Vox - O Euchari - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vox - O Euchari

O Euchari
O Euchari
O Euchari
O Euchari,
In leta via ambulasti
You walked in the way of joy,
Ubi cum Filio Dei mansisti,
Where you remained with the Son of God,
Illum tangendo
Touching Him,
Et miracula eius que fecit videndo.
And seeing the miracles He performed.
Tu eum perfecte amasti
You came to love Him perfectly
Cum sodales tui exterriti erant,
When your companions were terrified,
Pro eo quod homines erant,
Because they were men,
Nec possibilitatem habebant
And they could not
Bona perfecte intueri.
Contemplate any good perfectly.
Tu autem in ardenti amore plene caritatis
But you, in the burning love of full charity,
Illum amplexus es,
Embraced Him,
Cum manipulos preceptorum eius
With the handfuls of precepts He gave;
Ad te collegisti.
You collected them.
O Euchari
O Euchari,
Valde beatus fuisti
You were most blessed
Cum Verbum Dei te in igne columbe imbuit,
Because the Word of God imbued you with fire in the form of a dove,
Ubi tu quasi aurora illuminatus es,
Where you were as though an aurora enlightened,
Et sic fundamentum ecclesie edificasti.
And so laid the foundation of the Church.
Et in pectore tuo
And in your heart
Cat dies
Each day
In quo tria tabernacula
In which you kept three tabernacles,
Supra marmorem columnam stat
Stands on a marble column
In Civitate Dei.
In the City of God.
Per os tuum Ecclesia ruminat
Through your mouth the Church ruminates
Vetus et novum vinum
Over old and new wine,
Videlicet poculum sanctitatis.
That is, the cup of holiness.
Sed et in tua doctrina
But also in your doctrine
Ecclesia effecta est racionalis
The Church became rational,
Ita quod supra montes clamavit
So that she cried out over the mountains
Ut colles et ligna se declinarent
That the hills and woods might bend down
Ac mamillas illius sugerent.
And suck her breasts.
Nunc in tua clara voce
Now in your clear voice
Filium Dei ora pro hac turba
Pray to the Son of God for this crowd,
Ne in cerimoniis Dei deficiat,
That they may not fail in the ceremonies of God,
Sed ut vivens holocaustum
But that they may become a living holocaust
Ante altare Dei fiat.
Before the altar of God.

Writer(s): Hildegard Bingen, Vladimir Ivanoff

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