With the money taking over
El pobre siempre se siente esperar
The poor man always feels like waiting
Que se haga justicia aqui en la recta final
Let justice be done here in the final stretch
Yo no planto bandera pues yo no soy Cristobal Colon
I don't plant a flag because I'm not Christopher Columbus
Yo soy de Las Acasias cien por siento de corazon
I am from the Achasias a hundred for I feel from my heart
De ningun caserio yo me quiero hacer dueño
I don't want to become the owner of any house
No soy un extranjero soy puertoriqueño
I'm not a foreigner I'm a Puerto Rican
Lo guapos se creen que son conquistadores
How handsome they think they are conquerors
Y quieren adueñarse de todos los sectores
And they want to take over all sectors
Ahi es que empiezan a reglar el asunto al tratar
That's where they start to regulate the issue by dealing
De desasparecerlos del punto
To miss them from the point
Entonces vienen los tiros y puñaladas
Then come the shots and stabbings
La vida del guapeton esta destrozada
The handsome man's life is ruined
La gente lo vio la policia llego
People saw him the police came
El asesino es bravo asi que nadie hablo
The killer is brave so no one spoke
Asi es la ley del asesinato aqui en Borinquen
That's the law of murder here in Borinquen
Dejan que los criminales afinquen
They let the criminals tune
Si esto sigue asi escucha bien mi hermano
If this continues like this listen well my brother
Los niños creceran con un cañon en la mano
Children will grow up with a cannon in their hand
Nuestros futuros, se borraran
Our futures will be erased
Los tiroteos, se mantendran
The shootings will remain
Los inocentes, se quejaran
The innocent will complain
Pues no tienen la culpa de estar como estan
It's not their fault for being the way they are.
Cerrando sus casas con mil cerraduras
Closing their houses with a thousand locks
Asi sus vidas estaran mas seguras
So their lives will be more secure
Pero para tener una vida mas pura
But to have a purer life
Creer en Cristo es la mejor cura
Believing in Christ is the best cure
Yo siento pasar las balas por mi cara
I feel the bullets passing through my face
Ese para mi no es una cosa bien rara
That for me is not a very rare thing
El mundo es asi y hay que aceptar
The world is like that and we have to accept
Que donde estamos viviendo es en la recta final
That where we're living is in the home stretch
Donde estamos viviendo es en la recta final
Where we're living is down the home stretch
La envidia
The envy
Otro objeto que asesina
Another object that kills
Si te dejas llevar te extermina, te cuca, te agita
If you let yourself be carried away it exterminates you, it coughs you up, it stirs you up
Te hace sentir bien mal
It makes you feel good bad
Ahi es que el envidioso empieza a matar
It is there that the envious begins to kill
Y tratar de encontrar la manera de vencer
And try to find a way to beat
Dinero y fama no se puede tener
Money and fame can't be had
El envidioso vigila todos los pasos que da
The envious one watches every step he takes
Tu hechas pa'lante y el te hecha pa'tras
You made pa'lante and he made you pa'trás
La envidia se ve dentro de la gente plastica
Envy is seen inside plastic people
Que por encima se ven bien fantastica
That they look good on top fantastic
Pero algun dia la espalda les das
But one day you turn your back on them
Te apuntan y *POW* no vives mas
They point at you and *POW* you don't live anymore
El sexo, cuando se hace por abuso
Sex, when it is done by abuse
Que mal se debe sentir el intruso
How bad the intruder must feel
Violando una niña sin piedad alguna
Raping a girl without any mercy
Violando niños sacados de la cuna
Raping children taken out of the crib
El hombre que sabe se comporta diferente
The man who knows behaves differently
Usa la labia inmediatamente
Use the lip immediately
Y cuando estan para chuparse los dedos
And when they are to suck their fingers
Convence a la señorita con todo y miedo
Convince the lady with everything and fear
La monta, la lleva, la besa, la soba
He rides her, carries her, kisses her, soba
Le hace promesas, la coje de boba
