Vitor Ramil feat. Carlos Moscardini - Deixando o Pago (feat. Carlos Moscardini) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Vitor Ramil feat. Carlos Moscardini - Deixando o Pago (feat. Carlos Moscardini)

Deixando o Pago (feat. Carlos Moscardini)
Leaving the Homeland (feat. Carlos Moscardini)
Alcei a perna no pingo
I mounted the horse
E saí sem rumo certo
And left without a certain direction
Olhei o pampa deserto
I looked at the deserted prairie
E o céu fincado no chão
And the sky planted on the ground
Troquei as rédeas de mão
I changed the reins of my hand
Mudei o pala de braço
I changed the stirrup of my arm
E vi a lua no espaço
And I saw the moon in the space
Clareando todo o rincão
Brightening all the corner
E a trotezito no mais
And trotting a little bit more
Fui aumentando a distância
I was increasing the distance
Deixar o rancho da infância
Leaving the childhood ranch
Coberto pela neblina
Covered by the fog
Nunca pensei que minha sina
I never thought that my destiny
Fosse andar longe do pago
Would be to walk far from my homeland
E trago na boca o amargo
And I bring in my mouth the bitter
Dum doce beijo de china
Of a sweet kiss of a woman
Sempre gostei da morena
I always liked the brunette
É a minha cor predileta
It's my favorite color
Da carreira em cancha reta
Of a race in a straight field
Dum truco numa carona
Of a trick in a ride
Dum churrasco de mamona
Of a barbecue of mamona
Na sombra do arvoredo
In the shade of the trees
Onde se oculta o segredo
Where the secret is hidden
Num teclado de cordeona
In a keyboard of accordion
Cruzo a última cancela
I cross the last gate
Do campo pro corredor
Of the field to the corridor
E sinto um perfume de flor
And I feel a perfume of flower
Que brotou na primavera.
That blossomed in the spring.
À noite, linda que era,
At night, how beautiful it was,
Banhada pelo luar
Bathed by the moonlight
Tive ganas de chorar
I had the desire to cry
Ao ver meu rancho tapera
When seeing my abandoned ranch
Como é linda a liberdade
How beautiful is the freedom
Sobre o lombo do cavalo
On the back of a horse
E ouvir o canto do galo
And hear the cock crowing
Anunciando a madrugada
Announcing the morning
Dormir na beira da estrada
Sleeping by the side of the road
Num sono largo e sereno
In a deep and serene sleep
E ver que o mundo é pequeno
And see that the world is small
E que a vida não vale nada
And that life is worth nothing
O pingo tranqueava largo
The horse was walking calmly
Na direção de um bolicho
In the direction of a tavern
Onde se ouvia o cochicho
Where you could hear the whisper
De uma cordeona acordada
Of an awake accordion
Era linda a madrugada
The morning was beautiful
A estrela d'alva saía
The morning star was rising
No rastro das três marias
In the wake of the three wise men
Na volta grande da estrada
In the big turn of the road
Era um baile, um casamento
It was a dance, a marriage
Quem sabe algum batizado
Who knows some baptism
Eu não era convidado
I wasn't invited
Mas tava ali de cruzada
But I was there crossed-armed
Bolicho em beira de estrada
Tavern by the roadside
Sempre tem um índio vago
Always has an Indian leisure
Cachaça pra tomar um trago
Cachaça to have a drink
Carpeta pra uma carteada
Carpet for a card game
Falam muito no destino
They talk a lot about destiny
Até nem sei se acredito
I don't even know if I believe it
Eu fui criado solito
I was raised alone
Mas sempre bem prevenido
But always well prepared
Índio do queixo torcido
Indian with a twisted jaw
Que se amansou na experiência
Who tamed himself in the experience
Eu vou voltar pra querência
I will go back to my homeland
Lugar onde fui parido
Place where I was born

Writer(s): João Da Cunha Vargas, Vitor Ramil

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