Wurzel 5 - Füüf druf - traduction des paroles en anglais

Füüf druf - Wurzel 5traduction en anglais

Füüf druf
Five on it
Mis Bärn mi stadt Chlyklass mi clan Obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My Bern my city Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
U aues dänkä zrügg a di tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Mi stadt mis bärn chlyklass mi clan obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My city my Bern Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
Und aues dänke zrügg a die tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Bsinne mi zrügg ad afäng mit mine lüt mitti 90 abhängä im Rosägartä ds vergisseni nüm freestyle
Remembering back to the beginning with my homies in the middle of the 90's chilling in the Rosengarten forgetting is not possible freestyle
Und beatbox zum zytvertribe jedä 4 zilä luege abä uf d autstadt
And beatbox to pass the time every four two look down on the old town
U nydeggchilä Wurzu 5 biudetsech 19 nün sibä s wärdet lieder gschribe link di erschtä beats am schmidä
And naked kids Wurzel 5 presents itself nineteen ninety seven songs are written link the first beats are being forged
Zyt vergeit mir schribä takes u gäbä konzert ir gägend vo bärn
Time passes by we write takes and give concerts in the area of Bern
U nämä zräppä no ärnscht finde üsi näme uf lischtä vo klübs ir stadt später grüess mi z mau di frömde lüt
And take rapping seriously find our names on lists of clubs in the city later greet me to strangers
Uf dr strass chnüpfe kontakt entwärfe und verwärfe konzept plän mit Thomes&Baze
On the street making contact discard and discard concepts plans with Thomes&Baze
U PV wärde konkret Chlyklass weisch was geit ab verschteisch das mi stadt Bärn city
And PVs become concrete Chlyklass you know what's going on you understand that my city Bern city
Wo sech im ch-rap breit macht isch nid angers hüt no geng am plattene presse
Where it's making a name for itself in Swiss rap it's still no different today always pressing records
U au di angere deppä si nur sit langem am redä während mer d massä bewegä ärntemer hass
And all the other fools have only been talking for a long time while we are moving the masses we reap hatred
U liebi für teu e plag i dr szene für teu ä klass für sich bhaut mi name in ehrä uf jede bis zur letschtä schlacht trage
And love for a plague in the scene for a class of its own built my name in honor on every single one to the last battle wear
D hosä tief trinke dosebier no wi am erschtä tag.
The pants low drink dosage still like on the first day.
Mis Bärn mi stadt Chlyklass mi clan Obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My Bern my city Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
U aues dänkä zrügg a di tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Mi stadt mis bärn chlyklass mi clan obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My city my Bern Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
Und aues dänke zrügg a die tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Mängisch bsinne mi zrügg ha se gliebt die dräckige grücht dämleche crews
Sometimes I think back I loved the dirty rumours stupid crews
U aues gfährleche süsch dänkä zrügg i wirds für immer vermisse z bänkli bi de büsch
And all the dangerous rest think back I will always miss it to benches by the bushes
Z hängä bi dr brügg di süff üse lärm i de klübs mir dränge üs uf mängä närvt sech ab
Hang out by the bridge the booze our noise in the clubs we push ourselves on some get annoyed
üs schlö geng über d schträng a private partys kennt me di gäng ungladeni gescht a dim fest verlade
We always fight over the strings at private parties you know the uninvited guests at your party get uninvited
Wi pescht mache dr stress u verharre bis z letscht i wirds für immer vermisse au di hirngrissene schisse
Like plague make the stress and persevere to the last I will always miss it even the crazy shots
Wo meine heig d finger im bizznezz nid merkä ds se wird dissä itz wott no eine cho meineSerej seg
Where my heig the fingers in the bizznezz not notice it will be this itz wants to come another one meineSerej seg
Eine vo sejä wo seich umeschreie nid preiche bim seiche mit blei i de scheiche gheie
One of them who rewrite around don't preach at the sink with lead in the sheikhs gheie
Wi steine itz freie sig eine wi keine geischtige penner u mini leischtig im eimer söu keine
Like stones itz free be one like no mental wankers and my performance in the bucket should no one
Cho meine mein mi wi keine keini cho meine heig ladys im gheime kennä di theme weisch wasi meine
Come my my me like no keini come my heig ladys in secret know the themes you know what I mean
Söu keine cho meine sig aues im reime nur fründe ke feinde fame u glücklech deheime
Should no one come my be all in the rhyme only friends no enemies fame and happy at home
Mis Bärn mi stadt Chlyklass mi clan Obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My Bern my city Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
U aues dänkä zrügg a di tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Mi stadt mis bärn chlyklass mi clan obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My city my Bern Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
Und aues dänke zrügg a die tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Bsinne mi zrügg im Rosegarte i de 90er jahr mit de homes am hange nume schüelerautag
Thinking back to the Rose Garden in the 90s with the homes on the slope only school days
No ke sorgefaute hätt no viu wüeschter ta no ke vorgabe ke ziu no ke schtüüre zahlä
No worries would have been much wilder then no defaults no goals no taxes to pay
Wott ke vortrag haute nid dr tüüfu ad wand male jede geit si eiget wäg hützutags
Don't want to give a lecture not paint the tüüfu on the wall everyone goes their own way today
Lige immer meh steine im wäg überau es git type di meine si mache cash bim glücksrad rap
There are always more stones in the way anyway there are types who think they make cash at the wheel of fortune rap
Mis rückgrad no geng wi geng luege ume ir masse hani dr trend verpennt nume drum'n'bass
My backbone still like always look around in the mass I have missed the trend only because of it'n'bass
En masse a jedem event wirsch ja plötzlech no schwul da bisch emu im trend ds de scho
En masse at every event you suddenly become gay there you are already in the trend that you already
Nid Chlyklass ke no name prosticher verhet länger aus popstars im showbizznezz gshe
Not Chlyklass no more name prosticher verhet longer from pop stars in showbiz
Viu szeneschlampe u hoschiss unger cervelatpromis aber keine ändet glohrrich
A lot of scene sluts and hoschiss among cervelatpromis but no one ends up glorious
Mis Bärn mi stadt Chlyklass mi clan Obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My Bern my city Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
U aues dänkä zrügg a di tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Mi stadt mis bärn chlyklass mi clan obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My city my Bern Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
Und aues dänke zrügg a die tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Mis Bärn mi stadt Chlyklass mi clan Obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My Bern my city Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
U aues dänkä zrügg a di tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.
Mi stadt mis bärn chlyklass mi clan obstbärg mi kreis mis eis
My city my Bern Chlyklass my clan Obstberg my circle my ice
Und aues dänke zrügg a die tagä unger dr brügg am hangä nume liebi für mini lüt isch hüt no nid angers.
And always think back to the days under the bridge on the slope only love for my people is still no different today.

Writer(s): Alexander Heidekker, Cedric Marti, Etienne Marti, Pierrot Bissegger

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