Vico C - Superman - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vico C - Superman

Esto se va a escuchar en Panama
They'll hear this in Panama,
Guatemala tambien en Costa Rica
Guatemala, Costa Rica too,
En Cuba por Colombia y Venezuela
Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela,
Dominica iba a decir vico esta vico esta
Dominica gonna say, Vico's here, he's in the groove.
Tu que dices que se a acabado mi show
You who say my show is over,
Te traigo una maleta repleta de flow
I bring a suitcase overflowing with flow,
Pues me quieres callar pero no puedes bro
You wanna silence me, but you can't, bro,
Cuando saco algo nuevo todos dicen, oh, oh
When I drop something new, everyone's like, oh, oh.
Me tocas te enpuño como un puercoespin
Touch me, I'll jab like a porcupine,
Lo mio saco te opaco
I outshine you, leave you in the dust,
Y te arranco hasta el Bling Bling
And snatch your Bling Bling, it's a must.
No tengo fin AL usar mi creativity
My creativity knows no end,
Te hago sentir una carga de electricity
I'll make you feel a surge of electricity,
Con mi velocity aqui y en new york city
With my velocity, here and in New York City,
Pa que me traigas a tu mama tu papa y tu titi
You'll bring your mama, papa, and your auntie Titi,
Igual que E.T. que hace volar la bicicleta
Like E.T. making the bicycle fly,
Hago volar tu imaginacion con esta letra
I make your imagination soar with these rhymes, oh my!
Supero toa tus metas te pesco como un beta
I surpass all your goals, catch you like a beta,
Te doy con pepa y te arrastras por la cuneta
Hit you with rhymes, you'll crawl in the gutter, sweatin',
Tu en patines y yo en colveta
You on skates, I'm in a Corvette, festin',
Saco distancia y te enseño que a los mayores se respeta
Leave you in the dust, teach you respect for your elders, that's the lesson.
Sin una clap sin una shotgun sin una metra
No clap, no shotgun, no metra,
Sin babosear estupideces sin usar careta
No stupid bragging, no mask to wear,
Porque mi lirika es completa
Because my lyrics are complete, I swear,
Y el que con ella se meta lo vo′a sonar como pandereta
And whoever messes with them will sound like a tambourine, I declare.
No se me guillen de superman
Don't try to be Superman to me,
Ya se muy bien lo que ustedes dan
I know exactly what you bring, you see,
De frente me saludan de espalda solo tiran
To my face you greet, behind my back you flee,
Y ahora todos los tengo en la mira tra
Now I've got you all in my sights, believe me.
No se me guillen de superman
Don't try to be Superman to me,
Ya se muy bien lo que ustedes dan
I know exactly what you bring, you see,
De frente me saludan de espalda solo tiran
To my face you greet, behind my back you flee,
Y ahora todos los tengo en la mira tra
Now I've got you all in my sights, believe me.
Si me atacas contraataco oiste flaco
If you attack, I counter, you skinny fellow,
De la manga me la saco
I pull it out of my sleeve, smooth and mellow,
Tengo muchos mas inventos que robi draco
I got more inventions than Robby Draco,
Y mucha mas gasolina que cualquier texaco
And more gasoline than any Texaco.
Pongo a bailar hasta los sordos
I make even the deaf dance with glee,
Con mi cañiña de mono me trago un coite oldo
With my smooth moves, I swallow an old-fashioned with ease, you see,
Y no es oro todo lo que brilla
Not all that glitters is gold, that's the key,
El que habla un monton no significa que tiene babilla
Talking a lot doesn't mean you got the skills, believe me.
A mi no hay quien me meta el diente
No one can sink their teeth into me,
Pue en esto yo tengo el mayor expediente
I've got the biggest file in this game, you see,
Demente potente bien sobresaliente
Insane, potent, outstanding, and free,
El pionero que llega al corazon de la gente soy
The pioneer reaching people's hearts, that's me.
Rakata prucutu pra
Rakata prucutu pra,
Le meto hasta el demo por alante y atra
I bring the demo, front and back, that's my flair,
Me dicen el man capitan del tra
They call me the man, the captain of the track,
No soy un patan soy vacan de atra
I ain't no fool, I'm cool, from front to back, I declare.
Tira con la tuya que no tiene na
Shoot with yours, it ain't got nothin', it's bare,
A to'o los bailadores que se tiren pa′ca
To all the dancers, come over here, if you dare,
Ehehh mama ehhehhh mama
Ehehh mama ehhehhh mama,
Que kimbarakumbarakunbankinbambam
Que kimbarakumbarakunbankinbambam, let's set the air on fire.
Abreme paso que voy sin freno
Make way, I'm coming through with no brakes,
Sin pichaera como muchos que se guillan
No bragging like those who fake,
Y no son tan buenos aqui llego el tatarabuelo
The great-great-granddaddy arrives, no mistakes,
Y a los novatos que me atiendan y cojan vuelo
Rookies, listen up and take flight, for goodness sakes.
No se me guillen de superman
Don't try to be Superman to me,
Yo se muy bien lo que ustedes dan
I know exactly what you bring, you see,
De frente me saludan de espalda solo tiran
To my face you greet, behind my back you flee,
Y ahora to'o los tengo en la mira tra
Now I've got you all in my sights, believe me.
No se me guillen de superman
Don't try to be Superman to me,
Yo se muy bien lo que ustedes dan
I know exactly what you bring, you see,
De frente me saludan de espalda solo tiran
To my face you greet, behind my back you flee,
Y ahora to'o los tengo en la mira tra
Now I've got you all in my sights, believe me.

Writer(s): Irizarry Suau Paul Frederick, Lozada Luis Armando, Ramos Domingo

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