Who See - Stani Pani - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Who See - Stani Pani

Stani Pani
Stani Pani
Nikog′ nema kad je stani pani
There is no one around when the money is gone
E vala uvalim ga mami
My dear, in that case, I'll just have to have my way with you
Prica vi ne piju vodu ma ne ije leba
I swear I don't drink water or eat bread
Uvalim vam ga mami tu ste samo kad sto treba
My dear, I'll have my way with you when you are in need
Kad imam money money tu ce svako samnom sjedat
When I have money, everyone wants to sit with me
A kad je stani pani onda nema vas nijedan
But when the money is gone, not a single one of you is around
Iljadu sam puta tako ispadao penal
I've been taken for a ride a thousand times
Danas je takvo vrijeme svak osvoje prkno gleda
These days, everybody wants to be a spectator
Bolje bi se zivjelo da ima se od cega
Life would be better if we had something to live for
Bice bice bolje ali mora se pricekat
Things will get better, but we have to wait
Pravimo pijanke glumis da si mi prijatelj
We pretend to be friends and drink together
A onda vidim da nisi nego nemogu sjekirat se
But then I realize you're not really my friend, and I can't cut you off
Imam robe svi prilaze ko na tezgu od pijace
I have drugs, and everyone approaches me like I'm a candy shop
Kad ostanem bez novaca vise me ne obilaze
But when I run out of money, they don't visit me anymore
Ko je dobar a ko je tu smrad
Who is good and who is bad?
Vjeruj mi vise ne znam
Trust me, I don't know anymore
Vide da uzimam pare, odjednom je svak odrugar
They see that I have money, and suddenly they're all my friends
Zbore mi koji sam kralj, tu sam im dok im valjam
They tell me I'm the king, but they're only with me when it's convenient
A kad je stani pani niko da obada.
But when the money is gone, no one is there to help.
Volim da dijelim sa svima eto kolko se ima
I like to share with everyone, that's how much I have
Za svakoga se cimat nadjem u nevolji ljudima
I'll do anything for anyone, I'll help people in need
Nikad nisam bio slina ni s moralom klimav
I've never been a coward or a hypocrite
Nego dobricina na kraj bude magarcina
But being a good person always ends up being a fool's errand
Takozvani drugovi a bila ih je masa
So-called friends, there were so many of them
I znam da niko od njih nece pruzit slamku spasa
And I know that none of them will offer me a helping hand
Svaki je proracunat i dobro namazan
They're all calculated and self-serving
Nidje cojka ni junaka ni prsta obraza
There's no courage or heroism or integrity to be found
Nisam mogo ni da pretpostavim sto slijedi
I couldn't have predicted what would happen
Kad je stani pani ostao ko poslednji bijednik
When the money was gone, I was left as the last beggar
Digo sam kredit neke stvari cu da sredim
I took out a loan, I'll have to fix things
Jer vidim da drugacije ne vrijedi
Because I can see that there's no other way
Suplje price i tapsanje po ramenu
Hollow words and pats on the back
Oduvali su povjerenje ko vuk kucu slamenu
They blew my trust away like the wind blowing down a house of straw
A nije mi prvi put da platim cijenu paprenu
And it's not the first time I've paid a heavy price
Kad dodje stani pani j bi vam mamicu
When the money's gone, I swear on your mother

Writer(s): Dedduh

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