Václav Neckář - Holka Ta Okatá - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Václav Neckář - Holka Ta Okatá

Holka Ta Okatá
That Big-Eyed Girl
Holka ta okatá, co z vody cáká
That big-eyed girl, splashing in the water
Holka ta okatá lahodí všem
That big-eyed girl, pleasing to everyone's sight
Holka ta okatá i tebe láká
That big-eyed girl, tempting you too
Holka ta okatá, tak si ji vem
That big-eyed girl, go on, take her as your wife
Vždyť za dva-tři dny snad
But in just a few days, you'll see
pošle čelem vzad
She'll send you packing, headfirst, believe me
A pak ti bude lát
And then you'll understand,
Žes do pasti pad
That you fell into her trap, my friend
bejval její kluk
I used to be her guy,
A kluků měla klub
And she had a whole club of them, I can't lie
Je pohledná a to
She's pretty and she knows it,
A mně je to fuk
And I don't care anymore, I've shown it
Že ty a ta, ta holka okatá
That you and her, that big-eyed girl,
Že jdete spolu krok-co-krok
Are walking together, side by side, in this world
Což je tedy šok!
What a shock it is!
Holka ta okatá, co z vody cáká
That big-eyed girl, splashing in the water
Holka ta okatá lahodí všem
That big-eyed girl, pleasing to everyone's sight
Holka ta okatá i tebe láká
That big-eyed girl, tempting you too
Holka ta okatá, tak si ji vem
That big-eyed girl, go on, take her as your wife
Jen klidně za běž
Just go after her, if you please,
Když mermomocí chceš
If that's what you truly want, with such ease
Však poznáš, zelenáči
But you'll learn, rookie,
Jak hořce chutná lež
How bitter a lie can taste, lookie
bejval její kluk
I used to be her guy,
Tak jsem to o huk
So I spread the word about her, that's no lie
A i když je to k pláči
And even though it's sad to see,
Tak mně je to fuk
I don't care anymore, honestly
Že ty a ta, ta holka okatá
That you and her, that big-eyed girl,
Že jdete spolu krok-co-krok
Are walking together, side by side, in this world
A snad během dalších slok
And maybe in the next few verses,
Budete se líbat v lese
You'll be kissing in the forest, rehearsing
Což je tedy šok!
What a shock it is!
Holka ta okatá, co z vody cáká
That big-eyed girl, splashing in the water
Holka ta okatá lahodí všem
That big-eyed girl, pleasing to everyone's sight
Holka ta okatá i tebe láká
That big-eyed girl, tempting you too
Holka ta okatá, tak si ji vem
That big-eyed girl, go on, take her as your wife
Jen láskou si ji sněz
Just devour her with your love's embrace,
A nevíš-li to dnes
And if you don't know it today, just in case
Tak řeknem si to příště
We'll tell you next time, with grace,
Žes do pasti vlez
That you walked into her trap, at your own pace
Jsi dneska její kluk
You're her guy today,
Tak ani muk
So I won't say a word, come what may
Drž se jak klíště
Hold onto her tight, like a tick,
Vždyť mně je to fuk
Because I don't care anymore, not one bit
Že ty a ta, ta holka okatá
That you and her, that big-eyed girl,
Že jdete spolu krok-co-krok
Are walking together, side by side, in this world
A snad během dalších slok
And maybe in the next few verses,
Budete se líbat v lese
You'll be kissing in the forest, rehearsing
Jeden těžko nese
It's hard for one to bear,
Což je tedy šok!
What a shock it is, I swear!
Holka ta okatá, co z vody cáká
That big-eyed girl, splashing in the water
Holka ta okatá lahodí všem
That big-eyed girl, pleasing to everyone's sight
Holka ta okatá i tebe láká
That big-eyed girl, tempting you too
Holka ta okatá, tak si ji vem
That big-eyed girl, go on, take her as your wife
Jen dodám pro tvůj klid
Just one more thing for your peace of mind,
Ta holka nemá cit
That girl has no feelings, of any kind
Tak kvůli k ránu
So because of her, by morning's light,
Byl nejeden chlap bit
Many a guy has been beaten in a fight
Jsi celkem príma kluk
You're a pretty decent guy,
No žádnej hromotluk
Not a big brute, that's no lie
Tak moh bys dostat ránu
So you might get hit too, by and by,
I když je mi to fuk
Even though I don't care, I can't deny
Že ty a ta, ta holka
That you and her, that girl,
Která s tebou vlastně nemá vůbec nic společnýho
Who actually has nothing in common with you, in this world
Taková vobyčejná holka
Such an ordinary girl,
nevím, co na porád vidíš
I don't know what you keep seeing in her, it makes me hurl
Za prvé, nemá ani žádný vychování
Firstly, she has no manners at all,
Za druhý, ani kafe neumí uvařit
Secondly, she can't even make coffee, that's the downfall
Tak nevím, co... kam to kouká?
So I don't know what... where is she looking?
Hele, hele, kam kouká?
Hey, hey, where is she looking?
To není možný, ten člověk snad vůbec neposlouchá
It's not possible, this person isn't even listening to me at all
Nezpívej do toho porád, varuju
Don't keep singing along, I'm warning you, you see
varuju, protože, protože.
I'm warning you, because, because...
Dovedeš si představit, co ona bude dělat
Can you imagine what she'll do
Když ty budeš pořád chodit na zájezdy?
When you're always going on tours, it's true?
To je naprostej nesmysl, abyste se brali.
It's complete nonsense for you two to get married, boo hoo.

Writer(s): Zdenek Borovec, Bohuslav Ondracek

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