Xhelazz - Solo Son Vidas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xhelazz - Solo Son Vidas

Solo Son Vidas
Just Lives
María se muere de cáncer,
Maria is dying of cancer,
Pablo fumó su primer cigarro ayer.
Pablo smoked his first cigarette yesterday.
Alicia jamás va a volver,
Alicia will never return,
Nunca lo superó Javier.
Javier never got over it.
Eduardo borracho llega a casa,
Eduardo comes home drunk,
Olga corre a esconderse con Diana.
Olga runs to hide with Diana.
Laura por fín ha sido mamá.
Laura has finally become a mother.
Raúl desaparece del mapa,
Raúl disappears from the map,
Sara vomita para no engordar.
Sara throws up so she doesn't gain weight.
Manuel come los restos que en la basura deja Clara.
Manuel eats the leftovers Clara leaves in the trash.
A Marcos lo han vuelto a encarcelar,
Marcos has been imprisoned again,
Carmen grita libertad.
Carmen shouts for freedom.
Fernando tiene miedo,
Fernando is afraid,
Moises sigue llorando en silencio.
Moises continues to cry in silence.
Rebeca se abrocha el cinturón de seguridad,
Rebeca fastens her seat belt,
Nacho ya no puede levantarse de la silla
Nacho can no longer get out of his chair
A abrazar a Soledad.
To hug Soledad.
Rosa y Ángel desean una hija,
Rosa and Ángel wish for a daughter,
Así nació Silvia.
That's how Silvia was born.
Nuria se acostó virgen,
Nuria went to bed a virgin,
Madre se despertó Patricia.
Patricia woke up a mother.
Alfredo cuela en España a Gladielo y sín papeles.
Alfredo sneaks Gladielo into Spain without papers.
Paco rechaza inmigración pero elige a Joandra en burdeles.
Paco rejects immigration but chooses Joandra in brothels.
A Inés no le gusta que le toquen,
Inés doesn't like to be touched,
Sofía cobra por ello.
Sofía charges for it.
Jorge no lo haría,
Jorge wouldn't do it,
Iván paga por tocar a Consuelo.
Iván pays to touch Consuelo.
Pedro está enfermo y se muere,
Pedro is sick and dying,
Carlos quiere y no puede.
Carlos wants to but can't.
Sergio está fuerte,
Sergio is strong,
Marta sueña con que la quieren,
Marta dreams of being loved,
Isabel con que la dejen,
Isabel of being left alone,
Ramón no lo comprende.
Ramón doesn't understand it.
No es un golpe contra el armario
It's not a blow against the closet
Lo que lleva en la cara Irene.
What Irene wears on her face.
Víctor no se aclara,
Victor is not clear,
Verónica besa a Alba,
Veronica kisses Alba,
Natalia no llega a fín de mes,
Natalia doesn't make it to the end of the month,
Juan y Elena trabajan y pagan los estudios de Andrés.
Juan and Elena work and pay for Andrés' studies.
Pascual ya es viejo, nota que se va.
Pascual is already old, he feels he is leaving.
Ana acaba de llegar al mundo
Ana has just arrived in the world
Y ya ha enamorado a Adrián.
And she has already made Adrián fall in love.
Míriam echa de menos a Alan,
Míriam misses Alan,
Cristina se muda con Paula.
Cristina moves in with Paula.
A Eva conocidos le sobran,
Eva has too many acquaintances,
A Carol amigos le faltan.
Carol lacks friends.
Rubén es feliz con Arancha,
Rubén is happy with Arancha,
Ricardo abandona a Charo,
Ricardo abandons Charo,
Sonia su corazón ya ha ocupado.
Sonia has already occupied his heart.
David y Esther discuten a diario,
David and Esther argue daily,
Son Merche y Santiago quien más lo sufren
Merche and Santiago suffer the most
Y callados en su cuarto.
And silent in their room.
Álvaro se ha escapado,
Álvaro has run away,
Lo buscan Oliver y Lucía.
Oliver and Lucía are looking for him.
Bárbara aún llora su pérdida,
Bárbara still mourns her loss,
Pero qué más da, si sólo son vidas
But what does it matter, if they are just lives
Sólo son vidas,
Just lives,
Te has parado a pensar
Have you stopped to think
Qué parecidas son la tuya y la mía?
How similar yours and mine are?
Sólo son vidas.(x2)
Just lives.(x2)
