Voltaj - A XII-A - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Voltaj - A XII-A

The Twelfth Grade
Eram a XII-a la liceu
In twelfth grade we were
Si multἰ spuneau ca-s derbedeu
And many said I was a fool
Doar pentru ca nu ma opream
Just because I wouldn’t stop
Sa spun in fata ce gandeam
Speaking my mind in front of everyone
Fara sa-mi dau seama
Without realizing
Anii au trecut
The years passed by
Caut zi de zi in jurul meu
I search for strength in those around me
Forta sa ma lupt
To fight
Si cand ma privesc in ochii lor
And when I look in their eyes
Simt ca imi cresc aripi
I feel as though I have wings
Pot sa zbor
I can fly
Fara sa-mi dau seama
Without realizing
Anii au trecut...
The years passed by...
Ard mai tare ca un foc
I burn brighter than fire
Nu ma pot stinge deloc
I can never be extinguished
Ard ca-n anii de liceu
I burn like I did in high school
Si asa am sa ard mereu
And I will always burn
Eram a XII-a si in zori
We were in twelfth grade and in the morning
Ne imbraca parfumul lor
Their perfume embraced us
Ne-ndragosteam fara sa stim
We fell in love without knowing
Ca maine o sa le ranim
That tomorrow we would hurt each other
Fara sa-mi dau seama
Without realizing
Si eu am facut la fel
I had done the same
Mἰ-a pus la picioare tot ce avea
She had laid everything she had at my feet
Si fara inel
Even without a ring
Anii au trecut si mi-a ramas
The years passed by and all it left me with
Doar un nume tatuat pe brat
Is a name tattooed on my arm
Fara sa-mi dau seama
Without realizing
Si eu am facut la fel
I had done the same
Ard mai tare ca un foc
I burn brighter than fire
Nu ma pot stinge deloc
I can never be extinguished
Ard ca-n anii de liceu
I burn like I did in high school
Si asa am sa ard mereu
And I will always burn
Eram a XII-a la liceu
In twelfth grade we were
Si multi spuneau ca-s derbedeu
And many said I was a fool
Doar pentru ca nu ma opream
Just because I wouldn’t stop
Sa spun in fata ce gandeam
Speaking my mind in front of everyone
Ard mai tare ca un foc
I burn brighter than fire
Nu ma pot stinge deloc
I can never be extinguished
Ard ca-n anii de liceu
I burn like I did in high school
Si asa am sa ard mereu
And I will always burn
Eram a XII-a si in zori
We were in twelfth grade and in the morning
Ne imbraca parfumul lor (nu ma pot stinge deloc)
Their perfume embraced us (I can never be extinguished)
Ne-ndragosteam fara sa stim
We fell in love without knowing
Ca maine o sa le ranim (ard ca-n anii de liceu)
That tomorrow we would hurt each other (I burn like I did in high school)
Eram a XII-a la liceu
In twelfth grade we were
Si multi spuneau ca-s derbedeu (si asa am sa ard mereu)
And many said I was a fool (And I will always burn)
Doar pentru ca nu ma opream
Just because I wouldn’t stop
Sa spun in fata ce gandeam
Speaking my mind in front of everyone
Fara sa-mἰ dau seama
Without realizing
Anii au trecut...
The years passed by...
(Source: versuri.online)
(Source: versuri.online)

Writer(s): Gabriel Constantin, Calin Gavril Goia, George Dorin Hora, Sebastian Catalin Ivascu, M. Adrian Cristescu

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