Wohnout - Bananas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Wohnout - Bananas

to bylo zamlada
Oh, those were the days of youth
Když kousnul sem si od hada
When I took a bite from a serpent's tooth
Jedem napuštěnýho banánu
Of a ripe and juicy banana
No to byl tanec po ránu.
Oh, what a morning dance.
Hned pak sem pochopil
Then I realized
To co je v jídle zdravej styl
The meaning of a healthy diet
A vyrazil sem do krámu
And set off to the grocery store
Nakoupit deset kilo banánů.
To buy ten kilos of bananas.
Prodavačka od rány,
But the cashier was crabby
Co na ni asi šly krámy
(Someone must have rubbed her the wrong way)
Nevrle odvětila mi
And snapped at me
Že teď právě došly banány
That she had just run out of bananas.
A to sem nebyl rád
And I was not happy
Teď bude žízeň bude hlad
Now my thirst and hunger would be insatiable
Řekla mi je to nemilé
She told me it was unfortunate
časy sou zlé Kamile
Oh, times are tough, Camille
časy sou zlé Kamile
Oh, times are tough, Camille
jo jajajaja
Oh yeah, whatever
Jdu a nevim kudy kam
I wandered about, not knowing where to go
A jedno vim že unikám
But one thing I knew: I had to escape
Tam kde jsou volně padaný
To where bananas fell freely
na férovku banány
Oh, a world where bananas were fair game
A pohoda a klid je tam
And there is peace and quiet there
A ve znaku žlutej banán
And a big yellow banana on the sign
A maj tam jenom jediný
And they have only one rule
banánový dějiny
Bananas are the history of the world
Tak šel sem někam do háje
So I went somewhere into the bushes
A vocitl se u ráje
And stumbled upon paradise
A dveře byly zadřený
But the doors were jammed shut
A všechny vokna zavřený
And all the windows boarded up.
A venku seděl starej chlap
And outside sat an old man
Věkem stopětašedesát
One hundred and sixty years of age
Bylo mu a tak neváhal
He did not hesitate
A bílou holí zamával
And waved his white cane
A řek mi ty si mladej kluk
And he said to me, "You're a young boy
Máš péro, rizzly, šíp a luk
You have a pen, a razor, a bow and an arrow
Chtěl bych se heslo dovědět
I'd like to know the password
Tak pokus se ho povědět
So try to tell me."
Tak řeknu, že znám jediný
So I said that I knew only one
Který mu řeknu bez viny
Which I would tell him without guilt
A to slovo je nevinný
And that word is "innocent"
A týká se byliny
And it refers to that plant
A týká se byliny
And it refers to that plant
jo jajajaja
Oh yeah, whatever
Tak poslal sem ho do háje
So I sent him on his way
A rozkop dveře do ráje
And kicked open the doors to paradise
A to co sem tam uviděl
And what I saw there
Sem nikdy nikde neviděl
I had never seen before.
A nejen že by před námi
And not only were they in front of us
Rostly, byly i za námi
They were also behind us
A všude kolem plantáže
And all around the plantations
A na nich žlutý banány
Were yellow bananas
A pak sem se probudil
And then I woke up
Řek si že blbej sen to byl
And told myself it was a silly dream
Že nikdy bych se po ránu
That I would never bite into a banana
Nezakousnul do banánu
First thing in the morning
Když najednou slyšim mámu
When suddenly I heard my mother
Jak chce abych šel do krámu
Asking me to go to the grocery store
Pro jabka a pár banánů
For apples and some bananas
A dvě, tři štangle tvrdejch salámů
And two or three sticks of hard salami
Tak co bych po ránu
So what could I do that morning
neudělal pro mámu
For my mother?
Tak vstanu a jdu do krámu
So I got up and went to the grocery store
Nakoupit deset kilo banánů
To buy ten kilos of bananas.
A tam jsem pochopil
And there I realized
Že tohle žádnej sen nebyl
That this was no dream
Že na ženě od rány
That the woman who had been crabby
Bylo vidět že asi krámy
Probably had her period
Bylo vidět že krámy
Probably had her period
jo jajajaja
Oh yeah, whatever
A tak sem si za branou
So I just waited outside the gates
dal špeka a chyt žravou
With a piece of bacon and a ready mouth
Neměl sem jinou vidinu
I had no other choice
Než vysrat se na rodinu
But to leave my family
Těch deset kilo banánů
Those ten kilos of bananas
A dvacet kilo banánů
And twenty kilos of bananas
A třicet kilo banánů
And thirty kilos of bananas
sežral v tu ránu.
I ate them all that morning.

Writer(s): Jan Homola, Matej Homola

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