Vieru - Marturisiri 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vieru - Marturisiri 2

Marturisiri 2
Confessions 2
Si stii, ar trebui sa-ti multumesc
And you know, I should thank you
Ca dupa toata suferinta, conduc trap-ul romanesc
Because after all the suffering, I run the Romanian trap scene
Voiam asta inca de la Scrisoare Spre Viitor
I wanted this ever since "Letter to the Future"
De cand sufeream dupa tine si trageam din dormitor
Since I was suffering for you and rapping from my bedroom
Acum ma uit pe cer si nu mai esti printre stele
Now I look at the sky and you're no longer among the stars
Dar uita-te si tu, ca poate ma vezi printre ele
But look for yourself, maybe you'll see me among them
Po' s-am toti banii din lume, muzica e tot avere
I may have all the money in the world, music is still wealth
Ma suna fosti tovarasi si-mi zic "bravo, ba Viere"
Former comrades call me and say "well done, Vieru"
Imi amintesc de clipele cand stateam toti la bere
I remember the times when we all used to drink beer together
Cu totii rupti in cur, acum buzunare grele
All broke, now heavy pockets
Cand stateam cu-orice pizde, acuma futem modele
When we were with any bitches, now we fuck models
Sa-ndragostesc tarfele, dar nici nu ma uit la ele
Making whores fall in love, but I don't even look at them
Cum poa' sa-mi para rau cand am ajuns ce am vrut?
How can I feel sorry when I've become what I wanted?
In spate doar true homies, ii tin ca pe un scut
Behind me are only true homies, I keep them like a shield
C-am demonstrat ca faci aur din carbune si lut
Because I proved that you can make gold from coal and clay
Si nu-mi mai da mesaje, fiindca te-am uitat de mult
And don't text me anymore, because I've forgotten you long ago
Din saracie-am ajuns sus
From poverty I reached the top
Uita-te la mine, poate te vei mira
Look at me, maybe you'll be surprised
Yeah, dar pot sa ai tu orice lux
Yeah, but you can have any luxury
Nimeni nu iti va vinde fericirea
No one will sell you happiness
Da, toata lumea-mi zicea ca-s dus
Yeah, everyone told me I was crazy
Daca-ai sti cat am tras, nici nu poti visa
If you knew how much I've been through, you can't even dream
Dar indiferent unde-am ajuns
But no matter where I've reached
Drumu-i inca lung, mai e pan' se va termina
The road is still long, it's not over yet
Mai e pan' se va termina si drumul meu ca
It's not over yet, and my road is like
Oricat as vrea sa il inchei, ceva ma impiedica
No matter how much I want to end it, something stops me
Oricat ai vrea sa-i multumesti, cineva-ti poarta pica
No matter how much you want to thank them, someone resents you
Dar de la vorbe goale, acum Vieru le predica
But from empty words, now Vieru preaches them
Si viata m-a calit, din greseli eu am invatat
And life has hardened me, I've learned from mistakes
Recunoscator mamei, ca bine m-a educat
Grateful to my mother, for raising me well
I-am intins degetul si toata mana mi-a muscat
I gave them a finger and they bit off my whole hand
Asa sunt oamenii si-asa-am fost caracterizat
That's how people are and that's how I've been characterized
Mi s-a spus ca sunt un drogat fara viitor
I was told I was a junkie with no future
Muzica-i drogul meu, fac supradoza chiar de mor
Music is my drug, I overdose even if I die
Ca n-o s-ajung vreodata unde mi-am dorit sa fiu
That I'll never get to where I wanted to be
Acum n-am timp de tine, poate te sun mai tarziu
Now I don't have time for you, maybe I'll call you later
Tarfo, doar nu mai comenta
Bitch, just don't comment anymore
Ti-aduci aminte cand iti ziceam ca esti viata mea?
Do you remember when I told you that you were my life?
Ti-aduci aminte cand iti ziceam ca esti muza mea?
Do you remember when I told you that you were my muse?
Si cand ma inecam in lacrimi, erai scuza mea
And when I was drowning in tears, you were my excuse
Dar acum scuza-ma pe mine, "ca eu te-am ranit"
But now excuse me, "because I hurt you"
Cu toate ca pe-atunci tu erai universul meu
Even though back then you were my universe
Iar inima si sufletul mereu doar te-au mintit
And my heart and soul always lied to you
Dar sufletul e muzica, muzica-i scutul meu
But the soul is music, music is my shield
Si n-o sa-l vand vreodata vreunei pizde sau lacheu
And I'll never sell it to any bitch or lackey
Din saracie-am ajuns sus
From poverty I reached the top
Uita-te la mine, poate te vei mira
Look at me, maybe you'll be surprised
Yeah, dar pot sa ai tu orice lux
Yeah, but you can have any luxury
Nimeni nu iti va vinde fericirea
No one will sell you happiness
Da, toata lumea-mi zicea ca-s dus
Yeah, everyone told me I was crazy
Daca-ai sti cat am tras, nici nu poti visa
If you knew how much I've been through, you can't even dream
Dar, indiferent unde-am ajuns
But, no matter where I've reached
Drumu-i inca lung, mai e pan' se va termina
The road is still long, it's not over yet

Writer(s): Alexandru Vieru

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