Violadores del Verso - Zombis - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Violadores del Verso - Zombis

Allí yacía en el borde de una acera tirado,
There he lay, sprawled on the curb's edge,
Reposaba un desecho barrido hacia el alcantarillado,
A discarded waste, swept towards the gutter's dredge.
Levántose con cara amarilla, despertáronle,
He rose, his face yellow, awakened from slumber,
Y a una farola díjole hablándole de usted:
And to a lamppost, he spoke with utmost lumber:
Oiga perdone busco un bar el más cercano,
"Excuse me, sir, I seek the nearest bar,"
El creyó entender: siga recto el de la esquina está cerrado,
He thought he heard, "Go straight, the one on the corner's afar."
Siguió su curso y echó mano al bolsillo,
He continued his course, reaching into his pocket's hold,
Saco un pito y mirose sus dedos y vioselos ultramarillos,
Pulled out a cigarette, saw his fingers, ultramarine and cold.
No dudó en echarse otro a la boca,
He didn't hesitate to stick another in his maw,
Los avisos de muerte en el paquete, por lo que se ve no importan,
The death warnings on the pack, it seems, held no awe.
Optó, por entrar en otra tasca y darle al frasco,
He opted to enter another tavern, to hit the flask,
Y un poco ofuscado se empezó a comer el tarro,
And slightly dazed, began to stew and bask.
Se imaginó coger a un rapper de estos guaperas medio modelo,
He imagined grabbing one of those tough rappers, half-model types,
Y engancharle un gancho a los huevos,
And hooking a fist right into his hype.
Tirar de él con una cadena atada a un Patrol,
Dragging him with a chain tied to a Patrol's might,
Y desgarrarle la bolsa escrotal hasta oír sus llantos,
And ripping his scrotum open, till he heard his mournful plight.
Que malévolo, necesita calma,
How malevolent, he needed calm's embrace,
Que cojones le echó en el ron el hijo de puta del barman,
"What the hell did the bartender's son put in my rum's space?"
Necesitaba poner su cabeza en orden,
He needed to put his head in order's hold,
Y cambióse de bar y ambiente para acabar bien la noche,
And changed bars and ambiance to end the night bold.
Postró su culo en otro guariche inmundo,
He placed his ass on another filthy stool's perch,
Y con las últimas pelas pidióse su último tubo,
And with his last coins, ordered his final tube's search.
El pensaba "a ver si aquí me comporto y no me desvaría el coco" y se equivocó,
He thought, "Let's see if I behave and my mind doesn't stray," and he was wrong, you see,
Pensó en raptar a otro rapero español de estos que están de modas,
He thought of kidnapping another trendy Spanish rapper, a sight to behold,
Un bailarín con gracia y un desgraciado ahora,
A graceful dancer then, and a wretch now, so cold,
Amordazarlo a cuatro patas y sus nalgas en pompa,
Gag him on all fours, his buttocks in full display,
Y meterle un soldador ardiendo por el culo hasta la boca,
And shove a burning soldering iron up his ass all the way.
Deliraba, buscaba venganza a base de sangre,
He raved, seeking vengeance through blood's embrace,
Aquí perdones no valen, ¡Que te calles!,
"No forgiveness here, just silence in this space!"
Volvió en y se dijo "yo nunca lo haría aunque sería mi mayor fantasía",
He came to his senses and said, "I'd never do it, though it'd be my ultimate fantasy,"
Son los pensamientos más ocultos de este zombi nocturno,
These are the most hidden thoughts of this nocturnal zombie,
De pelo largo, barba y moribundo,
With long hair, beard, and a body quite gloomy.
Sho Hai era el medio muerto medio vivo con talento,
Sho Hai was the half-dead, half-alive with talent's spark,
En este macabro intento de feliz cuento,
In this macabre attempt at a happy tale, quite dark.
Y así otra noche de este fantasma,
And so, another night of this phantom's plight,
Sin alegrías ni penas, anda cumpliendo condenas, buscando respuestas,
Without joys or sorrows, he walks, serving sentences, seeking answers bright.
Se fue dando portazos por no partirse la crisma en pedazos,
He went slamming doors, to avoid shattering his skull in pieces' despair,
Echando el humo por la boca,
Exhaling smoke through his mouth, without a care.
¿Quién gobierna esta cabeza loca?
Who governs this crazy head, I plead?
Cual ciudad sin ley cuando se desboca,
Like a lawless city when it runs with speed.
Lamentando cada oportunidad perdida, relamiendo las heridas,
Lamenting every lost opportunity, licking his wounds indeed,
Y así anda resoplando por la vida,
And so he goes, huffing and puffing through life's creed,
Suspirando, tomando aire, tropezando con bordillos en la calle,
Sighing, taking a breath, stumbling over curbs on the street,
Doblando esquinas no espero a nadie,
Turning corners, I expect no one to meet,
Cortando el tráfico,
Cutting through traffic's heat,
Volver a casa arrepentido no es trágico,
Returning home repentant isn't tragic, it's sweet,
En la calle suena Doble V y eso es mágico,
