Warrior Rapper School feat. Umano & Django - Avanzaste Mal (feat. Umano & Django) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Warrior Rapper School feat. Umano & Django - Avanzaste Mal (feat. Umano & Django)

Avanzaste Mal (feat. Umano & Django)
You Messed Up (feat. Umano & Django)
Esto es rap real
This is real rap
En el 009
In 009
The RS
Yeah DJP
Te cortaran la cara con don plays
They'll cut your face with two plays
Puro floro
Pure fluff
Yo no soy de foro
I'm not from a forum
Yo soy de verdad siente como te perforo
I'm real, feel how I pierce you
Avanzaste mal en la fulera
You messed up in the fulera
Vine con la gente pa bajarte la casetera
I came with the people to take down your cassette player
Recontra gil
Super stupid
Yo dirigo aki el misil
I direct the missile here
Vengan pa pedirme reparacion civil
Come ask me for civil reparation
Umano es el que azota
Umano is the one who whips
Tu envidia revota
Your envy revolts
Grande y webon
Big and dumb
Q se siente ser mascota
What does it feel like to be a pet?
Soy el monstro el que te espanta
I'm the monster that scares you
El q vino pa bajarte un llanta
The one who came to take down a tire from you
Ahora agvanta
Now endure it
Tu eres pose
You're a poseur
Salte del closet
Come out of the closet
Ya calle no te conose
The streets don't know you anymore
Por eso te cose
That's why it sews you up
Caminas con falda
You walk in a skirt
Y la pegas de tayta
And you act like a dad
Tu eres escoses entonces tocame la gayta
You're Scottish, so play me the bagpipes
No cantas ni mie
You don't sing shit
Y estas hablando de tour
And you're talking about a tour
Hablas como un maleante
You talk like a gangster
Y te conocen en Red Bull (Yeah!!!)
And they know you at Red Bull (Yeah!!!)
Hijo de p
Son of a bitch
Rapero mediatico
Media rapper
Amu q school te bajamos sin neumaticos
Love that we took you down without tires
Vamo asi de practicos
We're going like this, practical
Avanzaste chueco
You messed up crookedly
Si la rompe el pote
If it breaks the pot
Que haces con un polo nuevo
What are you doing with a new shirt?
Vengan por montones
Come by the dozens
Sarta de webones
Bunch of dumbasses
Que llego el umano rompe manifestaciones
That the Umano has arrived, breaking up demonstrations
Hablando de pobreza y vives con la elite
Talking about poverty and you live with the elite
Moriras hijo de p por ser un satelite
You'll die, son of a bitch, for being a satellite
Estamos en la calle
We're on the streets
Y avanzaste mal
And you messed up
Y por ser maleta llego tu funeral
And for being a suitcase, your funeral arrives
Siempre haz sido un pavo
You've always been a turkey
No tienes metal
You have no metal
Aki te avanzamos
Here we advance on you
Mano Ariiba Criminal
Hands Up Criminal
Estamos en la calle
We're on the streets
Y avanzaste mal
And you messed up
Y por ser maleta llego tu funeral
And for being a suitcase, your funeral arrives
Siempre haz sido un pavo
You've always been a turkey
No tienes metal
You have no metal
Aki te avanzamos
Here we advance on you
Mano Ariiba Criminal
Hands Up Criminal
Escribir con la sangre de tu culo
To write with the blood of your ass
Con payasos como tu me pulo
With clowns like you, I polish myself
A mi antojo yo te manipulo
At my whim, I manipulate you
Corista de un chibolo maricon
Chorus of a fag kid
Siempre la chupabas
You always sucked it
Cuando escuchabas una cancion
When you listened to a song
Poco alegre
Little joy
Nadie va a evitar que te desintegre
No one is going to stop you from disintegrating
Hijo mio regresa pal pesebre
My son, go back to the manger
Que por esta zona ya esta falta
That this area is already missing
Piensan come
They think they eat
La gente te dispara si es q salta
People shoot you if you jump
Con nosotros poco floro
With us, little fluff
Raperos de inodoro
Toilet rappers
Q te la metemos y saldran por los poros
That we put it in you and it will come out through your pores
Se enterara hata por los foros
Even the forums will find out
Que eres un soplon y envalaste como meteoro
That you're a snitch and you dared like a meteor
Me cago en tu crew
I shit on your crew
En tu falta de actitud
On your lack of attitude
Con este preview
With this preview
F you!!!
