Vortex feat. Victoria Hann - CLOSE FRIENDS - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vortex feat. Victoria Hann - CLOSE FRIENDS

Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together
Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together
Pozerám sa na teba, stláčam zelený kruh
I'm looking at you, pressing the green circle
Good, sme si close, si môj pridelený druh
Good, we're close, you're my assigned kind
Priznám, stalking tu hral u nás veľkú úlohu
I admit, stalking played a big role here
No dali sme si follow, ver mi, bolo to, fakt, good for you
But we followed each other, trust me, it was, really, good for you
Minimálne, som z teba animal, ja
At least, I'm wild about you, girl
Vyčíňaš, píšeš, kedy zavitám k vám
You're going crazy, texting, when will I come over
V piči mám, nevieš jaké stavy, fakt, mám
I'm messed up, you don't know what kind of state I'm in, really
Štyri krát do dňa, za hodinu, to som ja
Four times a day, every hour, that's me
Mám ťa rád, aj keď neviem jak to prišlo
I like you, even though I don't know how it happened
Čo je medzi nami, medzi sebou nemá nikto
What's between us, no one else has it
Bros before hoes, aj keď ty si mi fakt close
Bros before hoes, even though you're really close to me
Tak to poďme spolu skúsiť, zaujala si ma moc
So let's try it together, you've caught my attention
Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together
Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together
Nepoznám teba, ty nepoznáš mňa
I don't know you, you don't know me
Máme sa v close friends, len tak
We're in each other's close friends, just like that
Veď prečo nie, lebo áno, asi tak
Why not, because yes, something like that
Replies to my story, každý druhý krát
Replies to my story, every other time
Žiadne my dvaja, veď to by bolo faux paux
No us two, that would be a faux pas
Naši kamoši spolu, takže my, podľa mňa
Our friends are together, so we, in my opinion
My asi fakt nič, aj keď si hot, ya
We're probably nothing, even though you're hot, yeah
Kým sme spolu nepili a potom iba hopla
Until we drank together and then just bam
Tam to celé začalo
That's where it all started
Týždeň nám to padalo
It went down for a week
Odvtedy ťa stále odprevádzam k domu
Since then I've been walking you home every time
Každý ďalší piatok, spolu Morgan a kolu
Every next Friday, Morgan and cola together
A nakoniec skončili sme spolu, ay
And in the end, we ended up together, ay
Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together
Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together
Wierd shit sa točí, točí vôkol mňa
Weird shit's spinning, spinning around me
Friends on my way (Way) a v rádiu Saul
Friends on my way (Way) and Saul on the radio
Nevideli sa, poznali sme sa
We hadn't seen each other, we knew each other
to nieje close friends, to je too close, babe
It's not close friends anymore, it's too close, babe
2022, maturity, reality
2022, graduations, reality
Máš číslo 22, poľavil si moje city
You're number 22, you eased my feelings
Povedz iba jedno slovo, alebo aj dve
Just say one word, or even two
Kde si bol, kam si šiel, si iba v mojom sne
Where you were, where you went, are you only in my dream
Random DM zvoní tam, neriešila som to moc
Random DM ringing there, I didn't pay much attention to it
Nevedela som kam, plynula čiernobiela noc
I didn't know where to go anymore, the black and white night flowed
Zrazu wow, čo to je? On veľmi chce
Suddenly wow, what is this? He really wants me
Apríl, Maj, Jún, August, stále spolu sme
April, May, June, August, we're still together
Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together
Máme sa v closefriends
We have each other in close friends
Ale nie sme close, ay
But we're not close, ay
Píšeme si hodne
We text a lot
Sa nevidíme moc, ay
But we don't see each other much, ay
Nepoznáme sa vôbec
We don't know each other at all
No to nie je koniec
But that's not the end
Možno raz dôjde
Maybe one day it will happen
Že budeme together
That we'll be together

Writer(s): Matúš Molnár

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