Vypsana Fixa - Darling - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vypsana Fixa - Darling - Live

Darling - Live
Darling - Live
úplnì v¹echno
I think about
Si vymyslim
The sweetest points
Nejslad¹i pointy
No one gets it
Nìkdo to neoe¹i
No one's drinking
Nìkdo pije drinky
No one's
Nìkdo v tom bodu
Smoking joints
Vykouoi jointy
I like heroes
mám rád hrdiny
Who crawl on the ground
Kteoi lezou po dnì
And at the last moment
A v posledni chvili
They stand up
Se zvednou
Sometimes I do
Nìkdy taky dìlám
That I'm distracted
¾e jsem vyoizenej
And I don't care.
A je mi to
So I said
úplnì jedno.
The bottom is good for you
Tak jsem oek
To look at it.
Dno je dobrý na to
So I said hey
Aby sis ho prohlid.
My little darling
Tak jsem oek hej
And she said that
Má¹ drobný darling
She has some
A ona oekla ¾e nìjaký
And I said that's okay
A jsem oek fajn
Let's go get some coffee
Tak na dvì kávy
From the vending machine
Z automatu on nám je
And then we
A pak jsme ¹li ven
Went outside
A tam jsme stáli
And there we stood
Toi hodiny a dvacet minut
For an hour and twenty minutes
A kolem byl svìt
And around us was the world
Který byl správný
Which was perfect
I s kelimkama z automatu.
Even with the cups from the vending machine.
V bodu kdy Ti zmizi
At the moment when you disappear
Jsem byl
I was there
Tam to znám velmi
I know it very well
V podstatì to tam
It's got
Svoji poetiku
Its own poetry
A originálni genius loci
And an original genius loci
Litaji tam pooád
They fly around there all the time
Ty samý bumerangy
The same boomerangs
Který se poka¾dý vrátìj
That always come back
Uprostoed toho v¹eho
In the middle of it all
Mezi Strá¾nou vì¾i
Between the watchtower
A pornografickým stánkem
And the porn stand
Jsem oek.
I said.
Dno je dobrý
The bottom is good for you
Na to aby sis ho prohlid.
To look at it.
Tak jsem oek hej
So I said hey
Smim prosit darling
May I, darling?
A ona oekla
And she said
¾e jsem to
It's me
A jsem oek fajn
And I said that's okay
Tak je to správný
Then it's perfect
Dr. Jekyll zvitìzi rád
Dr. Jekyll will gladly triumph
A pak jsem oek hej
And then I said hey
Chtìl bych darling
I want you, darling
A ona oekla
And she said
Co bude dál
What's next?
Hráli jsme squash
We played squash
A taky carling
And also carling
Uklizet a zaparkovat.
Clean up and park.
A tak jsem oek hej
And so I said hey
To bude dál
That's what's next
A pak jsem oek hej
And then I said hey
Ale je tu i Hyde.
But there's also Hyde.

Writer(s): daniel oravec, petr martinek, michal mareda, milan kukulsky

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