Wikluh Sky - Prave barabe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Wikluh Sky - Prave barabe

Prave barabe
Real Thugs
Obrati pazhnju cero, pazi vamo sada sine
Pay attention, girl, listen up, son
Vik lomi rebra ko mc kada padne s bine
Vik breaks ribs like an MC falling off the stage
Svi me znaju i ribe daju da im vatam sise
Everyone knows me, and girls let me grab their tits
Rispekt za ekipu, jbg mnogi to nisu vishe
Respect for the crew, many ain't that anymore, damn
Smem li da vam kazhem da nikad nisam im'o gan
Can I tell you I never had a gun?
Da nisam pobornik koke jer sam naduvan
That I'm not a cokehead because I'm high?
Da mi puca kurac za olosh jer sada znam
That I don't give a fuck about the scum because now I know
Shto nisam vid'o pre, malo pre vid'o sam
What I didn't see before, I just saw
Ortaci ne znaju pa sam pomalo primoran
My homies don't know, so I'm kinda forced
Da im objasnim da u ovoj prichi nisam sam
To explain to them that I'm not alone in this story
Pogledaj samo malo bolje, aa. videces da
Just look a little closer, ah, you'll see that
Zheshca ekipa iza imena vikler skaj
There's a fierce crew behind the name Wikluh Sky
Pazi sad. uradi to i dobij poshtovanje
Watch out now, do it and get respect
Mislish treba mi krimi pricha, brate to je sranje
You think I need a crime story, bro, that's bullshit
Otkud znash shta sam uradio do sada.ha!
How do you know what I've done so far, huh!
O tome ne trubim, ja sam baraba, znash valjda
I don't brag about that, I'm a thug, you know
Prave barabe sredjuju svoje probleme tiho
Real thugs handle their problems quietly
Nema potrebe da se kurchimo, razumesh sinko
No need to show off, you understand, son?
Hocesh da prichamo o igri, mozhemo i to
You wanna talk about the game, we can do that too
Ti se igraj u pesku mi igramo istinito
You play in the sand, we play for real
Istina je bit do neba,
The truth reaches the sky,
Hocesh hip-hop album to je sve shto ti treba
You want a hip-hop album, that's all you need
Aa-ko shvatish da je ti je zhivotna pricha bleda
Ah, if you realize your life story is bland
Onda je bolje shto lazhesh i shto pljujesh na sve od reda
Then it's better you lie and spit on everyone
Uz pomoc senseja i starog crnje leda
With the help of sensei and old black ice
Nauchio sam kako na stvari da gledam
I learned how to look at things
Sad su oko nas samo dobre sise i dupeta
Now there are only good tits and asses around us
Polovnjache, odjebite, klinke su nam meta
Cougar hunters, fuck off, young girls are our target
Svrha brda zaliva i broj 23
The purpose of the hill, the bay, and number 23
Rispekt za "eeeeeej", rispekt za "njiii"
Respect for "eeeeeej", respect for "njiii"
Nije to mi jedemo (?) leba, vi trazhite mamici
That's not how we eat (?), you look for mommy
Koje su bre to priche o p[olicijskoj stanici
What are those stories about the police station
Bili ste tamo, znam jasno je brate,
You were there, I know, it's clear, bro,
Bili ste tamo, al da vadite lichne karte
You were there, but to get your IDs
Lazh sujeta, dno dna, ujeda sad
Lies, vanity, rock bottom, it bites now
Hapshen hiljadu puta, neshto od toga vanja zna
Arrested a thousand times, Vanja knows something about that
Drzhim se samo pravih stvari nisam balavac
I stick to real things, I'm not a brat
Mnogo toga radio sam, tako ne nastavljam
I've done a lot of things, I'm not continuing like that
Jebesh sve te priche gde su prangije i droga
Fuck all those stories where there are cops and drugs
Jebesh chak i klabing kad je zezanje do moga
Fuck even clubbing when the fun is up to me
Sad te buni kako to, kad je bed kopi sprdnja
Now you're confused how come, when the Bed Kopi diss is a joke
Jbg, jedno je bacanje hejta a drugo mrzhnja
Well, throwing hate is one thing, and hatred is another
Za prvo ti trebaju muda, za drugo da si glupav
For the first, you need balls, for the second, to be stupid
Za drugo glupost i sluga za prvo da si mudar
For the second, stupidity and a servant, for the first, to be wise
Chiji se evrici troshe od kluba do kluba
Whose euros are being spent from club to club
Chija su to u stvari kola bash su skupa
Whose cars are those, they're really expensive
Mama ti dala da mi mogao da snimish spot
Your mom gave you money so you could shoot a video
Msilio sam da si kul a u stavri si samo skot
I thought you were cool, but you're just a jerk
Prichash o stvarima koje nikad necesh imati
You talk about things you'll never have
I usput mislish da ce se klinci na sve to primati
And you think kids will fall for all that
Al nemaju svi bogate roditelje shto imash ti
But not everyone has rich parents like you do
Nemoj ulicu u svoje pesme ubacivati
Don't bring the street into your songs
Jer chuce te neko ko se time, zapravo, bavi
Because someone who actually deals with it will hear you
Shimike u bulju jedva ce chekati da ti stavi
They'll be just waiting to give you a punch in the face
A ti cesh prichati kako se, zapravo, shalish
And you'll say you were just kidding
A bice suvishe kasno, pa cesh negde da palish
And it will be too late, so you'll have to run away
Jer drugo ne znash i drugo ne mozhesh
Because you don't know anything else and you can't do anything else
Mozhesh da kenjash, ali bolje pazi se
You can talk shit, but you better watch out
Ulica nisi ako si josh na sisi
You're not street if you're still on your mom's tit
Posle se pitash shto te tol'ko ne vole
Then you wonder why so many people don't like you

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