Alberto a las séis entra en fábrica,
Alberto enters the factory at six,
A las diez sale Marina.
Marina leaves at ten.
Andrea olvida fichar
Andrea forgets to clock in
A Belén no le pagan lo que a Germán.
Belén is not paid what Germán is paid.
Mónica enseña el puesto nuevo a Pilar.
Mónica shows Pilar her new position.
Aunque Héctor se oponga,
Even though Héctor opposes it,
Oscar despide a Fermín,
Oscar fires Fermín,
Se tiene que marchar.
He has to leave.
Agustín no llena la nevera,
Agustín doesn't fill the fridge,
Tiene hambre Nerea.
Nerea is hungry.
Jose trae esperanzas
Jose brings hope
Alfonso desilusiona a César.
Alfonso disappoints César.
Luis da puñetazos,
Luis throws punches,
Elías está sangrando,
Elías is bleeding,
Raquel a la ambulancia ha avisado.
Raquel has called the ambulance.
Beatriz pregunta qué está pasando.
Beatriz asks what is happening.
Jesús no sabe qué hacer en el futuro,
Jesús doesn't know what to do in the future,
Aprueba oposiciones Arturo.
Arturo passes the civil service exams.
Rocío se maquilla para quitarse edad,
Rocío puts on makeup to take away her age,
Vanesa maquillada parece más mayor,
Vanesa looks older with makeup,
Así Tomás en la discoteca no pide el carné al entrar.
So Tomás doesn't ask for ID at the disco.
Enrique vende pastillas a Alejandro,
Enrique sells pills to Alejandro,
Dadi las ha adulterado,
Dadi has adulterated them,
Teresa las ha tomado,
Teresa has taken them,
Un tembleque raro siente Juanjo.
Juanjo feels a strange tremor.
Gustavo recuerda la sonrisa de Carla,
Gustavo remembers Carla's smile,
El mejor grafiti de Antonio
Antonio's best graffiti
Es el pintado en memoria de Tamara.
Is the one painted in memory of Tamara.
Darío entrevista a Roberto,
Darío interviews Roberto,
Tania cruza los dedos.
Tania crosses her fingers.
Emilio tiene talento,
Emilio has talent,
Noelia no confía en Diego.
Noelia doesn't trust Diego.
Macarena odia las fronteras,
Macarena hates borders,
Aurelio siente los colores de la bandera.
Aurelio feels the colors of the flag.
Joaquín y Blanca reniegan de su tierra,
Joaquín and Blanca renounce their land,
Hugo gasta en bingos la paga.
Hugo spends his allowance on bingo.
Begoña acusa a Adriana.
Begoña accuses Adriana.
Victoria roba a Cristin,
Victoria steals from Cristin,
Aurora vigila a Adam.
Aurora watches Adam.
Felipe se obsesiona con Ángela.
Felipe is obsessed with Ángela.
Dentro de un mes se casa Lorena,
Lorena is getting married in a month,
Para Rosana su matrimonio es una condena.
For Rosana her marriage is a condemnation.
Almudena visita la tumba de Rafa,
Almudena visits Rafa's grave,
Ángeles abraza a Susana.
Ángeles hugs Susana.
Fidel seca las lágrimas de Yolanda.
Fidel dries Yolanda's tears.
El sexo para Federico es delito,
Sex for Federico is a crime,
Para Ismael deleite, sobretodo con Maite.
For Ismael a delight, especially with Maite.
Nicolás afiló a Jaime.
Nicolás sharpened Jaime.
Alex y Sandra se ven a escondidas,
Alex and Sandra see each other secretly,
Adolfo compra con regalos el amor de Sabrina.
Adolfo buys Sabrina's love with gifts.
Bruno respeta a Virginia.
Bruno respects Virginia.
Miguel fue el único que no visitó a Leticia.
Miguel was the only one who didn't visit Leticia.
Mario ya no entiende nada,
Mario doesn't understand anything anymore,
Pero qué más da, si sólo son vidas
But what does it matter, if they are just lives
Sólo son vidas,
Just lives,
Te has parado a pensar
Have you stopped to think
Qué parecidas son la tuya y la mía?
How similar yours and mine are?
Sólo son vidas.
Just lives.
Sólo son vidas,
Just lives,
Te has parado a pensar
Have you stopped to think
Qué parecidas son la tuya y la mía?
How similar yours and mine are?
Sólo son vidas.
Just lives.

Writer(s): Eric Cunningham Sarabia, Mario Celimendiz Rodellar

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