Webba - Rap - traduction des paroles en anglais

Rap - Webbatraduction en anglais

Das isch nid Rap für die Jungä
This is not Rap for the young ones
Das isch Rap vo mir a Di via Härz us dr Schnurrä
This is Rap from me to you over here from my heart
Das isch Rap wo verbindet, das isch Rap usäm tiefschtä Innärä
This is Rap that connects, this is Rap from the deepest core
Rap zur Besinnig
Rap for reflection
Das isch Rap usäm Härz, das isch Rap wo no fägt
This is Rap from my heart, this is Rap that still cleanses
Rap-Shit wo ächt isch, Ja
Rap-Shit that's real, Yes
Das isch Rap wie s'sächs ghört
This is Rap as it should be heard
Das isch Rap für d'Seelä und z'Ghör
This is Rap for the souls and to hear
Das geit a aui di Lüt wo Scheiss gspürrä
This goes out to all the people who feel this shit
Und d'Hoffnig no nid hei ufgäh, dass Tröim säch wärdä erfüuä
And didn't give up on hope yet, that dreams will come true
Das geit a aui wo wüssä für was si kämpfä
This goes out to all who know what they're fighting for
Und wüssä dass ihri Liäbi zu Rap het verändärät
And know that their love for Rap has changed them
Das geit a aui wo lächlä bi däm Gedankä
This goes out to all who smile at the thought
Lächlä wöu si verstandä hei, z'Läbä isch öppis spannends
Smile because they've understood, life is something exciting
Das geit a aui mit Händ i dr Luft
This goes out to all with their hands in the air
Machät Lärm wienä Bängu ir Schu
Make noise like a bell in school
Das isch auäs für Di
This is all for you
Auäs isch guät so wie's isch
Everything is good as it is
Auso nimm dr di Ziit
So take your time
Relax chly zu däm Sound
Relax a little to this sound
Es isch äs eifachs Rezäpt
It's a simple recipe
Eifach ä Beat u chly Rap
Just a beat and a little Rap
Eifach so chill und relaxed
Just so chill and relaxed
Drum häb di Häng i d'Luft
So put your hands in the air
Das isch nid Rap für die breiti Massä
This is not Rap for the masses
Trotz so Tracks wo früsch si wie Leitigswasser
Despite such tracks that are as refreshing as tap water
Und nei i mah o kes Klischee bedienä
And no, I don't serve any clichés
Weisch äs git scho z'viu vo denä fake Siächä
You know there are already too many of those fake characters
Und irgendwie geits mr gägä Strich
And somehow it rubs me the wrong way
Dass jetz jedä'nä Gängster isch, was närvig isch
That everyone is a gangster now, which is annoying
Und jedä numäno rappt über Gäud
And everyone only raps about money
Aber ke Bezug me het zu dr Wäut wonr läbt
But has no connection to the world they live in
Wett liäbr versuächä öppis z'vermittlä
Would rather try to convey something
Und Kids zeigä dass auäs im Läbä Sinn het
And show the kids that everything in life has a meaning
Möcht liäbr ä positivä Impuls sändä
Would rather send a positive impulse
Und bliibä drum offä für Reaktionä wienä Pulsmässer
And therefore remain open to reactions like a pulse meter
Muäss nid räppä wie dr Kool Savas
Don't have to rap like Kool Savas
Bliibä eifach mi säuber a.k.a. di cooli Sau
Just staying true to my self a.k.a. the cool dude
Schiis uf Gäut Junge, Wüssä isch Macht
Fuck money boy, knowledge is power
Liäbi isch Trumpf, und d'Message isch aus
Love is trumps, and the message is out
Das isch auäs für Di
This is all for you
Auäs isch guät so wie's isch
Everything is good as it is
Auso nimm dr di Ziit
So take your time
Relax chly zu däm Sound
Relax a little to this sound
Es isch äs eifachs Rezäpt
It's a simple recipe
Eifach ä Beat u chly Rap
Just a beat and a little Rap
Eifach so chill und relaxed
Just so chill and relaxed
Drum häb di Häng i d'Luft
So put your hands in the air
Das isch auäs für Di
This is all for you
Auäs isch guät so wie's isch
Everything is good as it is
Auso nimm dr di Ziit
So take your time
Relax chly zu däm Sound
Relax a little to this sound
Es isch äs eifachs Rezäpt
It's a simple recipe
Eifach ä Beat u chly Rap
Just a beat and a little Rap
Eifach so chill und relaxed
Just so chill and relaxed
Drum häb di Häng i d'Luft
So put your hands in the air

Writer(s): Pascal Weber, Webba

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