Vlado Kreslin - Moji Dnevi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vlado Kreslin - Moji Dnevi

Moji Dnevi
My Days
Mehki in topli kot mamina dlan
Soft and warm as my mother's hand
Z mano v žepu prišli so na plan
They came to life in my pocket
Sveži in raznobarvni kot šopek je cvetlic
Fresh and colorful as a bouquet of flowers
Peskovnik poln smeha in žarečih lic
A sandbox full of laughter and glowing faces
Počasi so rasli, si domišljali pomen
Slowly they grew, imagining their importance
Razglašeni in glasni dobivali svoj zven
Bragging and loud, they gained their own sound
Zaletavi in vihravi kot fant ki zori
Impetuous and stormy as a boy who matures
Moji dnevi, ki so odšli
My days, that have passed
Spominjam se jih po pesmih, ki sem jih pel
I remember them by the songs I sang
To je bilo edino,kar sem želel
That's all I wanted
Postali so odrasli, vse krajši iz dneva v dan
They became adults, shorter day by day
Včasih preglasni, da bi jih raje vrgel stran
Sometimes too loud, that I would rather throw them away
Zdaj čakajo dol ob reki z brado in dolgimi lasmi
Now they wait down by the river with beards and long hair
Moji dnevi, ki so odšli
My days, that have passed
Spominjam se jih po pesmih, ki sem jih pel
I remember them by the songs I sang
To je bilo edino, kar sem želel
That's all I wanted
Spominjam se jih po pesmih, ki sem jih pel
I remember them by the songs I sang
O roži in po cesti, ko z njimi sem šel
About the rose and down the road, when I walked with them

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