Vița de Vie - Pierdut - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vița de Vie - Pierdut

Fiecare are-un vis, are-un nume si-o poveste de scris.
Each has a dream, a name, and a story to write.
Are-o viata de-ndurat
They have a life to endure.
O secunda si s-a terminat
A second and it's over.
Daca simti ca esti pierdut
If you feel lost,
Daca vezi ca nu mai poti
If you see that you can't do it anymore
Si nu mai ai pe nimeni
And you have no one left.
Am sa stau sa te ascult
I'll listen to you.
Si-am sa-ti spun ca ma ai pe mine
And I'll tell you that you have me.
Aruncat pe-acest pamant
Thrown on this earth,
Batut de ploaie si de vant
Beaten by rain and wind.
Ridica ochii in sus la nori
Look up to the clouds above.
Da-i la o parte si-ncearca sa zbori
Push them aside and try to fly.
Daca simti ca esti pierdut
If you feel lost,
Daca vezi ca nu mai poti
If you see that you can't do it anymore
Si nu mai ai pe nimeni
And you have no one left.
Am sa stau sa te ascult
I'll listen to you.
Si-am sa-ti spun ca ma ai pe mine
And I'll tell you that you have me.
Poate poate poate doar pe mïne
Maybe just me.
Daca simti ca esti pierdut
If you feel lost,
Daca vezi ca nu mai poti
If you see that you can't do it anymore
Si nu mai ai pe nimeni
And you have no one left.
Am sa stau sa te ascult
I'll listen to you.
Si-am sa-ti spun ca ma ai pe mine
And I'll tell you that you have me.

Writer(s): Adrian Despot

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