Waad Al Bahari - Neset Ana Meen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Waad Al Bahari - Neset Ana Meen

Neset Ana Meen
Neset Ana Meen
نسيت انا مين
I forgot who I am
انا اللي معاها شوفت الخير
I am the one with whom you saw the good
ومعاها فرحت كتير
And with whom you enjoyed a lot
ولما تعبت انا كنت اللي واقفة معاك
And when you were tired, I was the one who stood with you
نسيت انا مين
I forgot who I am
انا وحدة عاشت ترضيك
I am the one who lived to please you
وتزعل من اللي يجي عليك
And get angry at those who come to you
انا اللي بجد في عينيها كانت شايلاك
I am the one who truly carried you in her eyes
مجروحة مش عارفة خلاص ارتاح
I am hurt, I do not know how to rest anymore
و عمري في لحظة عدى وراح
And my life passed in a moment
ونفسي اعرف انا قصرت معاك في ايه
And I want to know, how did I fall short with you
خلتني اقول فعلا مافيش احساس
Made me say, really, there is no feeling
ومن الدنيا تعبت خلاص
And I am tired of the world
تعب قلبي وبعدك مين هآمن ليه
My heart is tired, and after you, who will I trust
نسيت انا مين
I forgot who I am
انا اللى قالولها كل الناس
I am the one everyone told
سيبيه وانسيه بجد خلاص
Leave him and forget him, really
وعمري ماكنت ببعد لحظة ولا بنساك
And I never kept my distance for a moment, nor did I forget you
نسيت انا مين
I forgot who I am
انا اللي عاشتلك احلى سنين
I am the one who lived the most beautiful years for you
وحبيت غيرها ناس تانيين
And I loved other people more than her
خسارة كل لحظة انا عشتها وياك
What a loss, every moment I lived with you
مَجْرُوحَة مَشَّ عارِفَة خَلاص ٱِرْتاحَ
I am hurt, I do not know how to rest anymore
وَ عُمْرِي فِيَّ لَحْظَة عَدَّى وَراحَ
And my life passed in a moment
وَنَفْسِي أَعْرَف أَنا قَصُرَت مِعاكِ فِيَّ أَي
And I want to know, how did I fall short with you
خَلَّتنِي أَقُول فَعَلاً مافيش إِحْساس
Made me say, really, there is no feeling
وَمَن الدُنْيا تَعِبتُ خَلاص
And I am tired of the world
تَعِبَ قَلْبَيْ وَبَعْدِكَ مَيْن هآمن لَيّهُ
My heart is tired, and after you, who will I trust
نسيت انا مين
I forgot who I am

Waad Al Bahari - Neset Ana Meen
Neset Ana Meen
date de sortie

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