Viljar Broks - Midnattssol - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Viljar Broks - Midnattssol

Midnight Sun
Kor du får de tankan i fra
Where do you get those thoughts from?
æ sa midnattsola
I said the midnight sun
Midnight sun
Midnight sun
Lyset gjør med
The light is doing something to me
Lyset gjør meeeed
The light is doing something tooooo me
Kor du får de tankan i fra
Where do you get those thoughts from?
æ sa midnattsola
I said the midnight sun
Midnight sun
Midnight sun
Lyset gjør med
The light is doing something to me
Lyset gjør meeeed
The light is doing something tooooo me
Lys våken natta
Wide awake at night
Frys alltid anklan
Always cold in the ankles
Syv sover om kapp med mørket
Seven sleep in a race with darkness
Ofre oslo noen tanka, men
Spare Oslo some thoughts, but
Energien i nord e kulda e bror og havet e søster
The energy in the north, the cold is brother and the ocean is sister
Lærte om familie, lærte å se mønster
Taught me about family, taught me to see patterns
Kanskje det har forma soundet
Maybe that has shaped the sound
æ finn ikkje rim før natta
I don't find rhyme before at night
Folk har si egen sannhet
People have their own truth
Men æ har aldri sett isbjørn i gata
But I've never seen a polar bear in the street
Bare sett isbjørn fatan
Only seen polar bear on the plate
Kom opp med is under haka
Come up with some ice under your chin
Og dem står i førr å anta
And they are queuing up to assume
Ka som gir lys til de tankan
What gives light to those thoughts
Lyset gir styrke
The light gives me strength
Lyset lar virke
The light lets me work
Inni tunge tida hver gang mørket kommer for å ta oss
In difficult times whenever the darkness comes to take us
Lyset danne sirkel
The light forms a circle
æ får en bedre vinkel
I'm getting a better angle
Kommer opp for å jakte vinkel
Coming up to hunt for the angle
To piruetta rett i vinkeln
Two pirouettes straight into the angle
Skriv ting sjøl for rette vinkling ingen kan si ting
Writing things myself for right angles, no one can say things
æ e ba forma av klimaet bror
I'm just shaped by the climate, bro
Nordavind lagde liv i bror
North wind gave me life, bro
Mørketida e en del av oss men
The dark season is a part of us, but
Midnattssol e energi der vi bor
Midnight sun is energy where we live
Ta bort søvn og bare gi idea
Take away sleep and just give me ideas
Gi lys når det e svart
Give me light when it's black
Forbered mørke veia
Prepare me for the dark roads
Hold våken i natt
Keep me awake tonight
Kor du får de tankan i fra
Where do you get those thoughts from?
æ sa midnattsola
I said the midnight sun
Midnight sun
Midnight sun
Lyset gjør med
The light is doing something to me
Lyset gjør meeeed
The light is doing something tooooo me
Kor du får de tankan i fra
Where do you get those thoughts from?
æ sa midnattsola
I said the midnight sun
Midnight sun
Midnight sun
Lyset gjør med
The light is doing something to me
Lyset gjør meeeed
The light is doing something tooooo me

Writer(s): Tone Beathe Pedersen, Frank Cock, Torbjorn Rogde, Jan Erik Vik, Tom Espen Pedersen, Magnus Tornensis

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