Willie Colón - Juanito Alimaña - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Willie Colón - Juanito Alimaña

Juanito Alimaña
Juanito Alimaña
La calle es una selva de cemento
The street is a concrete jungle
Y de fieras salvajes, como no
And of wild beasts, of course
Ya no hay quien salga loco de contento
There is no longer anyone who leaves crazy with joy
Donde quiera te espera lo peor
Wherever you go, the worst awaits you
Donde quiera te espera lo peor
Wherever you go, the worst awaits you
Juanito Alimaña con mucha maña llega al mostrador
Juanito Alimaña arrives at the counter with a lot of guile
Saca su cuchillo sin preocupación
He pulls out his knife without worry
Dice que le entreguen la registradora
He says to hand over the cash register
Saca los billetes, saca un pistolón, ¡pum!
He takes out the bills, takes out a pistol, bam!
Sale como el viento en su disparada
He runs like the wind, on the run
Y aunque ya lo vieron nadie ha visto nada
And although they saw him, no one has seen anything
Juanito Alimaña pa' la fechoría se toma su caña
Juanito Alimaña has a drink for the misdeed
Fabrica su orgía
He manufactures his orgy
La gente le teme porque es de cuidado
People fear him because he is cautious
Pa' meterle mano hay que ser un bravo
To put a hand on him, you have to be brave
Si lo meten preso sale al otro día
If they put him in jail, he will go free the next day
Porque un primo suyo 'tá en la policía
Because a cousin of his is in the police
Juanito Alimaña si tiene maña es malicia viva
Juanito Alimaña, if he has guile, it is malice
Y siempre se alinea con el que está arriba
And he always aligns himself with the one above
Y aunque a medio mundo le robó su plata
And although he stole money from half the world
Todos lo comentan nadie lo delata
Everyone talks about it, no one reports it
Y aunque a todo el mundo le robó la plata
And although he stole money from everyone
Todos lo comentan nadie lo delata
Everyone talks about it, no one reports it
A la la ley ley ley ley
To the law, law, law, law
En su mundo mujeres, fumada, y caña
In his world, women, smoking and drinking
Atracando vive Juanito Alimaña
Juanito Alimaña lives by mugging
Cuando él era muchachito
When he was a little boy
Las cositas que pedía
The little things he asked for
Y si no se las daba, las mangaba
And if you didn't give them to him, he would steal them
Como quiera la cogía
He would take them anyway
En su mundo mujeres, fumada, y caña
In his world, women, smoking and drinking
Atracando vive Juanito Alimaña
Juanito Alimaña lives by mugging
Ese, ese tumba lo que ve
That one, that one knocks down what he sees
Si lo ve mal puesto
If he sees it badly placed
Anda cuida tu cartera
Look after your wallet
Ese que sabe de eso
He knows about that
En su mundo mujeres, fumada, y caña (Atracando)
In his world, women, smoking and drinking (Mugging)
Atracando (Atracando) vive Juanito Alimaña
Mugging (Mugging) Juanito Alimaña lives
Si el otro día lo encontré
If the other day I found him
Y guilla'o, él me decía
And guilla'o, he told me
Tumba aquí lo que quieras
Knock down whatever you want here
Pues mi primo es policía
Because my cousin is a policeman
En su mundo mujeres, fumada, y caña (Ese es)
In his world, women, smoking and drinking (That's him)
Atracando (Ese es) vive Juanito Alimaña
Mugging (That's him) Juanito Alimaña lives
Oye, como alma que lleva el diablo
Listen, like a soul driven by the devil
Se tira su disparada
He shoots
Y aunque la gente lo vieron
And although people saw him
No lo ratean porque nadie ha visto nada
They don't report him because no one has seen anything
En su mundo mujeres, fumada, y caña
In his world, women, smoking and drinking

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