F you!!!
P lleva y trae
P takes and brings
Lo tuyo se caen no trae
Yours falls, it doesn't bring
Ni sikiera me distrae
It doesn't even distract me
Avanzaste mal animal
You messed up, animal
Si te veo cambio de canal
If I see you, I'm changing the channel
Te va a picar todo mi panal
My whole honeycomb is going to sting you
Vas a salir frio en reporte semanal
You're going to come out cold in the weekly report
Ah muerto un soplon por penetracion anal
A snitch has died from anal penetration
Es Genial
It's great
Abusar contigo
To abuse you
Tu peor error es tenerme de enemigo
Your worst mistake is having me as an enemy
Pero hablaste mucho
But you talked too much
Por eso me encapucho
That's why I put on my hood
Hago uso de un serrucho
I use a hacksaw
Pa sacarte el corazon como anticucho
To take out your heart like an anticucho
Estamos en la calle
We're on the streets
Y avanzaste mal
And you messed up
Y por ser maleta llego tu funeral
And for being a suitcase, your funeral arrives
Siempre haz sido un pavo
You've always been a turkey
No tienes metal
You have no metal
Aki te avanzamos
Here we advance on you
Mano Ariiba Criminal
Hands Up Criminal
Estamos en la calle
We're on the streets
Y avanzaste mal
And you messed up
Y por ser maleta llego tu funeral
And for being a suitcase, your funeral arrives
Siempre haz sido un pavo
You've always been a turkey
No tienes metal
You have no metal
Aki te avanzamos
Here we advance on you
Mano Ariiba Criminal
Hands Up Criminal
El keria ser un bandido
He wanted to be a bandit
Tratando de ser lo que nunca ah sido
Trying to be what he never was
Y viendo su vida confundido
And seeing his life confused
Caminando perdido
Walking lost
Encontro un corral de payasos
He found a corral of clowns
Y por un abrazo se metio en ese lio
And for a hug, he got into that mess
Asi fue creciendo sombra de un sujeto
That's how the shadow of a subject grew
Que no tenia respeto
Who had no respect
Vivia pal malparido
He lived for the motherfucker
Fue el culo de otro
He was the ass of another
No le salio ni un tema
He didn't even get a song out of it
Y deseperao kiso buscar problema
And desperate, he wanted to find trouble
Busco con kien meterse
He looked for someone to mess with
Y cometio un errror
And made a mistake
Meterse con esta gente fomentas tu terror
To mess with these people is to foster your terror
Kiso volar muy alto
He wanted to fly very high
Y lo bajaron del carro
And they took him out of the car
Bajoelo se lo puso y Jango le rompio el cacharro
He put it under him and Jango broke his pot
Hijo de perra
Son of a bitch
Meterse conmigo es meterse tres bajo tierra
To mess with me is to mess with three underground
Yo soy el crepusculo el que los ojos le cierra
I am the twilight, the one who closes their eyes
Como enfrentarse a rambo sin armas en una guerra
Like facing Rambo without weapons in a war
Aki yo la muerte yo soy el que los entierra
Here I am death, I am the one who buries them
Traigan el armamento
Bring the weaponry
Que a ti te hace temblar
That makes you tremble
Y un lutre poderio que nadie puede parar
And a fighting power that no one can stop
Una bateria de loco que te puede disparar
A battery of crazy people that can shoot you
Dime dime cuantas veces mas tengo que usted llorar
Tell me tell me how many more times I have to make you cry
Warrior Umano DJango
Warrior Umano DJango
Estamos en la calle
We're on the streets
Y avanzaste mal
And you messed up
Y por ser maleta llego tu funeral
And for being a suitcase, your funeral arrives
Siempre haz sido un pavo
You've always been a turkey
No tienes metal
You have no metal
Aki te avanzamos
Here we advance on you
Mano Ariiba Criminal
Hands Up Criminal
Estamos en la calle
We're on the streets
Y avanzaste mal
And you messed up
Y por ser maleta llego tu funeral
And for being a suitcase, your funeral arrives
Siempre haz sido un pavo
You've always been a turkey
No tienes metal
You have no metal
Aki te avanzamos
Here we advance on you
Mano Ariiba Criminal
Hands Up Criminal

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