Vico C - Crack Crack - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vico C - Crack Crack

Crack Crack
Crack Crack
Bueno si mi pueblo perece
Well, if my people perish
Por falta de conocimiento
Due to a lack of knowledge
Aqui les va una aspirina
Here's an aspirin for them
Hayyyy, yayayaya
Hayyyy, yayayaya
Bien pegao, bien acelerao
Really close, really accelerated
Con un tumbao que nadie lo imita (Tra-ta)
With a groove that no one can imitate (Tra-ta)
Endeudao, bien anesteciao
In debt, well anesthetized
Y asustao por lo que le explican
And scared by what they explain
Si sientes la 9 que te dice el pap-pap
If you feel the 9 that says pap-pap
Sientes la metra que relincha el track-track
You feel the machine gun neighing track-track
Eso pasa por estar fumando crack, crack
That's what happens from smoking crack, crack
Provocando que te tiren con la clack, clack, clack
Causing them to shoot you with the clack, clack, clack
Enmostrao, bien enbansamao
Exposed, well embalmed
Y enterao de lo que estan hablando (Jajajaja)
And aware of what they are talking about (Jajajaja)
Estancao, bien abacolao
Stuck, well intoxicated
Y avisao que ya lo estan buscando
And warned that they are already looking for him
Y Si sientes la 9 que te dice el pap-pap
And if you feel the 9 that says pap-pap
Sientes la metra que relincha el track-track
You feel the machine gun neighing track-track
Eso pasa por estar fumando crack, crack
That's what happens from smoking crack, crack
Provocando que te tiren con la clack, clack, clack
Causing them to shoot you with the clack, clack, clack
Sabes muy bien como la calle esta-ta
You know very well how the street is-is
Que de la masacre esta bien infecta-da
That it's well infected from the massacre-cre
Por la gente con la mente bien daña-ña
By people with very damaged-aged minds
Que todo lo resuelve con un Prat-prat-prat-prat
Who solve everything with a Prat-prat-prat-prat
Tetrico, no especifico, veridico-u
Gloomy, not specific, truthful-ul
Hablo mas profundo que el océano pacifico
I speak deeper than the Pacific Ocean
No es para poder tirarles un mensaje critico
It's not to throw them a critical message
Voy con la verdad no puedo hablar como un politico
I come with the truth, I can't speak like a politician
Cinico Por lo que diran los criticos
Cynical Because of what the critics will say
Como siempre la imagen que es lo tipico
As always, the image is what's typical
Como son Robots que nunca se an metido un quimico
Since they are robots who have never taken a chemical
Martirizan y castigan al que no cuida su fisico
They torture and punish those who don't take care of their physique
No se puede querer. a la kaina
You can't love the girl
Porque te pueden volver, hasta la ruina
Because they can even turn you into ruin
Pero siempre la consigues, siempre en la cocina
But you always get her, always in the kitchen
Siempre se la shh! Y como le fascina
Always shh! her and how she loves it
Pero sigue en la mira por seguir truquiando
But he's still in the sights for continuing to cheat
Ni el mismo sabe la secuencia que se esta buscando
He doesn't even know the sequence they're looking for
Sera mas rapido que la persecución de usama
It will be faster than the pursuit of Osama
Pues tienen ya conocimiento hasta del tamaño de su cama
Well, they already know even the size of his bed
Transtornao, bien aniquilao
Disturbed, well annihilated
Preparao pa'cuando lo persigan
Prepared for when they chase him
Alterao, bien desvalanciao
Altered, well unbalanced
Y orientao que si cogen lo Figan
And oriented that if they catch him, they'll screw him
Y Si sientes la 9 que te dice el pap-pap
And if you feel the 9 that says pap-pap
Sientes la metra que relincha el track-track
You feel the machine gun neighing track-track
Eso pasa por estar fumando crack, crack
That's what happens from smoking crack, crack
Provocando que te tiren con la clack, clack, clack
Causing them to shoot you with the clack, clack, clack
Enguañangao, quija de lao a lao
Hungover, swaying from side to side
Y panitrao con lo que estan diciendo
And panicking with what they are saying
Encadenao, bien esclavisao
Chained, well enslaved
Por lo que el cuerpo le esta pidiendo
By what his body is asking for
Y Si sientes la 9 que te dice el pap-pap
And if you feel the 9 that says pap-pap
Sientes la metra que relincha el track-track
You feel the machine gun neighing track-track
Eso pasa por estar fumando crack, crack
That's what happens from smoking crack, crack
Provocando que te tiren con la clack, clack, clack
Causing them to shoot you with the clack, clack, clack
Como lo escubieron
How they discovered him
Y como lo empujaron
And how they pushed him
Yayayayayya hay!
Yayayayayya hay!
Escucha bien you!
Listen carefully, you!
Y tu loco loco
And you, crazy crazy
Toma sauco you!
Take elderberry, you!
Pero yo tranquilo
But I'm calm
Me das medio giro
You give me a half turn
Y tu loco loco
And you, crazy crazy
Toma sauco you!
Take elderberry, you!
Pero yo tranquilo
But I'm calm
Navaja e doble filo
Double-edged knife
Filosofia, lirica el cuarto bate es lo mio
Philosophy, lyrics, the fourth bat is my thing

Writer(s): Lozada Luis Armando

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