Vico C - Viernes 13 Parte II - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vico C - Viernes 13 Parte II

Viernes 13 Parte II
Friday the 13th Part II
Despues de que Jason fue electrocutado
After Jason was electrocuted
En Joseph's Cafe se quedaron pasmados
At Joseph's Cafe they were stunned
El guardia aquel que habia salido pato le dijo
The guard, the one who had left pato, told him
Ataron el cuerpo de Jason con cadenas
Jason's body was bound with chains
Y tanto mayores como nenes y nenas
And both older and boys and girls
Oyeron que el decia bien suavemente
They heard that he said well softly
Yo regrese corriendo a su guarida
I ran back to his lair
Y desamarre a D.J. Negro enseguida
And untie D.J. Black right away
Pregunte que si Jason le habia hecho dano
She asked if Jason had hurt her.
Y lo unico que dijo fue [Yo quiere ir par bano]
And the only thing he said was [I want to go for a bath]
Pasaron dos anos de ese viernes horrible
Two years have passed since that horrible Friday
Y mi mente recordaba esa noche terrible
And my mind was remembering that terrible night
Llego el dia de mi esperada boda
The day of my long-awaited wedding is coming
Que si fueron personas, fueron todas
That if they were people, they were all
Casi declarados marido y mujer
Almost declared husband and wife
El cura hizo lo que tenia que hacer
The priest did what he had to do
Pregunto que quien estaba en contra el matrimonio
I wonder who was against marriage.
Cuando una voz dijo [Que tanto demonio]
When a voice said [How much of a demon]
Todos miraron a la silla de atras
Everyone looked at the back chair
Arrancaron a cien millas y se fueron en paz
They started a hundred miles and left in peace
El cura repetia "Oh Santa Clara
The priest repeats "Oh Santa Clara
Era viernes 13 y no me acordaba"
It was Friday the 13th and I didn't remember"
Cogi a mi novia la cargue en mis brazos
I caught my girlfriend I carried her in my arms
Sali de la iglesia en dos o tres pasos
I left the church in two or three steps
Sin yo darme cuenta me monte en un Toyota
Without realizing it, I got into a Toyota.
Y jason ya estaba trapado en la capota
And Jason was already mopped up on the hood
Le di gasolina, lo puse en segunda
I gave him gas, put him on second
Y Jason me decia [A que no me tumbas]
And Jason was telling me [Not to lie to me]
Abri la puert empeze a correr
I opened the door and started running
Mi pantalon arquilao se me queria caer
My arquilao pants wanted to fall off
Nos fuimos al muelle nos colamos en un barco
We went to the dock we snuck on a boat
Nunca imagine que fuera un viaje tan largo
I never imagined it would be such a long journey
Le pregunte a una nina simpatica y dijo
I asked a nice girl and she said
No lo creia, loco me iba a volver
I didn't believe it, crazy was going to turn me
Iba pa Africa, y solo por correr
I was going to Africa, and just to run
El crucero ya casi estaba llegando
The cruise was almost coming
Y ya los monos se ohian chillandos
And now the monkeys are screaming ohian
Fuimos a la selva buscando alimento
We went to the jungle looking for food
Ya muy cansado en el fango me siento
Already very tired in the mud I feel
Cuando escucho una voz que dice con emocion
When I hear a voice that says with emotion
Empujamos un tronco y flotamos en el rio
We push a log and float in the river
Mi novia se tentaba y temblaba de frio
My girlfriend was tempted and shivering with cold
Jason nos siguio nadando de espalda
Jason followed us swimming on his back
Y hasta de los cocodrilos se salva
And even from the crocodiles he is saved
Ya en la orrilla me senti muy cansado
Already in the orrilla I felt very tired
Cuando siento una flecha que me pasa por el lado
When I feel an arrow passing me by
Mire hacia tras y una tribu nos seguia
I looked behind and a tribe was following us
Y mi novia enojada corriendo me decia:
And my angry girlfriend running around telling me:
[Tu y tu me ire a recoger viernes 13
[You and you I'm going to pick up Friday the 13th
Sabiendo que a la boda iba a ir el tipo ese
Knowing that this guy was going to the wedding
Tenemos una tribu persiguiendonos ya
We have a tribe chasing us already
Me dan ganas de meterte una bofeta]
Makes me want to slap you in the face]
Logramos escapar entre lo oscuro de la selva
We managed to escape among the dark of the jungle
Mi novia se sentia un poquito enferma
My girlfriend was feeling a little sick
No sabia ya como salir de este lio
I didn't know how to get out of this mess already
Cuando veo a Tarzan que esta al ladito mio
When I see Tarzan who is next to me
[Yo alquilar casetas de pajas
[I rent straw booths
Traer tu mujer yo hacerte rebajas
Bring your wife I'll make you sales
Tener una grande, de luna de miel]
Have a great, honeymoon]
Tarzan suplico que no pelearamos mas
Tarzan begged us not to fight anymore
Que nos hicieramos amigos y brindara la paz
That we would become friends and bring peace
Imaginense, yo sin pensar lo acepte
Imagine, I without thinking accepted it
Y Jason acepta por primera vez
And Jason accepts for the first time
Al llegar a la caseta que alquilaba Tarzan
When we arrived at the booth that Tarzan rented
Mezcle un coco con un hongo y me hice un flan
Mix a coconut with a mushroom and I made myself a flan
Cuando fui a visitar la mujer que alli reinaba
When I went to visit the woman who reigned there
No crei lo que mis ojos alli observaban
I didn't believe what my eyes were watching there
La esposa de Tarzan se llamaba Jane
Tarzan's wife was named Jane
Y usaba un taparabos de los bien plane
And he was wearing a loincloth from the well-plane...
Decir el nombre de ella en verdad me fastidia
Saying her name really annoys me
Pues aunque no lo crean se llamaba Katiria
Well, believe it or not, her name was Katiria
Vino donde mi y dijo [Voy a tocar mucho]
He came to me and said [I'm going to play a lot]
No, no no invente que ya he sufrido mucho
No, no, don't make up that I've already suffered a lot
Corri al aeropuerto y me cole en un avion
I ran to the airport and got on a plane
Me senti un poco liblre y me dio la emocion
I felt a little libre and it gave me the emotion
Deje a Katiria y a Jason en Africa
I left Katiria and Jason in Africa
Haciendo un flan, usando mi estatica
Making a custard, using my static
En unas horas llege a mi hogar
In a few hours I arrived at my home
Y mi voda como quiera la iba a celebrar
And my voda as I want I was going to celebrate
Todos regresamos contento a la iglesia
We all returned to the church happy
Gente que me odia y gente que me aprecia dijeron
People who hate me and people who appreciate me said
Presente en mi dia especial y el acto estaba puno de comenzar
Present on my special day and the act was just about to start
Mi novia y yo juntos nos emocionamos
My girlfriend and I got excited together
El uno al otro los anillos cambianmos
To each other the rings we change
El cura al casi terminar de leer
The priest almost finished reading
Anadio [Los declaros marido y mujer]
Add [The declarations of husband and wife]
[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa
[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa
Haaa Ha ha ha ha ha ha]
Haaa Ha ha ha ha ha]

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