Vico C - She Likes My Reggae - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Vico C - She Likes My Reggae

She Likes My Reggae
She Likes My Reggae
She like my reggae, she like my reggae (4x)
She like my reggae, she like my reggae (4x)
Era una cubana que fue a mi espectáculo,
She was a Cuban who came to my show,
Subió a la tarima sin ningún obstáculo y luego pregunto
He got on the stage without any obstacles and then I ask
¿Que es lo que trae chiquitico? yo traigo
What does chiquitico bring? i bring
Un reggae que lo bailo suavecito y así por
A reggae that I dance it softly and so by
El estilo me lo gozo hasta mañana saludos a la gente de la sangre
I'm enjoying the style see you tomorrow greetings to the people of the blood
Cubana, una para el bajo y otra pal volumen y el reggae que yo
Cuban, one for the bass and one for the pal volume and the reggae that I
Traigo mi gente lo consume.
I bring my people consume it.
Una dominicana me detuvo en la calle,
A Dominican woman stopped me on the street,
Me hablo del merengue y unos cuantos
I'm talking about the meringue and a few
Detalles, me dijo bien curiosa ¿Pero
Details, she told me very curious but
Como es la vaina? contento y pegadito
How is the pod? happy and stuck
Así es como se baila, Ok. Santo Domingo,
That's the way to dance, OK. Santo Domingo,
Contare hasta 5 y quiero que la muchedumbre
I'll count to 5 and I want the crowd
Grite dando brinco, Wan, two, thre, fourh five
Scream jumping, Wan, two, three, fourh five
Alinéate mi hermano porque el reggae es lo que hay.
Get in line my brother because reggae is what it is.
Hey, hey, hey, hey; You, dice de missed que caud de play brid blaba
Hey, hey, hey, hey; You, says de missed que caud de play brid blaba
Hey, hey, hey, hey; a tan cremeneis seminary monkey mandey,
Hey, hey, hey, hey; a tan cremeneis seminary monkey mandey,
Saludos para la Republica Dominicana gozando
Greetings to the Dominican Republic enjoying
Mi reggae un ritmo que no para, si esto te
My reggae a rhythm that doesn't stop, if this you
Exita como me éxito yo, yo quiero que alguien grite Ooh...
Succeed as I succeed, I want someone to scream Ooh...
Una Puerto Riqueña caminando por la playa me dijo
A Puerto Rican woman walking on the beach told me
Hay bendito porque tu no te callas Rapido capte
There's blessed because you don't shut up fast catch
Que su voz sonaba falsa la quice conquistar y salio
That her voice sounded fake I wanted to conquer her and she came out
Bailando salsa,
Dancing salsa,
Entonces vine yo para quedarme con todas ¿Quien tu e
So I came here to stay with everyone, who do you and
Res? D.J. Negro
Res? D.J. Black
El super casanova, pasame el microfono que hoy vengo
The super casanova, pass me the microphone I'm coming today
Cantando, tu coje los platos y sigue escrechand,
Singing, you take the dishes and keep on escrechand,
¿Dime como quedo? pues para serte bien sincero para
Tell me how I look? well, to be perfectly honest with you for
Mi no sirvio, pues para hacerte bien sincero tu no
I did not serve, because to make you very sincere you do not
Saber rapiar pero no importa nuestro reggae vino para triunfar.
Knowing how to rap but no matter our reggae came to succeed.
Vico C
Vico C
She like my raggae
She like my raggae
She like my reggae, she like my reggae (4x)
She like my reggae, she like my reggae (4x)
Era una cubana que fue a mi espectáculo, subió a la tarima sin
She was a Cuban who came to my show, she got on stage without
Ningún obstáculo y luego pregunto
No obstacles and then I ask
¿Que es lo que trae chiquitico? yo traigo un reggae que lo bailo
What does chiquitico bring? i bring a reggae that I dance
Suavecito y así por el estilo me lo gozo hasta mañana saludos
Suavecito and so like that I enjoy it until tomorrow greetings
A la gente de la sangre cubana, una para el bajo y otra pal
To the people of the Cuban blood, one for the bass and one for the pal
Volumen y el reggae que yo traigo mi gente lo consume.
Volume and the reggae that I bring my people consume it.
Una dominicana me detuvo en la calle, me hablo del merengue y
A Dominican woman stopped me on the street, she told me about the merengue and
Unos cuantos detalles, me dijo bien curiosa ¿Pero como es la
A few details, she told me very curious but how is the
Vaina? contento y pegadito así es como se baila, Ok.
Pod? happy and stuck that's how you dance, OK.
Santo Domingo, contare hasta 5 y quiero que la muchedumbre
Santo Domingo, I will count to 5 and I want the crowd to
Grite dando brinco, Wan, two, thre, fourh five alinéate mi
Shout jumping, Wan, two, three, fourh five line up my
Hermano porque el reggae es lo que hay.
Brother because reggae is what it is.
Hey, hey, hey, hey; You, dice de missed que caud de play brid
Hey, hey, hey, hey; You, says de missed que caud de play bride
Hey, hey, hey, hey; a tan cremeneis seminary monkey mandey,
Hey, hey, hey, hey; a tan cremeneis seminary monkey mandey,
Saludos para la Republica Dominicana gozando mi reggae un ritmo
Greetings to the Dominican Republic enjoying my reggae a rhythm
Que no para, si esto te exita como me éxito yo, yo quiero que alguien grite Ooh...
That doesn't stop, if this excites you as I succeed, I want someone to scream Ooh...
Una Puerto Riqueña caminando por la playa me dijo
A Puerto Rican woman walking on the beach told me
Hay bendito porque tu no te callas Rapido capte que su voz sonaba
There's blessed that you don't shut up Fast I caught that his voice sounded
Falsa la quice conquistar y salio bailando salsa,
Fake I wanted to conquer her and she came out dancing salsa,
Entonces vine yo para quedarme con todas ¿Quien tu eres? D.J. Negro
So I came to stay with all of you, who are you? D.J. Black
El super casanova, pasame el microfono que hoy vengo cantando, tu coje los platos y
The super casanova, pass me the microphone I've been singing today, you take the plates and
Sigue escrechand, ¿Dime como quedo? pues para serte bien sincero para mi no sirvio,
Keep escrechand, tell me how I look? well, to be honest with you, it didn't work for me.,
Pues para hacerte bien sincero tu no saber rapiar pero no importa nuestro reggae vino para triunfar.
Well, to make you very honest, you don't know how to rap, but no matter, our reggae came to succeed.

Writer(s): Luis Lozada

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