He makes promises to her, he fucks her silly
Y de repente la deja atras
And suddenly he leaves her behind
Al ver que le ha quitado la virginidad
Seeing that he has taken her virginity
Las senoritas tienen novios y con tal de conservarlos
Ladies have boyfriends and as long as you keep them
Tienden a desnudarse y amarlos
They tend to get naked and love them
Su padres sufren y tendran que luchar
Their parents are suffering and they will have to fight
Contra el abuso del sexo aqui en la recta final
Against the abuse of sex here in the final stretch
Contra el abuso del sexo aqui en la recta final
Against the abuse of sex here in the final stretch
Tanto el AIDS como el cancer
Both AIDS and cancer
En todo el mundo hacen un balance
All over the world they take stock
De vida y muerte, paz y sufrimiento
Of life and death, peace and suffering
Y corazones que mueren bien lentos
And hearts that die very slow
La culpa es del ignorante que no ha captado
The fault lies with the ignorant who have not grasped
Que la prostitucion lo deja dañados
That prostitution leaves him damaged
Tambien la jeringuilla que ha sido usada
Also the syringe that has been used
Te deja el cuerpo y las venas dañadas
It leaves your body and veins damaged
Sifilis, Distrofia muscular y herpes
Syphilis, Muscular dystrophy and herpes
Son integrantes del grupo de la muerte
They are members of the group of death
Lo digo bien claro por que asi es que es
I say it very clearly because that's how it is
Si no se cuida el proximo va a ser usted
If you don't take care of yourself the next one is going to be you
La droga
The drug
Quimica extra-peligrosa
Extra-dangerous chemical
Causante de la perdida de vidas hermosas
The cause of the loss of beautiful lives
Es una plaga mundial no cualquier cosa
It's a global plague not just anything
Un mal de sangre y el diablo se lo goza
A blood sickness and the devil enjoys it
La S-I-N-S-E? la probaste? aja, dime? como te fue?
The S-I-N-S-E? have you tried it? aja, tell me? how was it?
Te tirastes por el piso como un bon de callejon
You threw yourself on the floor like a bon de callejon
Tus amigos te tenian en un vacilon
Your friends had you in a dither
A cada santo le debias una vela de las caras
To every saint you owe a candle from the faces
La mariguana esa te dejo sin nada
That marijuana leaves you with nothing.
Y una noche testigo yo fuí
And one night a witness I was
Gritaron! Aguaaa! y te cojieron a ti
They shouted! Water! and they took you
En la prision el jefe te dio par de detalles
At the prison the boss gave you a couple of details
Tenia una carta recibida de la calle
I had a letter received from the street
Que decia que a ti no te gustaba pagar
That said you didn't like to pay
Asi que fuiste una victima de la recta final
So you were a victim of the final stretch
El mundo sigue dando vueltas
The world keeps on turning
Y el ser humano se arrastra con el
And the human being crawls with the
Pero para todo hay una salida
But for everything there is a way out
Y en la recta final hay una salida
And in the final stretch there is a way out
Es una puerta por donde pocos entraran y muchos se quedaran
It is a door where few will enter and many will stay
Esto no ha sido una simple opinion
This was not a simple opinion
Sino lo que yo siento y vivo en torno la verdad de la vida
But what I feel and live around the truth of life
Y para todos ustedes
And for all of you
Hasta siempre
See you always
Jo! ten confianza no seas pesimista
Ho! be confident don't be pessimistic
De corazon hay que ser optimista
From the heart you have to be optimistic
Yo se que mi tema ha penetrado en ti
I know that my subject has penetrated into you
Te lo dice D.J. Negro, Playero tambien Vico-C
D.J. tells you Black, Beachy also Vico-C
Enfermedades, droga adiccion, asesinatos tambien corrupcion
Diseases, drug addiction, murders also corruption
Son cosas de la que tienes que evitar
These are things you have to avoid
Asi que pon mucho ojos
So put a lot of eyes
Aqui en la recta final
Here in the final stretch

Writer(s): Luis Armando Lozada

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