Wantons feat. AFX - Cheshmak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Wantons feat. AFX - Cheshmak

اگه منطقمه چِرت
If my logic is nonsense
اگه سر صبح و من میزارم سر به سرت هِی
If I'm teasing you in the morning, hey
اگه نمی ارزه دوستی بام به دردسرش بیبی
If my friendship isn't worth the trouble, baby
مُدلمه به توچه
What's the fashion, to you?
It's the fashion,
مُدلمه به توچه
What's the fashion, to you?
It's the fashion,
از اونام که تو جمعا نمیخنده بلند و
I'm one of those who doesn't laugh out loud in crowds
با یه چشمک تنمو نمیدم به تو من
And I won't give you my body with a wink
اگه شبم بری بهت نمیزنه صبح زنگ
If you leave at night, you won't call me in the morning
شاید بهم بگی خیلی بد و قُدم
Maybe you'll tell me I'm very bad and rude
منم دلم یه روز با یه چشمک
I also wanted to one day with a wink
رفت روزام اومده بودن که خاطره شن
My days have come to be memories
بعد ، دستمو گرفت تا که یه شب
Then he took my hand so that one night
از خواب پریدم دیدم عطرش از بالششم رفت
I woke up and saw his perfume gone from my pillow
از اونام که تو جمعا نمیخنده بلند
I'm one of those who doesn't laugh out loud in crowds
اگه چیزی میخوای ازم باید بگی قبلش لطفا
If you want something from me, you have to tell me beforehand, please
شبم بری بهت نمیزنه صبح زنگ
If you leave at night, you won't call me in the morning
شاید بهم بگی خیلی بد و قُدم
Maybe you'll tell me I'm very bad and rude
خب من مدلمه
Well I'm fashionable
به توچه
To you?
به توچه
To you?
بگو دوستات بیان فدا سرت باز روزارد
Tell your friends to come over, let's go crazy again
لبت باش هماهنگه پارت به پارت
Your lips are in harmony with the music, part by part
خالی کنیم شبا سلامتی باطلا
Let's drink to the gold at night
چون ندادمت دام رارو
Because I didn't give you the trap
زنگ بزن خالی شی با چند تا فحش
Call me, let it out with a few curses
منم تو فکرام حل میشه فردا مشکل
I'll solve the problem tomorrow in my thoughts
نری تو درخت یه وقت مست با پُرش
Don't go up a tree while you're drunk
خودت بری بمونه همه حرفا پشتت
If you leave, all the words will be behind you
باهات حال کردم قبل اینکه شلوارلیت دراد
I had fun with you before you took your pants off
باهات مست بودم مست اون شرابیه لبات
I was drunk with you, drunk on the wine of your lips
چه شبایی که خراب میرقصیدیم ما تا صبح
What nights we danced crazily until morning
عینه دیوونه ها شدیم میزدیم رو گارما زور
Like crazy people, we pushed ourselves to the limit
خیلی زود جفتمون پس میدیم کاماشو
We'll both give up soon
فقط سر قرارمون بمون
Just stay true to our agreement
هر جا رفتی بازم برام بمون یه دوست
Wherever you go, stay a friend to me
میفرستم برات از راه دور یه بوس
I'll send you a kiss from afar
به حرفم رسیده خودش گُم شده فکرش
My word has come true, he's lost in his thoughts
تو چند هفته پیشه میخواد برگرده
You wanted to come back a few weeks ago
به عقب نه نمیشه
Backwards, no, you can't
انقدر زل نزن به ساعت
Don't stare at the clock so much
هیچ عقربه ای که بیبی برعکس نمیره.
No hand goes backwards, baby.
برگرده دیره
It's too late to come back
میخواد برگرده دیره
You want to come back, it's too late
هیچ عقربه ای که بیبی برعکس نمیره
No hand goes backwards, baby
برگرده دیره
It's too late to come back
برگرده دیره
It's too late to come back
برگرده دیره
It's too late to come back
به توچه
To you?
به توچه
To you?
به توچه
To you?

Wantons feat. AFX - Cheshmak
date de sortie

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