Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492: Act 1 - "Non più andrai" - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492: Act 1 - "Non più andrai"

Le nozze di Figaro, K.492: Act 1 - "Non più andrai"
The Marriage of Figaro, K.492: Act 1 - "No More You'll Go"
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso,
No more you'll go, you amorous butterfly,
Notte e giorno d'intorno girando;
Flitting around by day and night;
Delle belle turbando il riposo
Disturbing the fair, their repose,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor.
Narcissus, little Adonis of love.
Non più avrai questi bei pennacchini,
No more you'll wear those fine feathers,
Quel cappello leggero e galante,
That light and graceful hat,
Quella chioma, quell'aria brillante,
That glorious mane, that bright gaze,
Quel vermiglio donnesco color.
That womanish bloom.
Tra guerrieri, poffar Bacco!
Among the warriors, by Bacchus!
Gran mustacchi, stretto sacco.
Strong mustaches, tight coat.
Schioppo in spalla, sciabola al fianco,
Musket on your shoulder, saber at your side,
Collo dritto, muso franco,
Head held high, fearless face,
Un gran casco, o un gran turbante,
A great helmet or a big turban,
Molto onor, poco contante,
Much honor, little cash,
Ed invece del fandango,
And instead of the fandango,
Una marcia per il fango.
A march through the mud.
Per montagne, per valloni,
Over mountains, through valleys,
Con le nevi e i solleoni.
In snow and heat.
Al concerto di tromboni,
At the concert of trombones,
Di bombarde, di cannoni,
Of bombards, of cannons,
Che le palle in tutti i tuoni
Whose balls in every key
All'orecchio fan fischiar.
Whistle in your ears.
Cherubino alla vittoria:
Cherubino to victory:
Alla gloria militar.
To military glory.
No irás más, mariposón amoroso
You won't go anymore, my little love butterfly
Día y noche rondando alrededor
Fluttering around all day and night
De las bellas, turbándoles el reposo,
Disturbing the fair, their repose,
Narcisito, pequeño Adonis del amor.
Narcissus, my little Adonis of love.
No tendrás ya estos bellos penachos,
You won't have these fine feathers anymore,
Ese sombrero ligero y galante,
That light and graceful hat,
Esa cabellera, ese aire brillante,
That glorious mane, that bright gaze,
Ese sonrosado color femenino.
That womanish bloom.
Entre guerreros ¡voto a Baco!
Among the warriors, by Bacchus!
Grandes mostachos, ajustada casaca,
Strong mustaches, tight coat.
El fusil a la espalda, el sable al flanco,
Musket on your shoulder, saber at your side,
Cuello erguido, gesto franco,
Head held high, fearless face,
Un gran casco, un gran turbante,
A great helmet or a big turban,
Mucho honor, poco dinero,
Much honor, little cash,
Y en vez del fandango
And instead of the fandango,
Una marcha por el fango,
A march through the mud.
Por montañas, por valles,
Over mountains, through valleys,
Con las nieves y los grandes calores
In snow and heat.
Al concierto de trombones,
At the concert of trombones,
De bombardas, de cañones,
Of bombards, of cannons,
Que las balas en todos los tonos
Whose balls in every key
Al oído hacen silbar.
Whistle in your ears.
Cherubino a la victoria,
Cherubino to victory:
A la gloria militar.
To military glory.

Writer(s): Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Eric Lagace

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