Praf de stele pe hainele mele si-ncerc sa Nu uit, sa nu vad, sa corbor dintre ele
Stardust on my clothes and I'm trying not to Forget, not to see, to descend among them
Am o bodega in fata, am un ghem de ata si
I have a tavern in front of me, I have a ball of thread and
Praf de stele pe urmele mele, si-ncerc sa Ma urc, sa nu uit sa raman printre ele
Stardust on my tracks, and I'm trying to Climb up, not to forget to remain among them
Spune-mi oare mai sti cum a fost, primul Început, primul vis pierdut, spune-mi sti cate ne-au mai ramas pana azi?
Tell me, do you still remember how it was, The first Beginning, the first lost Dream, tell me, how many are Left for us today?
Am o vedere spre lume, un vis fara nume
I have a view of the world, a dream without a name
Si praf de stele pe urmele mele si-ncer
And stardust on my tracks and I'm trying
Sa ma uit inapoi sa vad soare sau ploi
To look back and see sun or rain
Am o poveste citita, o soapta zidita si
I have a story read, a whispered secret and
Praf de stele pe hainele mele si-as vrea
Stardust on my clothes and I'd like
Sa culeg stropi de vat sa-i arunc pe Pamant sa devina cuvant spune-mi oare Mai stii cum a fost primul inceput primul v
To gather drops of cotton to throw them on Earth to become words, tell me, do you Still remember how it was, the first beginning, the first l
Vis pierdut spune-mi sti cate ne-au mai Ramas pana azi? spune-mi oare mai
ost Dream, tell me, how many are Left for us today? tell me, do you still
Stii cum a fost primul, pas gresit primul Reusit spune-mi sti cate trepte-au mai Ramas de urcat? oare mai sti cum a fost Primul inceput primul vis pierdut spune-Mi sti cate ne-au mai ramas pana azi Spune-mi oare mai sti cum a fost primul Pas gresit primul reusit spune-mi sti cate Trepte-au ramas de urcat?
Know how it was, the first, wrong step, the first Success, tell me, how many steps are Left to climb? do you still remember how it was, The first beginning, the first lost dream, tell Me how many are Left for us today? Tell me, do you still remember how it was, the first Wrong step, the first success, tell me, how many Steps are Left to climb?
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