Warrior - Joselo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Warrior - Joselo

Desde ya cache records
From now on, Cache Records
José solo tiene doce y desfallece cuando toce
José is only twelve and he faints when he coughs
El te roba con un simple roce
He steals from you with a simple touch
En su cabeza oye voces feroces
In his head, he hears ferocious voices
Que le dicen roba, fuma, mata, para que goces
That tell him to steal, smoke, kill, so you can enjoy
Y el solo obedece asi es que cumple trece y se desvanece su vida
And he just obeys, so he turns thirteen and his life fades away
Va por un callejón sin salida
He goes down a dead-end alley
Con la cara pálida y en casa una madre invalida
With a pale face and an invalid mother at home
Que le dice sángano
Who calls him a good-for-nothing
Solo sirve para vándalo
Only good for vandalism
De nuevo se forma el escándalo
Again, the scandal is brewing
En el maldito hogar
In the damned home
La barriga va sonar
His belly will rumble
Va para la calle a robar yeah!
He goes to the street to steal, yeah!
Se desespera saca la foolera y te opera por una cartera
He gets desperate, pulls out the gun and operates on you for a wallet
Trabaja con una navaja que es su compañera
He works with a razor that's his companion
Él te inca en la primera (él te inca en la primera)
He'll stick you in the first one (he'll stick you in the first one)
Él es el ave que no cogió el vuelo
He is the bird that never took flight
Es el corazón que siempre anda de duelo
He is the heart that is always in mourning
Duro corazón de roca
Hard heart of stone
Ten mucho cuidado si en la calle te lo chócas tu
Be very careful if you bump into him on the street, you
Él es el ave que no cogió el vuelo
He is the bird that never took flight
Es el corazón que siempre anda de duelo
He is the heart that is always in mourning
Duro corazón de roca
Hard heart of stone
Ten mucho cuidado si en la calle te lo chócas
Be very careful if you bump into him on the street, you
Pasaron años escaló peldaños sigue haciendo daño como antaño
Years passed, he climbed steps, he keeps doing damage like before
Ya no es extraño
It's no longer strange
Y él saca una 22 como su edad
And he pulls out a 22 like his age
Maldad y sin piedad le da
Evil and mercilessly he gives it
Pena no le da frialdad
He doesn't feel sorry, coldness
Anda un poco lucido de tanto acido
He walks a little lucid from so much acid
No se siente Plácido
He doesn't feel placid
Pregunta para que ah nacido
He asks why he was born
No lo comprende y se prende y se eleva hasta el espacio
He doesn't understand it and he lights up and rises to space
No sabe que muere despacio
He doesn't know that he's dying slowly
Pero él sigue fiel a la vida de la calle
But he remains faithful to the street life
Propenso a que la cabeza le estalle
Prone to his head exploding
Pero a este loco ya le importa poco
But this madman doesn't care anymore
Si pensaba así desde que votaba mocos
If he thought like that since he was blowing snot
La presa
The prey
Encaleta la vereda
Hidden on the sidewalk
El otro es el que mas apreta
The other one is the one who squeezes the most
No sabe que su locura
He doesn't know that his madness
Le va a pasar factura
Will take its toll on him
Matanza es venganza a la sepultura
Slaughter is revenge to the grave
Él es el ave que no cogió el vuelo
He is the bird that never took flight
Es el corazón que siempre anda de duelo
He is the heart that is always in mourning
Duro corazón de roca
Hard heart of stone
Ten mucho cuidado si en la calle te lo chócas
Be very careful if you bump into him on the street, you
Él es el ave que no cogió el vuelo
He is the bird that never took flight
Es el corazón que siempre anda de duelo
He is the heart that is always in mourning
Duro corazón de roca
Hard heart of stone
Ten mucho cuidado si en la calle te lo chócas
Be very careful if you bump into him on the street, you
Josélo saca el arma y la víctima se alarma
Joselo pulls out the gun and the victim is alarmed
No quiere perder sabe que el puede dar más
He doesn't want to lose, he knows he can give more
Y aparece un par más
And a couple more appear
Batería de la víctima
The victim's battery
En eso José lo escatima y se le van encima
In that Joselo skimps and they go on top of him
Uno le quita la 22
One takes the 22 away from him
Y los otros dos lo patéan de manera feroz
And the other two kick him ferociously
Veloz es el ataque de la furia (de la furia)
The attack of fury is swift (of fury)
En el suelo se arrepiente de tanta lujuria
On the ground he regrets so much lust
Pero ya no hay marcha atrás
But there's no turning back
Esa gente tiene en los ojos al mismo Satanás
Those people have the same Satan in their eyes
Con el trínche (con el trínche)
With the blade (with the blade)
Nadie evita que lo línchen
Nobody stops them from lynching him
Que la cara le hinche
That his face swells
Y así haga su berrinche
And so he throws his tantrum
Tanto golpe ya no lo soporta
He can't take so much beating anymore
Y lentamente la respiración se corta
And slowly his breathing stops
Que pena otro triste final
What a shame, another sad ending
Su cara está pedida para el próximo mural
His face is wanted for the next mural
Él es el ave que no cogió el vuelo
He is the bird that never took flight
Es el corazón que siempre anda de duelo
He is the heart that is always in mourning
Duro corazón de roca
Hard heart of stone
Ten mucho cuidado si en la calle te lo chócas
Be very careful if you bump into him on the street, you
Él es el ave que no cogió el vuelo
He is the bird that never took flight
Es el corazón que siempre anda de duelo
He is the heart that is always in mourning
Duro corazón de roca
Hard heart of stone
Ten mucho cuidado si en la calle te lo chócas
Be very careful if you bump into him on the street, you
Aquella noche un vagabundo
That night a vagabond
Cambio tu risa en amargura
Changed your laughter into bitterness
Y sin permiso entro en tu mundo
And without permission entered your world
Para robarte la ternura
To steal your tenderness

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