Vladis - Kalašnikov - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vladis - Kalašnikov

Kalašnikov, Vladeezy
Kalashnikov, Vladeezy
Čávo čo si na chleba zarábal jak barman
Dude, you were making your living as a bartender
Vydáva nový album, čierny ako havran.
Releasing a new album, black as a raven.
Chcel si ma dissovať, no pre mňa je to sranda.
You wanted to diss me, but to me it's funny.
Ja som Aristok a ty si iba pojebaný farmár.
I'm Aristocrat and you're just a fucking farmer.
Volaj ma Illuminati,
Call me Illuminati,
Ten, čo špinavú pravdu do očí ti.
The one who will give you the dirty truth to your face.
Nazývam to ako karma zdarma,
I call it free karma,
Aj keď viem, že to nepochopí ten bandrák, aj tak.
Even though I know that idiot won't understand it anyway.
Flow luxusný mám ako Maybach.
My flow is luxurious like a Maybach.
Tvoj flow je mŕtvy a ja hovorím mu bye-bye.
Your flow is dead and I'm saying bye-bye to it.
Tí, čo to chápu, s tými môžem si dať high-five.
Those who understand it, I can give a high-five to.
Najcennejší v mojom živote je my life.
The most precious thing in my life is my life.
Môj rap, moja hudba, texty highlight,
My rap, my music, lyrics highlight,
Technika muay thai na súboj zvaný rap fight.
Muay Thai technique for a fight called rap fight.
Prečo by sa mala páčiť práve tebe, háá?
Why should you like it, huh?
Keď tvoje cédé úplne rovnako celé hrá.
When your CD plays exactly the same all the way through.
Jebem na tie Vaše otrepané pravidlá,
Fuck your worn-out rules,
Veď Vaša éra pred dvomi rokmi dávno zanikla.
You know, your era faded out two years ago.
Aj keď kuprezáčik zradil ma,
Even though my homie betrayed me,
O to viacej pravda baví ma.
The truth entertains me even more.
Čo si myslia ma nezaujímááá.
I don't care what they think.
Aj tak nikdy nemali radi máá.
They never liked me anyway.
No vydržal som ako Stalingrad
But I survived like Stalingrad
A nemusel byť s Vami brat
And I didn't have to be your brother
A to je veľmi známy fakt.
And that's a well-known fact.
Horím jak vyjebaný benzín.
I'm burning like fucking gasoline.
Láska patrí iba verným
Love belongs only to the faithful
A ja som voľný ako handsfree.
And I'm free as a handsfree.
Oni uväznení väzni,
They are imprisoned prisoners,
Zacyklení ako myši,
Cyclical like mice,
V labyrinte bez východiska, ktorý je v piči.
In a maze with no exit, which is fucked up.
Volaj ma Vladeezy.
Call me Vladeezy.
Ja mám v piči Vaše dissy,
I don't give a shit about your disses,
Je to easy.
It's easy.
Som iný ako Louver v Paríži,
I'm different than the Louvre in Paris,
Jak Lil Wayne Weezy.
Like Lil Wayne Weezy.
Môj flow sa volá Kalašnikov,
My flow is called Kalashnikov,
39 milimetrov na tých odpadlíkov. Hou!
39 millimeters for those odpadlíkov. Hou!
Sleduj zajebal som tempo,
Watch, I nailed the tempo,
Retro nikdy nestihne to dobehnúť, ja viem to.
Retro will never catch up, I know it.
Sem poď,
Come on,
Ukážem ti jak sa bere jackpot.
I'll show you how to hit the jackpot.
Neblafujem, ale hrám to cez flop.
I'm not bluffing, but I'm playing it through the flop.
Kontroverzný Marilyn Manson.
Controversial Marilyn Manson.
Prečo to nevypneš, keď mi kritizuješ ten song?
Why don't you turn it off if you're criticizing the song?
La vida loca,
La vida loca,
Každý jeden deň do roka.
Every single day of the year.
Príbeh ako sa stane milionár ubohý stokár.
The story of how a poor pawn becomes a millionaire.
Celý život iba poloprázdny pohár,
A lifetime of a half-empty glass,
Ale nikdy v živote sa nesklonil ku cudzým nohám.
But never in his life bowed down to foreign feet.
