Vlado Kreslin feat. Vlatko Stefanovski - Sami Naši - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vlado Kreslin feat. Vlatko Stefanovski - Sami Naši

Sami Naši
All Ours
Po koncertu v Luxemburgu nas vzame noč
After the Luxembourg concert, night takes us
Ob zori pa hotel zapahnjen na vso
At dawn, the hotel locked in full
Končno zaškrta ključ in nekdo zarenči:
Finally, a key creaks and someone growls:
"Boga mi ne bi vam otvorio, da niste naši!"
"God, we wouldn't have opened for you if you weren't ours!"
Naši, sami naši
Ours, all ours
Povsod po svetu sami naši
All over the world, all ours
Naši, sami naši
Ours, all ours
Povsod po svetu sami naši
All over the world, all ours
V predmestu Montreala majhen dom
In the suburbs of Montreal, a small house
Na vrtu jablana kot božji tron
In the garden, an apple tree like a divine throne
Visoko veje gor v zrak moli
Its branches reach up high into the air
Na vsaki jab'ka z ene prekmurske vasi
On each apple from a Prekmurje village
Naši, sami naši,
Ours, all ours,
Povsod po svetu sami naši.
All over the world, all ours.
Naši, sami naši
Ours, all ours
Povsod po svetu sami naši
All over the world, all ours
Airport Sydney cinbale seventy kilos over-weight
Sydney Airport, cymbals seventy kilos over-weight
Its thousand dolar pals, but where are you from
Its a thousand-dollar fee, but where are you from
Jao pa u Kranjskoj Gori sam skijala, kako je Bled?
Jao, but in Kranjska Gora I skied, how is Bled?
Sretno Slovenci
Good luck, Slovenians
No more over-weight
No more over-weight
Naši, sami naši
Ours, all ours
Povsod po svetu sami naši.
All over the world, all ours.
Naši, sami naši
Ours, all ours
Povsod po svetu sami naši
All over the world, all ours
Naši na štadionu se bore
Ours in the stadium fight
Naši v hramu vladajo sede
Ours in the temple, sit in authority
Našim krivica zmeraj se godi
Injustice always happens to ours
Naši so najbolj pridni delavci
Ours are the most diligent workers
Naši, sami naši
Ours, all ours
Povsod po svetu sami naši.
All over the world, all ours.
Naši, sami naši
Ours, all ours
Povsod po svetu sami naši
All over the world, all ours
Naši, naši, naši, naši, naši, naši, naši
Ours, ours, ours, ours, ours, ours, ours

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