Vico C - Y Ahora Que? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vico C - Y Ahora Que?

Y Ahora Que?
And Now What?
Dejaste de ganarte la amistad y el respeto
You've lost the friendship and respect
De la gente con tu personalidad
Of people with your personality
Y ahora te aceptan solamente porque
And now they only accept you because
Eres el maleante de la comunidad
You're the thug of the community
Aparentemente tu mano derecha
Apparently, your right-hand man
Te mira con gran admiración
Looks at you with great admiration
Pero lo que busca
But what he seeks
Es un buen momento
Is a good moment
Para conquistar tu posición
To conquer your position
Todo el que te rodea se revuelca
Everyone around you rolls
De la risa por cualquier chiste
With laughter at any stupid joke
Estupido que digas
That you say
No por que seas gracioso
Not because you're funny
Es que te tienen miedo
It's that they fear you
Y te dan la atención que tu les pidas
And they give you the attention you ask of them
Las chicas que ahora te persiguen
The girls who now chase you
Donde quiera y te hacen creer
Everywhere and make you believe
Que tu acabas
That you're the one
No te asian caso para el tiempo
Didn't pay attention to you back then
En que ibas a la escuela y en el futuro pensabas
When you went to school and thought about the future
Dices que no tienes guerra con ninguno
You say you have no war with anyone
Pero para mantenerte el numero uno
But to stay number one
Tienes que estar cuidandote de algunos
You have to be watching out for some
Que asi como tu van creciendo en el negocio
Who, like you, are growing in the business
Sabes que la competencia no respeta
You know that competition doesn't respect
No se esta tranquila no se queda quieta
It doesn't stay calm, it doesn't stay still
No descansa hasta alcanzar su meta
It doesn't rest until it reaches its goal
Esa meta puede ser tu mundo mi socio
That goal could be your world, my partner
Y que vas a ser el tonto lo juzgan a usted
And what are you going to do, play the fool when they judge you
Y no tengas sitio para donde correr
And have no place to run
Se que te pasas gritando poder
I know you spend your time shouting about power
Y como a que edad te van a desaparecer
And at what age are they going to disappear you
Y donde crees que tu hijo va a tener
And where do you think your son will have
Va a crecer preguntando donde esta papi
He will grow up asking where is daddy
Que no lo veo quiero saber
That I don't see him, I want to know
Y que, y que, y que y que
And what, and what, and what, and what
Y que vas a ser el tonto lo busquen a usted
And what are you going to do, play the fool when they come for you
Y no tengas sitio para donde correr
And have no place to run
Se que te pasas gritando poder
I know you spend your time shouting about power
Y como a que edad te van a desaparecer
And at what age are they going to disappear you
Y donde crees que tu hijo va a tener
And where do you think your son will have
Va a crecer preguntando donde esta papi
He will grow up asking where is daddy
Que no lo veo quiero saber
That I don't see him, I want to know
Y que, y que, y que y que
And what, and what, and what, and what
Y ahora que? ahora que? ahora que?
And now what? Now what? Now what?
Me dices que has echo tanta plata
You tell me you've made so much money
Que te sientes bien conforme
That you feel well satisfied
Con lo que ya ahora tienes
With what you now have
Ignorando esa ley del ser humano
Ignoring that law of the human being
De que mientras mas genera
That the more he generates
Mucho mas es lo que quiere
The more he wants
Tienes la oportunidad de trabajar
You have the opportunity to work
Decentemente para que problemas
Decently so that you avoid problems
Con la ley evites
With the law
Pero eso de ganarse el pesito
But that of earning a little peso
Por hora tu orgullo por nada lo permite
Per hour your pride doesn't allow it for anything
Y es asi como pretendes convencerte
And that's how you pretend to convince yourself
A ti mismo de que nunca te vas a dejar coger
To yourself that you will never let yourself be caught
Pero no puedes callar el sermón
But you can't silence the sermon
De la conciencia que te dice
Of the conscience that tells you
Que esto nunca puede ser
That this can never be
Y no quiero que te olvides
And I don't want you to forget
Que dentro de la prisin no hace
That inside the prison it doesn't make
El mismo sol
The same sun
No entra el mismo viento
The same wind doesn't enter
Los panitas ya no estan
The homies are no longer there
Y el nombre de tu amigo inseparable
And the name of your inseparable friend
Sera remordimiento
Will be regret
Dices que no tienes guerra con ninguno
You say you have no war with anyone
Pero para mantenerte el numero uno
But to stay number one
Tienes que estar cuidandote de algunos
You have to be watching out for some
Que asi como tu van creciendo en el negocio
Who, like you, are growing in the business
Sabes que la competencia no respeta
You know that competition doesn't respect
No se esta tranquila no se queda quieta
It doesn't stay calm, it doesn't stay still
No descansa hasta alcanzar su meta
It doesn't rest until it reaches its goal
Esa meta puede ser tu mundo mi socio
That goal could be your world, my partner
Y que vas a ser el tonto lo juzgan a usted
And what are you going to do, play the fool when they judge you
Y no tengas sitio para donde correr
And have no place to run
Se que te pasas gritando poder
I know you spend your time shouting about power
Y como a que edad te van a desaparecer
And at what age are they going to disappear you
Y donde crees que tu hijo va a tener
And where do you think your son will have
Va a crecer preguntando donde esta papi
He will grow up asking where is daddy
Que no lo veo quiero saber
That I don't see him, I want to know
Y que, y qué, y qué y qué
And what, and what, and what, and what
Y que vas a ser el tonto lo juzgan a usted
And what are you going to do, play the fool when they come for you
Y no tengas sitio para donde correr
And have no place to run
Se que te pasas gritando poder
I know you spend your time shouting about power
Y como a que edad te van a desaparecer
And at what age are they going to disappear you
Y donde crees que tu hijo va a tener
And where do you think your son will have
Va a crecer preguntando donde esta papi
He will grow up asking where is daddy
Que no lo veo quiero saber
That I don't see him, I want to know
Y ahora qué, y qué, y qué, y qué
And now what, and what, and what, and what
Y ahora que, ahora qué, ahora qué
And now what, now what, now what

Writer(s): Lozada Luis Armando

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