Viktor Sheen - Bál - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Viktor Sheen - Bál

(Tančej bál)
(Dance ball)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah...)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah...)
(Tančej bál)
(Dance ball)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah...)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah...)
Zapnu beat a vidím jenom hvězdy
I turn on the beat and see only stars
Vlezu do studia vidím vesmír
I enter the studio and see the universe
Když je zaplá hudba tady nejsem
When the music is on, I'm not here anymore
Fakt nevím jak bych to dal bez
I really don't know how I would do it without her
Týpek celou dobu čuměl do zdi
Dude was staring at the wall the whole time
jednoho dne rozbil pěstí
Until one day he smashed it with his fist
Budí ta melodie strun (yeah)
The melody of strings wakes me up (yeah)
Když to hraje tak se nespí
When it plays, I can't sleep
More teď se nespí (yeah, yeah)
More now I can't sleep (yeah, yeah)
Přiletěla víla, ale není lesní
A fairy flew in, but she's not a forest fairy
ráda kluby, drogy, sex
She loves clubs, drugs, sex
A straky jdou na to, co je lesklý
And magpies go for the shiny stuff
Dej mi chvíli, než se vymaním z kleští
Give me a moment to shake off the pincers
Nebyla moc nadšená, že jsem nesvlík
She wasn't very excited that I didn't undress her
A tyhle holky udělaj všechno
And these girls will do anything
Tyhle holky nevěděj, co je to nesmíš (yeah)
These girls don't know what it means to not (yeah)
Drápy se po mně sápou teď
Claws are reaching for me now
A před sebou klasickej pátek (yeah)
And a classic Friday ahead of me (yeah)
To co tady tiká nejsou hodiny
The ticking here is not a clock
nevím jakej mám přestřihnout drát teď (yeah)
I don't know which wire to cut now (yeah)
Drápy se po mně sápou teď
Claws are reaching for me now
Ale v pohodě vím, je to jejich práce
But it's okay, I know it's their job
Tyhle večery mi začínaj splívat
These evenings are starting to merge for me
Tyhle večery se mi trochu ztrácej
These evenings are starting to fade away from me
Skáču backflip do auta po show
I backflip into the car after the show
boys dávaj kufry do kufru jak Tetris
My boys put the suitcases in the trunk like Tetris
My dávno víme, jak funguje tenhle Matrix
We've known for a long time how this Matrix works
Začíná se rozpadat, hraje můj tracklist
It's starting to fall apart, my tracklist is playing
My jsme prošli tim peklem, mám za sebou testy
We went through that hell, I have tests behind me
Kolik kouře jsem nadejchal do plic
How much smoke did I inhale into my lungs
A pořád za mnou choděj démoni a mají vostny
And the demons still follow me and have sharp teeth
Prostřete stůl, máme hosty
Set the table, we have guests
Démoni s náma
Demons with us
Tančej bál
Dancing the ball
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Kolem nás láva
There's lava around us
(Kolem nás láva, yeah)
(There's lava around us, yeah)
Všechno se ti zdá
It all seems to you
Pojď se mnou dál
Come with me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
musíme vstávat, yeah
We have to get up now, yeah
(Už musíme vstávat, yeah)
(We have to get up now, yeah)
Démoni s náma
Demons with us
Tančej bál
Dancing the ball
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Kolem nás láva
There's lava around us
(Kolem nás láva, yeah)
(There's lava around us, yeah)
Všechno se ti zdá
It all seems to you
Pojď se mnou dál
Come with me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
musíme vstávat, yeah
We have to get up now, yeah
(Už musíme vstávat, yeah)
(We have to get up now, yeah)
(Barvy, woah)
(Colors, woah)

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