Double V plays on the street, and that's magic, can't be beat,
Yo era un ladrón con talento,
I was a talented thief, it's true,
Asaltando el firmamento robando estrellas,
Storming the firmament, stealing stars anew.
Borrando las huellas,
Erasing the traces, that's what we do,
Disimulando nuestras miserias,
Disguising our miseries, through and through.
Sin problemas que nos desborden,
Without problems that overflow, we're free,
Se que el universo pone las cosas en orden,
I know the universe sets things in order, you see,
La conciencia me está gritando algo,
My conscience is screaming something at me,
Que venga demostrándole al mundo lo que valgo,
Let it come, showing the world my worth, wild and free.
Siempre pago lo que debo y lo que bebo,
I always pay what I owe and what I drink, it's clear,
Nada nuevo, me muevo, paso el relevo, agárrame si me elevo,
Nothing new, I move, I pass the baton, catch me if I disappear,
Vuelvo haciendo saltar las alarmas,
I return, setting off alarms with a blare,
Preguntándome donde estaban las cámaras,
Wondering where the cameras were, with a stare.
Que no las ves, pero te graban,
You don't see them, but they record, it's a snare,
Las desafío escribiendo mi nombre,
I defy them by writing my name, without a care.
Parece que el genio sea la razón de ser del hombre,
It seems that genius is the man's raison d'être,
Y sea donde, se libre de la agonía,
And wherever he may be, let him be free from agony's tear,
Yo ando buscando armonía,
I'm searching for harmony, it's near,
Siempre y cuando jamás nos falte compañía,
As long as we never lack company, my dear,
Y así encontré a Javat y a Hate,
And so I found Javat and Hate, a trio so rare,
Tres historias de película en tu cine mental,
Three movie-like stories in your mental cinema, beyond compare,
Sobre una instrumental.
Over an instrumental, a journey to share.
(Kase O)
(Kase O)
Cuando cerraron el bar de la esquina,
When they closed the bar on the corner's bend,
Se vio en la calle con un frío de tres pares de cojones a las tres,
He found himself on the street, with a cold that wouldn't end,
Solo como toda la tarde solo, con el Marqués de Cáceres,
Alone like all afternoon, with the Marqués de Cáceres as his friend,
Ciudadano sade con dejadez,
Citizen Sade with carelessness to lend,
Un diez merece su memez,
His foolishness deserves a ten, it's plain to see,
Aislao de la gente por miedo a echarse a llorar de repente otra vez,
Isolated from people, fearing he'd suddenly burst into tears, you and me,
Toda la semana, ya sabes no tienen horario,
All week long, you know they have no schedule's hold,
Gimiendo en las calles del barrio arrastraba sus pies,
Moaning through the streets of the neighborhood, his feet dragged and cold,
Un portazo se oyó en toda la ciudad de repente,
A slam echoed throughout the city, sudden and bold,
Y despertóse un borracho barbudo en la acera de enfrente,
And a bearded drunkard woke up on the sidewalk, we're told,
"Está cerrado no me trate de usted, más alante hay uno abierto en fin ve y bebe",
"It's closed, don't call me 'sir', there's one open further down, go and drink," he said,
Cada uno por su lado se fue,
Each went their own way, with a heavy tread,
Nuestro amigo ya está fuera de sí, en fin, el diablo está en él,
Our friend is already out of his mind, the devil's in his head,
Le aconseja ahorrar lo suficiente,
He advises him to save enough, to make amends,
Encerrarse para siempre en algún lado,
To lock himself away forever, somewhere it all ends,
Morir sin ser enterrado,
To die without being buried, fate suspends,
Bueno en el lodo de su mente,
Well, yes, in the mud of his mind, it all descends,
Y así continúa este dúo, el búho y la serpiente,
And so this duo continues, the owl and the serpent's blend,
Como describir ese drama,
How to describe that drama, I apprehend,
Ese infierno interno, en el frío invierno, el eterno, camino a la cama caliente,
That internal hell, in the cold winter, the eternal path to a warm bed's end,
Ya se desploma creyéndose a salvo,
He collapses, believing himself safe and sound,
Se dispone para el coma pero se olvida de algo,
He prepares for a coma, but something he hasn't found,
No tiene control y un sollozo involuntario,
He has no control, and an involuntary sob's profound,
Convierte su cama en un pozo y allí se retuerce,
Turns his bed into a well, where he writhes and is bound,
Éxtasis extraordinario que nadie merece,
Extraordinary ecstasy that no one deserves, it's renowned,
Entre la angustia y el gozo, el dolor y el placer se mecen,
Between anguish and joy, pain and pleasure are found,
Joven atormentado su nombre da igual,
Tormented young man, his name doesn't matter now,
Es el final de esta pesadilla real porque ya duerme.
It's the end of this real nightmare, for he sleeps somehow.

Writer(s): David Gilaberte Miguel, Javier Ibarra Ramos, Sergio Rodriguez Fernandez, Ruben Cuevas Garcia

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