Voltaj - Da Vina Pe Voltaj - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Voltaj - Da Vina Pe Voltaj

Da Vina Pe Voltaj
Blame it on the Night by Voltaj
vina pe
Blame it on the
Difuzor, nu m-auzi mai tare
Speakers, because you can't hear me louder
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Blame it on the
Beat-ul ăsta, te ține în picioare
Beat that makes you want to keep dancing
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Blame it on the
Berea care nu se-oprește mai curgă
Beer that won't stop flowing
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Blame it on the
Noaptea asta, e mult, mult prea scurtă
Night, because it's too short
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Blame it on your
Gașca ta, n-ajungi până-n zori acasă
Friends, because you'll stay out until dawn
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Blame it on your
Mama ta, te-a făcut așa frumoasă
Mother, because she made you so beautiful
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Blame it on your
Iubitul tău, a venit din nou cu tine
Boyfriend, because he came out with you again
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Blame it on my
Iubita mea, n-ai pleci de-aici cu mine
Girlfriend, because she won't leave this place with me
Zorii mă-ntreabă, de ce nu culc
The dawn is asking me, why I don't go to bed
Soarele îmi spune, am stat prea mult
The sun is telling me, that I've stayed out too long
Visele mele, încerc strig așa
My dreams are trying to scream to me
"E viața mea!"
"It's my life!"
vina pe ea!
Blame it on her!
Zorii mă-ntreaba, de ce nu culc
The dawn is asking me, why I don't go to bed
Soarele îmi spune, am stat prea mult
The sun is telling me, that I've stayed out too long
Visele mele, încerc strig așa
My dreams are trying to scream to me
"E viața mea!"
"It's my life!"
vina pe ea!
Blame it on her!
vina pe
Blame it on the
Vântul care iar îți suflă în buzunare
Wind that keeps blowing in your pockets
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Blame it on the
Masa care-i plină de pahare goale
Table that's full of empty glasses
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Blame it on the
Bass-ul care-l simți vibrând în difuzoare
Bass that makes the speakers vibrate
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Blame it on
Oliver, iar lovește toba mare
Oliver, because he keeps hitting the bass drum
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Blame it on the
Soarele care din nou vrea răsară
Sun that's about to rise again
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Blame it on the
Lumea care nu se satură sară
Crowd that can't get enough of dancing
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Blame it on
Jack și Gin, încă nu ți-ai rupt capu'
Jack and Gin, because you haven't lost your mind yet
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Blame it on my
Bassist-ul meu, bagă acuma slap-ul
Bassist, because he's about to slap the bass
Zorii mă-ntreabă, de ce nu culc
The dawn is asking me, why I don't go to bed
Soarele îmi spune, am stat prea mult
The sun is telling me, that I've stayed out too long
Visele mele, încerc strig așa
My dreams are trying to scream to me
"E viața mea!"
"It's my life!"
vina pe ea!
Blame it on her!
Zorii mă-ntreabă, de ce nu culc
The dawn is asking me, why I don't go to bed
Soarele îmi spune, am stat prea mult
The sun is telling me, that I've stayed out too long
Visele mele, încerc strig așa
My dreams are trying to scream to me
"E viața mea!"
"It's my life!"
vina pe ea!
Blame it on her!

Writer(s): Gabriel Constantin, Eugen-bogdan Popoiag, Oliver Sterian, Calin-gavril Goia

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