Wilfran Castillo - Mosaico de Exitos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Wilfran Castillo - Mosaico de Exitos

Mosaico de Exitos
Mosaic of Hits
Hay me han contado que te han visto por hay
I've been told that you've been seen around
Caminando por las calles y al llorar
Walking the streets and crying
Que tu risa esta perdida que te sangran las heridas y que preguntas por mi vida y nadien te quiere contar
That your smile is lost, your wounds are bleeding, and you're asking about my life, but no one wants to tell you
Si supieran que tu tienes la razon
If they only knew that you're right
Al decir que yo te amo de verdad
When you say that I love you for real
A mi lado te enviarian
They would send you to my side
Con una nota que diga
With a note that says
Esa es la hemdra de su vida
This is the woman of his life
No la vaya usted a dejar.
Don't let her go.
Ella tiene todo todo
She has everything, everything
Lo que a mi me hace falta
That I'm missing
Porque ella es mi locura
Because she's my madness
Ella es una aventura
She's an adventure
Ella me lleva al cielo
She takes me to heaven
Solo con un te quiero
With just an I love you
Como un niño pequeño
Like a little child
Me miente y yo le creoooo
She lies to me and I believe her.
Como duele mirar que se aleja tu amor
How it hurts to watch your love walk away
Ay cuando parecias tan feliz
When you seemed so happy
Como duele pensar que malgasto mi fe
How it hurts to think that I've wasted my faith
Y este amor dejo de respirar
And this love has stopped breathing
Dime como te saco de mi mente y te saco
Tell me how to get you out of my mind and get you out
Ay vete de mi vida pero llevame contigo vida mia
Oh, go out of my life, but take me with you, my life
No permitas que me maten las heridas
Don't let them kill me with the wounds
Que me va a dejar tu adios
That your goodbye will leave me with
Ay marchate si quieres
Oh, go away if you want to
Y condename al amor de otras mujeres
And condemn me to the love of other women
Que aunque se que son muy buenas y me quieren
Even though I know they are very good and love me
Yo a ti no te voy a olvodar
I will never forget you
No mires mis ojos que no lo mereces
Don't look into my eyes, you don't deserve it
Por fin te conosco que desilucion
I finally know you, what a disappointment
Las aves se fueron y el cielo en negrese contigo se fue nuestra luna de siempre
The birds have flown and the sky is black with you, our moon has gone forever
Pero buenos mal nadien me quita a DIOS
But well, oh well, nobody can take God from me
Pudiste decirlo antes de que te viera
You could have said it before I saw you
Pues siempre hay perdon pa' las almas sinceras
Because there is always forgiveness for sincere souls
Y recuerda que DIOS perdono hasta a un ladron
And remember that God even forgave a thief
Que DIOS te cuide si una persona quiere hacerte daño para que nunca lleves en tus manos
May God protect you if someone wants to hurt you, so that you may never bear in your hands
Este dolor que tu amor me ha dejado
This pain that your love has left me with
Ay ay ayyyyyyy
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh
Se que tienes compromiso vida mia
I know you have a commitment, my life
Y no has podido brindarme una esperanza
And you haven't been able to give me a hope
Pero llega la mañana y yo te pienso
But when the morning comes, I think of you
En la tarde mas te pienso
In the afternoon, I think of you even more
Y que voy hacer contigo
And what am I going to do with you?
Pues me llaman tus amigas a contarme de tu vida
Because your friends call me to tell me about your life
Y no me guanto hoy pretendo conquistarte
And I can't take it anymore, today I intend to win you over
Que te quiero que te pienso que te estraño y que te amo
That I love you, that I think of you, that I miss you, and that I adore you
Y locamente enamorado
And I'm madly in love
He llegado hasta tu puerta
I have come to your door
A decirte niña hermosa
To tell you, beautiful girl
Que me estoy muriendo por tus besos
That I am dying for your kisses
Ay tienes novio no me importa ya me he vuelto un descarado
Oh, you have a boyfriend, I don't care, I've become a shameless one
Te envio cartas, te envio rosas y tu no me has contestado
I send you letters, I send you roses, and you haven't answered me
Pero callas y parece que no quieres estar a su lado
But you keep quiet and it seems that you don't want to be by his side
Ay no necesito que tengas riquezas
Oh, I don't need you to have riches
Para que alejes de mi la tristesas
To take away my sadness
Yo solo quiero un beso
I just want a kiss
Para volverme de tus labios preso
To become a prisoner of your lips
No me hace falta ser el dueño del cielo
I don't need to own the sky
Ni que me entregues desnudo tu cuerpo
Or for you to give me your naked body
Para decir te quero
To say I love you
Yo solo necesito que me mires
I just need you to look at me
Y que me digas que de aqui a la luna
And tell me that from here to the moon
Donde esta la luna que yo no la veo
Where's the moon? I don't see it
Pero tu dime que de aqui a la luna
But tell me that from here to the moon
Solo hay un minuto que yo te lo creo
There's only a minute, and I'll believe you.
Dilo reina, dilo ahora y no te tardes tanto
Say it, queen, say it now, and don't take too long
Que me esta doliendo tanto tanto tanto
Because it's hurting me so much, so much, so much
Tu silencio
Your silence
Te confieso que en mis noche te he soñado tanto y hay en medio de mi sueños de tus he bebido. (dis)
I confess that in my nights I have dreamt of you so much, and in the midst of my dreams I have drunk from you. (dis)

Writer(s): Wilfran Castillo

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