Vortex - BEST FRIEND - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vortex - BEST FRIEND

Jeden za druhého, aj keby cez zem
One for another, even through the earth
Ja tu budem, lebo som tvoj best friend
I'll be here, because I'm your best friend
Všetky tvoje secrets, ja poznám presne
All your secrets, I know them precisely
Pamätaj si geňo, som tvoj best friend
Remember, girl, I'm your best friend
Kam nás to všade viedlo, to bol extrém
Where it all led us, it was extreme
A presne práve preto, som tvoj best friend
And that's exactly why I'm your best friend
Všetky naše schýzy, vyliečime hneď
All our schemes, we'll cure them right away
Pamätaj si geňo, som tvoj best friend
Remember, girl, I'm your best friend
Music connected
Music connected
Aj keď to nie je bez chýb
Even if it's not without flaws
My držíme spolu jak chains
We stick together like chains
Spolu aj spravíme cash
Together we'll make cash
Morgan do piče preč
Morgan, get the fuck out
Na rap ten istý taste
Same taste in rap
To priateľstvo nie je basic
This friendship isn't basic
Budeme žiť tie day dreams
We'll live those daydreams
Žiaden skurvený fake shit
No fucking fake shit
Prepáč, keď som tu nebol vtedy, keď, fakt, bolo treba
Sorry I wasn't there when you really needed me
Viem, že tak sa to nedá, niektoré momenty boli prepal
I know it shouldn't be like that, some moments were already burnt out
No stále si môj brat, stále aj ty môžeš, vždy, mňa tak brať
But you're still my sister, you can always, always consider me the same
Som tu! Pamätaj geňo! Hneď dvihnem, keď mi zavoláš, fakt
I'm here! Remember, girl! I'll pick up right away when you call, really
Nalej ďalšie poldo
Pour another drink, dude
Nikto tu nebude nikoho viniť
No one here will blame anyone
Rozhovory len so cťou
Conversations only with honor
Vždy iba do očí, ne za chrbtom špiniť
Always face to face, not behind the back to smear
Hodím po tebe hovnom
I'll throw shit at you
Niesu to reči a budem aj činiť
These aren't just words and I'll do it
Neboj sa, to iba bol fór
Don't worry, it was just a joke
Ty primitív, pozeraj, We did it!
You primitive, look, We did it!
Jeden za druhého, aj keby cez zem
One for another, even through the earth
Ja tu budem, lebo som tvoj best friend
I'll be here, because I'm your best friend
Všetky tvoje secrets, ja poznám presne
All your secrets, I know them precisely
Pamätaj si geňo, som tvoj best friend
Remember, girl, I'm your best friend
Kam nás to všade viedlo, to bol extrém
Where it all led us, it was extreme
A presne práve preto, som tvoj best friend
And that's exactly why I'm your best friend
Všetky naše schýzy, vyliečime hneď
All our schemes, we'll cure them right away
Pamätaj si geňo, som tvoj best friend
Remember, girl, I'm your best friend
Keď som dojebaný, on je, on je stále pri mne
When I'm fucked up, he is, he's always with me
Rozosmeje pičovinou, bad emotions vypne
Makes me laugh with bullshit, turns off bad emotions
On ma začne hľadať, keď ja, keď ja zrazu zmiznem
He starts looking for me, when I, when I suddenly disappear
Neviem spočítať koľko vypijeme za vikend
I can't count how much we drink on the weekend
Spojil nás Morgan
Morgan connected us
Ne Freeman, ale Captain
Not Freeman, but Captain
Je to celkom pekné
It's quite nice
Čo spraví piatok v meste
What a Friday in the city does
When I need you, si tu, ASAP
When I need you, you're here, ASAP
Spolu, štýl, že uf, baby
Together, style that's oof, baby
Baby z nás dvoch mäkké
Babes are soft on us two
Zohraní jak Yzo a facetat
In sync like Yzo and Facetat
Bros before hoes
Bros before hoes
Stále som tu pre teba bro
I'm always here for you bro
Záleží mi na tebe moc
I care about you a lot
S tebou si dám aj posledný toast
I'll have my last toast with you
Bros before hoes
Bros before hoes
Stále som tu pre teba bro
I'm always here for you bro
Záleží mi na tebe moc
I care about you a lot
S tebou si dám aj posledný toast
I'll have my last toast with you

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