Mierim na teba, strieľam pau-pau,
I'm aiming at you, shooting pew-pew,
Keď píšem temne ako Dan Brown.
When I write as dark as Dan Brown.
Dvojitý zásah ako Van Damme,
Double hit like Van Damme,
Srdce ti bubnuje jak Tam-Tam.
Your heart beats like Tam-Tam.
A nejsom obmedzený nikým,
And I'm not limited by anyone,
Hovorím presne ako cítim.
I say exactly how I feel.
Vo svojom obore som workoholik,
In my field I'm a workaholic,
Ja mám chuť nonstop tvoriť,
I feel like creating nonstop,
Plány a ciele spojiť.
To connect plans and goals.
Horím jak vyjebaný benzín.
I'm burning like fucking gasoline.
Láska patrí iba verným
Love belongs only to the faithful
A ja som voľný ako handsfree.
And I'm free as a handsfree.
Oni uväznení väzni,
They are imprisoned prisoners,
Zacyklení ako myši,
Cyclical like mice,
V labyrinte bez východiska, ktorý je v piči.
In a maze with no exit, which is fucked up.
Volaj ma Vladeezy.
Call me Vladeezy.
Ja mám v piči Vaše dissy,
I don't give a shit about your disses,
Je to easy.
It's easy.
Som iný ako Louver v Paríži,
I'm different than the Louvre in Paris,
Jak Lil Wayne Weezy.
Like Lil Wayne Weezy.
Horím jak vyjebaný benzín.
I'm burning like fucking gasoline.
Láska patrí iba verným
Love belongs only to the faithful
A ja som voľný ako handsfree.
And I'm free as a handsfree.
Oni uväznení väzni,
They are imprisoned prisoners,
Zacyklení ako myši,
Cyclical like mice,
V labyrinte bez východiska, ktorý je v piči.
In a maze with no exit, which is fucked up.
Volaj ma Vladeezy.
Call me Vladeezy.
Ja mám v piči Vaše dissy,
I don't give a shit about your disses,
Je to easy.
It's easy.
Som iný ako Louver v Paríži,
I'm different than the Louvre in Paris,
Jak Lil Wayne Weezy.
Like Lil Wayne Weezy.
Dokázal som to aj bez nich,
I did it without them,
Nechcem podporu od tých, čo fúkajú ten perník.
I don't want support from those who blow that gingerbread.
Daj mi hudbu, papier, pero, zabijem ti ten beat.
Give me music, paper, pen, I'll kill that beat for you.
Obsadím to ako v štyridsiatom piatom Rusi Berlín.
I'll occupy it like the Russians occupied Berlin in '45.
Ukážem ti flowy, nový štýl.
I'll show you flows, a new style.
Pravdu, ktorú ti hovorím, boli real.
The truth I'm telling you was real.
Nemám žiadny novinový ani iný deal,
I don't have any newspaper or any other deal,
Iba ten rap, ktorý svojský sex-appeal.
Just that rap that has a quirky sex appeal.
Útočím jak Napoleon Bonaparte,
I attack like Napoleon Bonaparte,
To je ten čávo, ktorý napíšte ti parte.
That's the dude who'll write you a ticket.
To je ten čávo, ktorému nerobíš garde,
That's the guy you don't guard,
Lebo on fajčí cigáru, ty máš motiku a hrable.
Because he smokes a cigar, you have a hoe and a rake.
Neviem jak to mám povedať, že nech to pochopíš.
I don't know how to say it so you understand it.
Hovoríš o zmene no všetko rovnako robíš.
You talk about change but you do everything the same.
Zacyklený v tom kruhu dokola ako myš.
Stuck in that circle over and over again like a mouse.
Stojíš na mieste, to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Ktorú nevidíš, ktorú nevidíš,
Which you don't see, which you don't see,
Stojíš na mieste to je pravda, ktorú nevidíš.
You're standing still, that's the truth you don't see.
Nečakám, že to čávo pochopí,
I don't expect that dude to understand,
Ten Roko žije v starom období,
That Roko lives in the old days,
Lenže je rok 2015,
But it's 2015,
Tento čávo tridsať, rapuje jak mal šestnásť.
This dude is thirty, rapping like he's sixteen.

Writer(s): vladis, lexibanks, littlebeats

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