Vlado Kreslin - Golob - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vlado Kreslin - Golob

Ena taka August Tanko harmonika se je razlivala skozi na stežaj odprto okno
That August, a thin bandoneon droned through a wide open window
Preko sveže pometenega dvorišča
Over the freshly swept yard
Ko je tistega sončnega nedeljskega dopoldneva stopil na hišni prag
As, on that sunny Sunday morning, he stepped onto the doorstep
Fantič kakih desetih let v kratkih hlačah,čevljih
A boy about ten years old in short pants, shoes
Ki mu jih je že vse zarano zloščil oče
That his father had polished early that morning
Morda celo v belih nogavičkah in novi svetlo modri srajčki
Maybe even white socks and a new powder blue shirt
Kratkih rokavov
Short sleeves
Zgoraj na tramu so se prestopali golobi in poskušali pritegniti pozornost praznično napravljenih ljudi
Up on a beam, doves strutted and tried to attract attention from the festively dressed people
Ki so mimo hiše po makadamski cesti štorkljali k maši
Who were waddling past the house on the dirt road to mass
Oče jih je gojil iz nekega nikoli pojasnjenega razloga
His father kept them for some never explained reason
Mama pa se je čemerila
But his mother was annoyed
A ravno nad vrata si jih moral dati,da nam serjejo na prag
Why did you have to put them right above the door, where they crap on our doorstep
Fantek je poznavalsko vdihnil dobro znani vonj po ocvrtem piščancu in restanem krompirju
The boy breathed in the familiar scent of fried chicken and roasted potatoes
Ki je pridišal izza vogala
That came from around the corner
In s pogledom zaobjel svoje kraljestvo okrog hiše
And took in his kingdom around the house with his eyes
Poskušal je pozabiti na vso to mamino slikanost,ki jo bo moral prenašati še do kosila
He tried to forget all that mother’s fanciness, which he would have to endure until lunch
Ko se je nekaj rahlo dotaknilo njegove desne rame
When something lightly touched his right shoulder
In po srajčki,ki jo je prvič oblekel je polzela topla že obarvana sluz
And on the shirt, which he was wearing for the first time, a warm, already colored mucus slid down
Na tramu pa se je začulo odobravajoče gruljenje
And from the beam came an approving rumble
Ah, ah, ah, ah, yes, di, da
Da da di da
Da da di da
Di da da da,da da da
Di da da da, da da da
Moški je stal pred oknom
The man stood in front of the window
Njegov pogled pa je visel nad strehami v nedeljo prebujenega mesta
But his gaze hung above the roofs of the city awakening on Sunday
Ko je nekaj rahlo potrkalo na šipo
When something lightly tapped on the pane
Na polici se je prestopal golob
A dove strutted on the ledge
Podoben tistim golobom
Similar to those doves
Ravno takšen kot so bili očetovi golobi
Just like his father’s doves
Pa ne da je isti? Ah ne
But it’s not the same one? Ah no
Toliko časa pa že ne živijo
They don’t live that long
Koliko let pa živijo? Saj res
How many years do they live? Well, really
Koliko let pa sploh živijo golobi pomislim
How many years do doves live, I wonder
Še enkrat preverim rimo v nedokončani pesmi
I check the rhyme again in an unfinished poem
Zaprem račumalnik,vstal in stopil proti kuhinji
Close my computer, stand up and head toward the kitchen
Od koder je že dišalo po ocvrtem piščancu in restanem krompirju
From where I already smell fried chicken and roasted potatoes

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