Václav Neckář - Na To Mi Nezbyl Čas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Václav Neckář - Na To Mi Nezbyl Čas

Na To Mi Nezbyl Čas
No Time for That
Bylo nás přátel pár
There were a few of us friends
Každý hrál
Each played
Na co měl
On what they had
Bylo nám sedmnáct
We were seventeen
A kde kdo nám záviděl
And everyone envied us
A proto říkali nám
And that's why they told us
Že děláme jen hluk
That all we did was make noise
My hráli rock n roll
We played rock n roll
A bylo nám to fuk!
And we didn't care!
Nastali hrátky
The games began
Jen jsem mikrofon
I just plugged in the microphone
And joined in
Že budu na deskách
That I'd be on records
Tak o tom jsem jen
It was something I only
Dreamed of
Všichni šli do kina
Everyone went to the movies
A jezdili na lyžích
And went skiing
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
A měli první lásku
And had their first love
V prvních tanečních
At their first dance
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas ...
I didn't have time for that ...
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas ...
I didn't have time for that ...
Každý den jiné město
A different city every day
A každý den jiný sál
And a different hall every day
Těžko to spočítám
It's hard to count
Kde všude jsem hrál
Where I've played already
V noci to zbalíme
At night we pack it up
A jedem zase dál
And drive on again
Za okny podél cest
Outside the windows along the road
Se chlapy koukaj na fotbal
The guys are watching soccer
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas ...
I didn't have time for that ...
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas ...
I didn't have time for that ...
Život je rovnice
Life is an equation
X nálezů a ztrát
X finds and losses
Výsledek neznámá
The result is unknown
Kolik rozdávat a brát
How much to give and take
Asi je spousta věcí
There are probably a lot of things
Které nepoznám
That I'll never know
Kdo svou práci rád
Whoever loves their work
Tak ten tuhle větu zná!
Knows this sentence!
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas ...
I didn't have time for that ...
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas
I didn't have time for that
Na to mi nezbyl čas ...
I didn't have time for that ...

Writer(s): Zdenek Rytir

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