Siempre Dije Que Era Un Emfermo, Psiquiatrico, Gritando A Los Cuatro Vientos
I've always said that I was sick, psychiatric, screaming to the four winds
Mi Emfermedad Es Por Ver Tanta Maldad Que Se Respira En El Pavimento
My illness is from seeing so much evil that is breathed in the pavement
No Es Mi verdad Esta Es La Verdad,
It's not my truth, this is the truth,
De No Ser Nada A Ser Algo Hay Un Paso El Sacrificio El Oficio De Ser Poeta Del cementerio de mis recuerdos
From being nothing to being something, there is a step, the sacrifice, the trade of being a poet from the cemetery of my memories
El intentar estar Cuerdo Cuando el Mundo en curda Quiero Ser El bueno Y termino Siendo Veneno Exterminando A La Poblacion
Trying to be sane when the world is drunk, I want to be good and I end up being poison, exterminating the population
De Un Genero Que No existe Me Insisten Que Yo Sea Uno Mas De Ellos Pero No Puedo Yo No Soy Como Ellos
Of a genre that does not exist, they insist that I be one more of them, but I can't, I'm not like them
Soy Preso De Una Fama Que No Vivo Soy Muerto en El Pais De Los Vivos
I am a prisoner of a fame that I do not live, I am dead in the land of the living
Quiero Ser Feliz y Todos Me Apuntan A Mi Jamas Me Catalooge en Si ese Titulo Te Lo Da Gente Es Evidente Nunca Se Dieron Cuenta Yo No Soy de Un Barrio
I want to be happy and everyone points at me, I never cataloged myself, if that title is given to you by people, it is evident they never realized that I am not from a neighborhood
Yo Soy De Todos Desde Los 16 Que Vivo Solo Porque Naci Solo Y Adentro de Mi Pecho siempre Estube Solo
I am from everywhere, since I was 16 I have lived alone because I was born alone and inside my chest I have always been alone
Temblando Atras De Un Escenario Gente Dense Cuenta No Soy Un ejemplo Soy Un Templo
Trembling behind a stage, people, realize that I am not an example, I am a temple
Bienvenidos ala religion irionera Bienvenidos donde todo emfermo de amor se suicida Con Las Rimas de Otro emfermo de Amor
Welcome to the Irionian religion, welcome where every sick with love commits suicide with the rhymes of another sick with love
Y Asi viene La Historia si Me Odia Tiren eEeh Pero No Lo Pienzen Disparen, Ni Me Avisen Eeh Saquen el Alma De Esta Carcel De Cuerpo que Me Dieron
And so the story comes, if you hate me, shoot, but don't think about it, shoot, don't even tell me, take the soul out of this prison of a body that they gave me
Mi Musica ya No me Pertenece Desde Los 13 Que Estoy en esto Pese A quien Le Pese Si Mi Rap no Te Convence Es porque Mi vida No Te Convence.
My music no longer belongs to me, since I was 13 I've been in this, despite whoever it may concern, if my rap doesn't convince you, it's because my life doesn't convince you.
Yo se Lo Que Escribo Mi Multiples personalidades son Las Caritas De Cada Uno De Ustedes Nadie daba Un Peso Por mii
I know what I write, my multiple personalities are the faces of each one of you, no one gave a dime for me
Ahora ahi Dos Bandos Los Que Me Aman y Los Que Me Aman Aun Mas Aunque Algunos Prefieran Llamarlo Envidia,
Now there are two sides, those who love me and those who love me even more, although some prefer to call it envy,
Y cuando El Profesor Habla Pachas Escucha Y Se Calla La Boca
And when the professor speaks, lay down your arms and shut your mouth
Hace 16 Años Vengo con Esto, y Me Dicen Creido Creido No sacan Las Chapas Donde La Tienen Que Sacar Y es Arriba De Las Tablas,
16 years ago I came with this, and they call me arrogant, arrogant, they don't put their words where they put their guts, which is on the stage,
Maleducado Callese La Boca Y escuche, Estense Manzo Eeh.
Rude, shut up and listen, be tame.
Prraaa Esto No Es Un Libreto Esta Es La realidad Amigo, Te Duele? A mi Me Duele Mas La falta De Respecto, prrraa
Dear, this is not a script, this is reality, does it hurt you? It hurts me more the lack of respect,
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