What's Up feat. Florin Ristei - Facem ce vrem - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction What's Up feat. Florin Ristei - Facem ce vrem

Facem ce vrem
Do as We Please
Hai sa facem ce vrem noi
Let's do what we want
Timpul nu da inapoi
Time doesn't turn back
Inainte alergam si noi
Let's run ahead
Nu dam un pas inapoi
We won't take a step back
Nu, nu, nu te mai intreba daca tu
No, no, no, don't wonder if you
Meriti sa ai tot ce vrei
Deserve to have everything you wish
Sfatul meu e sa iti iei
My advice is to take it
Chiar tu
All by yourself
Viata iti da tot ce vrei tu
Life gives you everything you want
Daca muncesti si nu doar ceri
If you work for it and not just ask
Poti sa fi azi mai bun ca ieri
You can be better today than you were yesterday
Daca n-ai pierdut pentru un vis nopti intregi
If you haven't missed long nights for a dream
Vin altii din urma in fuga si n-ai cum sa-i mai intreci
Others will come running after you and you won't be able to overtake them
Daca nu tragi, daca nu faci, daca nu dregi, nu pui suflet poti sa pleci
If you don't pull, if you don't do, if you don't fix, don't put your soul in, you can leave
Nu iti asculti inima, nu stii incotro sa mergi
You don't listen to your heart, you don't know where to go
Dar cand o sa faci ce simti tu, o sa fii eliberat
But when you do what you feel, you will be free
N-o sa ai motive sa fii trist si suparat
You won't have reasons to be sad and upset
Si cand altii o sa te tine in loc, tu sa pleci
When others will hold you back, you leave
Incercarea moarte n-are, nu uita sa-ncerci
Trying doesn't kill, don't forget to try
Hai sa facem ce vrem noi
Let's do what we want
Timpul nu da inapoi
Time doesn't turn back
Inainte alergam si noi
Let's run ahead
Nu dam un pas inapoi
We won't take a step back
Daca vorbim de matematica, ecuatia e simpla
If we talk about math, the equation is simple
Ce nu pui la suflet nu are cum vreodata sa te atinga
What you don't put your soul into can never ever touch you
Lumea din jur vorbeste mult, tu trebuie sa vezi de treaba ta
The world around talks much, you have to take care of your business
Si pe mine m-au tinut multi pe loc pana mi-am dat seama ca tre' sa trag pentru familia mea
Many have held even me back until I realized that I have to pull for my family
Trebuie sa trag pentru familia mea
I have to pull for my family
Cat ar fi viata de grea
No matter how hard life may be
Trebuie sa tragi pentru familia ta
You have to pull for your family
Asa o sa iti bucuri inima
That's how you will make your heart rejoice
Hai sa facem ce vrem noi
Let's do what we want
Timpul nu da inapoi
Time doesn't turn back
Inainte alergam si noi
Let's run ahead
Nu dam un pas inapoi
We won't take a step back

Writer(s): Marius Marian Ivancea, Marius Alexandru Mirica, Dan Gheorghe Grasu

What's Up feat. Florin Ristei - Facem Ce Vrem
Facem Ce Vrem
date de sortie

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